We all know Netanyahu is not a right winger. He's another version of Peres and Rabin.
The fact Israel is jailing a hero IDF soldier like Azariya for killing an Arab terrorist shows how down hill Israel is going.
Israel needs to have a shoot policy to kill Muslim terrorists.
Kahane said it best. I would rather have an Israel hated by the world, than loved by all in Auschwitz.
Netanyahu for 8 years won't even let Jews build houses in East Jerusalem cause Netanyahu wants to be loved by the Europeans and state department.
The bottom line is this, all Jihadist Muslim terrorists in Israel must be removed.
The Arab terrorists in the Knesset must be removed from Israel.
The Arab terrorists in Jerusalem must be removed from Israel.
The fact that there are Arab terrorists in the Knesset and Claim is barred from Israeli in insanity.