I believe in freedom. A man is free to choose what faith he professes if any at all. A man is free to express his belief. If some Jew converts well you don't get to chose for him. You can be judgemental about his faith and about other religions. Just for gods sake don't go the muslim way of dealing with appostacies and conversions.
I believe the law in Israel forbids offering material incentives to conversions, it doesn't strictly forbids missionary activity. Anyway,
We are losing Jews to intermarriage and assimilation far more, like x100 or so more, than to missionaries. I am more concerned of maintaining quality over increasing quantity. And in my opinion we are losing reducig the quality of our population by looking for "lost Jews" in weird shi*tholes around the globe, encouraging primitive people to join our ranks. Even more so I see the Charedim are stressing procreaton and leeching on the wellfare state to facilitate that. It used to be that the smarter Jews got to procreate and raised the next generation. The dumb ones were caught by the Tzar ans sent for military service and assimilation etc. Now it's the sort of the opposite.