Author Topic: 'Amnesty Don' - the country Western song about Trump supporting amnesty  (Read 5124 times)

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Offline Debbie Shafer

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Re: 'Amnesty Don' - the country Western song about Trump supporting amnesty
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2017, 08:06:01 AM »
Look at the Rinos and the Swamp Creatures in Washington,  they only live to serve themselves.  (More promises, without backup.).  Amnesty and open borders is the agenda  of the antichrist, changing sovereignty and security.   There is an unprecedented rush to "Oneness",  whether it be government or global religion, the UN,  Pope Francis, Barack Obama and the Progressive Left and the Rinos who have shown their true hearts.  The one-world issue leaps from the pages of Daniel and Revelation.   The players of this new world system have no idea the dire consequences of the "oneness". issue.   Did anyone at JTF see the report on Los Angeles on the Ingraham Angle.   Tent city lined up for blocks in Los Angeles,   homelessness, joblessness,  more chicken pox, measles, and Laramie's disease, it was on last week.   That state  of California is going to collapse from the weight of the illegal aliens, with more violent crime and MS 13 gangs.

Offline Debbie Shafer

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Re: 'Amnesty Don' - the country Western song about Trump supporting amnesty
« Reply #2 on: January 15, 2018, 09:33:54 AM »
It appears the Left thought they were going to get their Daca decree, and not go along with building the Wall,  or signing off on E Verify,  getting rid of Chain Migration, or the Diversity Lottery Visa Program.   The Left and the Rinos seek to herd this nation with many different cultures who won't assimilate and gravitate to their own kind, creating divisions, wars, and chaos.   When a nation rebells against God,  he will allow their enemies to take over,  it has happened many times in past history with Israel, now America,  the total destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.   Sin, multiplies, and creates more corruption, immorality, and decline in any nation.    Abortion, homosexuality, transgenderism, same sex marriage, are all perversion and sin.

The Obama administration promoted every kind of sin and evil imaginable.    Our Micah 3 class spoke about how Judah's corrupt leaders infected the nation and led to its downfall.     Instead,  they were tyrants who hated good and loved evil.  Micah 3:2.  They aided and abetted the criminals in Judean society for greedy, selfish gain and heartlessly consumed every possession their victims owned:      "Vengeance is mine, I will repay," says the Lord.  Romans 12:19 Deuteronomy 32:35.     Micah warned that God will someday turn the tables on vile rulers, and though they beg Him for mercy,  He will not answer them.     God's judgment will descend on charlatans like night and darkness, words that depict their impending destruction.   (It is the same for the USA.).     just look how corrupt and evil governments have become world wide,  North Korea builds nuclear weapons,  and so does Iran,  intending to start a nuclear war and holocaust.   


Godly King Hezekiah took Micah's prophecy to heart.  He humbled himself, repented of sin, and brought religious and social reforms to the southern kingdom of Judah.  Jeremiah 26:17-19.  Because Judah turned to Godm God postponed its destruction for more than a century.

It has been perfectly clear that moral and spiritual darkness has always been the case for a world that rejects and refuses to acknowledge God.  Describing a Godless culture that hates God,   the Apostle Paul said that "they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened.   Romans 1:21.

Offline Israel Chai

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Re: 'Amnesty Don' - the country Western song about Trump supporting amnesty
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2018, 12:36:53 PM »
And the sea fish will eat the turtle donkey and live happily ever after with the goat.
The fear of the L-rd is the beginning of knowledge

Offline Debbie Shafer

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Re: 'Amnesty Don' - the country Western song about Trump supporting amnesty
« Reply #4 on: February 05, 2018, 08:57:39 AM »
We'll see what happens.  The Democrats don't want to get rid of chain migration or Visa lottery program,  they don't want the wall either.   They haven't done one productive thing for the economy, jobs, security, or sane leadership,  thats why the DNC us broke.   They are counting on open borders for their new voters to replace legal Americans because they have lied so many times,  people no longer trust anything they say. They belong to their father the devil.     Everything who put their faith in liars will get exactly what they deserve.

Offline Debbie Shafer

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Re: 'Amnesty Don' - the country Western song about Trump supporting amnesty
« Reply #5 on: February 25, 2019, 08:26:00 AM »
You should pray that Pocahantas...Elizabeth Warren,   Beto,  Kamala Harris,  Booker, or Biden doesn't get in.    They all want to TEAR down walls on the borders,   not build them, and abolish Ice.
Pocahontas..... Elizabeth Warren got her scholarship by claiming to be half Native American Indian, she has no Indian blood.     Beto...Robert Francis O'Rourke is NOT hispanic,  he's Irish,  another deceiver here.     He claims since he lived around hispanics,  he's one of them.   Watch out that you are NOT deceived,  these politicians cannot wait for the One World government which will be total chaos, evil, and deception.

Offline Binyamin Yisrael

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Re: 'Amnesty Don' - the country Western song about Trump supporting amnesty
« Reply #6 on: February 25, 2019, 08:00:30 PM »
You should pray that Pocahantas...Elizabeth Warren,   Beto,  Kamala Harris,  Booker, or Biden doesn't get in.    They all want to TEAR down walls on the borders,   not build them, and abolish Ice.
Pocahontas..... Elizabeth Warren got her scholarship by claiming to be half Native American Indian, she has no Indian blood.     Beto...Robert Francis O'Rourke is NOT hispanic,  he's Irish,  another deceiver here.     He claims since he lived around hispanics,  he's one of them.   Watch out that you are NOT deceived,  these politicians cannot wait for the One World government which will be total chaos, evil, and deception.

There are no Hispanics. Hispanic is a made up race invented by the US Census Bureau. Latin Americans come from diverse backgrounds just like Americans. American is not a race and neither is Latin American. Speaking Spanish doesn't make you a separate race just like speaking English doesn't make Americans a separate race.