Author Topic: Minister Farakhaan calls Jews Termites.. still won't get banned from twitter  (Read 2384 times)

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Offline briann

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So if a conservative argues against transgenderism... he's banned.... but nothing the reverend can say gets banned.

So, Louis Farrakhan Can Call Jewish People Termites...And Not Get Suspended By Twitter
 Matt Vespa Matt Vespa | @mvespa1 |Posted: Oct 18, 2018 1:41 PM
So, Louis Farrakhan Can Call Jewish People Termites...And Not Get Suspended By Twitter
Well, conservatives have more fodder against Twitter. The social media giant will not suspend, ban, or do much discipline-wise against Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who compared Jewish people to insects (via Newsbusters):

In a video tweeted by Farrakhan, the minister compared  Jewish people to “termites.” Gripping the pulpit, he called also called them “stupid.” This video was later tweeted by the official Nation of Islam account which Farrakhan leads. Ordinarily, this kind of behavior would get someone suspended or banned from Twitter, because of its hate speech policies. But not so with Farrakhan.

BuzzFeed journalist Joe Bernstein tweeted a response from Twitter over Farrakhan: “Just in from a Twitter spokesperson: Louis Farrakhan’s tweet comparing Jews to termites is not in violation of the company’s policies. The policy on dehumanizing language has not yet been implemented.”

Anti-Semitic language shouldn’t just be against dehumanizing language, though. Twitter stated in its “Hateful Conduct Policy” that “you may not promote violence against or directly attack or threaten other people on the basis on race, ethnicity, national origin, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, religious affiliation, age, disability, or serious disease. We also do not allow accounts whose primary purpose is inciting harm towards others on the basis of these categories.”


 I'm not an anti-Semite. I’m anti-Termite.

2:05 PM - Oct 16, 2018
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“I'm not an anti-Semite. I'm anti-Termite,” he tweeted. Conservatives have been suspended or banished for saying much, MUCH less. GayPatriot, a longtime Twitter user who made liberals cry, has been banned from the platform. Why? We don’t know…really. He gave some guesses, but it’s all weak sauce compared to straight up anti-Semitism.


Cameron Gray

 My exclusive interview tonight with Gay Patriot on his banishment from Twitter #FreeGayPatriot

3:35 PM - Oct 15, 2018
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This isn’t the first time Farrakhan has made anti-Semitic remarks, but if this is the standard for being at the very least suspended from Twitter and it doesn’t happen. What the hell is going on over there?  Oh, well, the hateful language policy isn’t in effect…yet:

Twitter indicated Wednesday afternoon that its policy barring "dehumanizing" language, which was announced in late September, has not yet gone into effect.

A blog post last month about the new rules stated that after a survey on the changes closes on Oct. 9, the company will begin its "regular process" that involves various teams and working groups.

"We will share some of what we learn when we update the Twitter Rules later this year," the company added.


Twitter has penalized Farrakhan over his remarks in the past. Earlier this year, he lost his verified status for tweeting about "the Satanic Jew and the Synagogue of Satan."

Even Chelsea Clinton said this was awful…and there isn’t a whole lot that conservatives can find common ground with her. Then again, there’s no way this will receive as much media attention or condemnation than if a conservative had said such disgusting things.

Offline Zelhar

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I don't want him banned from twitter, I want  big internet firms to unban freedom of speech.

Offline Joe Gutfeld

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This Anti-Semite won't be banned from anywhere because he's a muslim terrorist.

Offline Binyamin Yisrael

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What if people respond to him and call him the black Hitler? Would Twitter allow that?

Offline Ulli

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Farrakhan is such an evil man.
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Offline Nachus

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 :usa+israel:                                                                            :fist:
 The dishonerable ministress Lois FaggotCoon has some nerve to be antiSemitic after he or itself acknowledges the faults and shortcomings of his own so-called people especially the ones it is critical of. Furthermore, infantile name calling and labelling HaShem's chosen people. To compare this despicable, vile creature to a termite would be an insult to insects.

Offline Israel Chai

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Calling this retard minister assumes the psycho supremacist cult is a religion. You might as well say the KKK is a religion too, be tolerant.
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Offline Nachus

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 :usa+israel:                                                                            :fist:

So it is not taken out of context, certain parts of some posts are expressed in metaphors.

Offline ChabadKahanist

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Kahanists get banned from Twitter& Facebook for less  yet Farrakoon can spew all the verbal diarrhea against Jews he wishes with impunity!!!!!!!
But what can be  expected from self hating liberal commie pinko intermarried JINOs like Mark Zuckerberg & his ilk?