Should I remove him and ban him from my channel, or should I leave the slander visible? He is cursing and lying about the Rav and Chaim once again, take a look:
"Adam6275 (7 minutes ago) Show Hide 0 Marked as spam Reply | Spam
| Remove | Block User Stay away from JTF. Kahane had a history of
abusing Jewish men that were a threat to him. Chaim has continued this tradition. Please see my channel for more. They call people who disagree with them Homosexuals and Perverts and Even Amalek (sic). Kahane worked for a newspaper the JEwish Press that had very liberal views of Jewish women divorcing their Jewish husband(now openly support single Jewish mothers regardless of why?)which shows a lack of judgement and true love of his Jewish brothers. "
Abusing Jewish men?

LOL what has this kid been smoking?