I don't hate the Arabs that call themselves "Palestinians" & wish them health & happiness in Jordan or some other Arab state!!!!!
Jordan comprising 80% of former British Mandatorial Palestine is their country where they were citizens until the Hashemites decided to make them our problem let Jordan absorb them just as we absorbed all the Jews who were forced out of their homes in all the Arab states!!!!
Just as India & Pakistan exchanged populations & Czechoslovakia & Poland expelled all the ethnic Germans who lived there for centuries after world war 2 we should be able to do with the ethnic Arabs who were Jordanian citizens on all land west of the Jordan.
In wars there are winners & there are losers & the Arabs lost therefore they have no rights to make any demands only listen to our the victor's demands!!!
The problem is Arabs in general & Muslims in particular do not understand kindness & take kindness to be weakness & the only language they understand & respect is a strong hand!!!!!