I heard last night that cafes and restaurants will close in my country because of this. Do you have any idea how this affects an economy dependent on tourism? When the suicide rate rises, as it will, will you be responsible for all those lost lives?
I don't think you understand that the economy already went into a recession *because of the virus* and before the substantial distancing measures were put into place like closing down gatherings in a mandatory fashion.
I don't think you comprehend just how astronomical the numbers were going to get if we did NOT shut down gatherings, and how much worse that would become for the economy.
The social distancing solution is a temporary effort. It gets the situation under control, limits the spread, saves lives, and allows more time for medicines to be developed. The economy can recover from that much faster than letting this go unchecked. Yes, life will be more uncomfortable for a little while. I think we can all handle that.