I like architecture a lot...I recently started researching it as a hobby.
For home architecture, I'd say I don't like any one style in particular...I'd like to do a mix of the best elements of different designs without making it look gaudy.
For the exterior, I would probably like something with a lot of stone, to make it sort of fortress like, but also have it stylized to the point that women would appreciate it.
I think you can mix a lot of ancient stone castle type stuff with a modern/futuristic look and have it look good.
I have even seen elements of 'crack-houses' that I think would be cool to incorporate into my design, such as one way windows (I think the crack house ones may have been bullet-proof but whatever) lol.
As for log cabin stuff, big beams of wood are cool, especially if they are still round and might be good with the stone.
Also lots of gardens would be neat.
The elements of Roman stuff I like are things like are fountains and pools (not too into marble though), but I also like KOI ponds (Japanese) and bamboo.
As for futuristic/high tech stuff, it would be nice to have good technology such as security, sound, and home theatre...and also maybe some high-tech eco-design stuff if it could blend in (solar)...but other than that, not too much futuristic stuff.
Also, depending on where you live, let's not forget lazer turrets in the case of left wing protestor scum from Europe trying to steal your crops (such as in Israel), and maybe some sort of non-lethal deterant system in case of 'disengagements'.
Also, if I had dogs, I would have an outdoor area for them...I think I agree with the halacha about not having pets in the house, so if I did have some, I would make a really nice area for them.