Author Topic: "mikveh yisroel..." from the selichot for the fifth penitential day...  (Read 1283 times)

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Offline nikmatdam

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by moshe ben shmuel avshalom (c. 1160)

"o thou Hope of yisroel... it's savior in time of trouble, it's guardian, protector and deliverer in the day of wrath... be filled with compassion towards the afflicted (people who are) storm-tossed, lonely and despoiled, racked and grieved... trodden down by the enemy (the slime...nik.) and wallowing in the dust, bereaved of its children and forlorn... wandering in exile... trampled and torn by lions and bears... straying aimlessly as a flock without a shepherd...

o L-rd... how long wilt Thou not behold her distress...? wherefore dost Thou abandon her forever into the hands of her oppressors...? o bring her forth in Thy mercy from darkness into light for Thy Name's sake... be not wrathful with her (yisroel) who is as bright as the sun... Thou hast chosen her from all the nations with unmistakable language (lit. pure speech)... look on her affliction and raise her up from the dust...

fight her enemies (the slime)... declare hostility against her adversaries (the slime)... execute her vengeance (against the slime... nik.) as well as the vengeance of Thy holy temple... they (the slime) pulled it down... destroyed it and set it on fire... they (the slime) profaned and blasphemed Thy glorious and awe-inspiring Name...

remember the reproach of the ungodly (slime) who abuse Thee in their speech... arise... o L-rd... in Thy anger... arise and prevail... o forget not the voice of Thy adversaries (the slime) which ascends continually... destroy and cut off accursed wickedness... speedily send the messenger (eliyahu hanavi) to proclaim peace to Thy people... comfort tzion and repair her breaches... for Thine... o L-rd... is the greatness and the power..." amen selah...
"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: "mikveh yisroel..." from the selichot for the fifth penitential day...
« Reply #1 on: September 20, 2007, 06:49:25 PM »
Excellent post

Offline nikmatdam

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Re: "mikveh yisroel..." from the selichot for the fifth penitential day...
« Reply #2 on: September 20, 2007, 07:03:49 PM »
this is the spirit of not a few of the selichot along the way these past 2 or so weeks... vengeance is apart of tshuvah... because when we have done it completely and paid for all of our historical sins... then Hashem will rise up and redeem us... and exat revenge for us from the slime and recompense them... every last one of them... jew and gentile alike who ever harmed a torah jew... for all that they did to us they will pay... and they will be made to pay mida k'neged mida... (measure for measure) in exactly the manner which they harmed us...

as we read last shabat in hazinu (devarim ~ deuteronomy: 32:34-43)...

"'is it not revealed with Me, sealed in My treasuries?

Mine is vengeance and retribution at the time when their (the slime's... nik.) foot will falter,

for the day of their (the slime's) catastrophe is near, and future events are rushing at them...'

"when Hashem will have judged His people,

He shall relent regarding His servants,

when He sees that enemy (slime) power progresses, and none is saved or assisted.

He will say, (to us in rebuke), 'where is their G-d, the rock in whom they sought refuge (today that rock is america),

the fat of whose offerings they would eat, they would drink the wine of their libations?

let them (the slime in whom you trusted) stand and help you! let them (the slime) be a shelter for you!

see, now, that I, I am He ~ and no G-d is with Me. I put to death and I bring (to) life, I struck (you) down (in your sin against Me)

and I will heal, and there is no rescuer from My hand.

for I shall raise My hand to heaven and say, "as I live forever,

if I sharpen My flashing sword and My hand grasps judgement,

I shall return vengeance upon My enemies (the slime)

and upon those that hate Me (the slime) shall I bring retribution.

I shall intoxicate My arrows with blood (the blood of the slime) and My sword shall devour flesh (the flesh of the slime)

because of the blood of corpse and captive, (which the slime caused to befall us throughout history),

because of the earliest depredations of the enemy (even the slime's first sins againt us will be recalled and they will be held to account for them with their very blood).'"  

o nations ~ sing the praises of His people, for He will avenge the blood of His servants;

He will bring retribution upon His foes (the slime), and He will appease His land and His people."

amen kain yihi ratzoncha... bimeheyrah v'yamenu!!!!

nikmat dam avadecha hashafuch... G-d You will avenge the innocent (and wrongly... sinfully) spilled blood of Your servants!!! this is a certainty... just... may we all be worthy to live to see it!!! amen... g'mar tov... nik. out...
« Last Edit: September 20, 2007, 07:06:29 PM by nikmatdam »
"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."