Author Topic: Fellow JTFer's: One Hot tip to Help Avoid Chinese Corona Virus:  (Read 3209 times)

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Offline Aces High

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If you have to go out to the store, ONLY use your credit card for purchases.  Don't handle paper money or coins.  That money passes through a lot of hands and the virus could easily be on there.
Heard this tip from a virus specialist on the radio.

Offline Israel Chai

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Re: Fellow JTFer's: One Hot tip to Help Avoid Chinese Corona Virus:
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2020, 02:00:08 PM »
The virus doesn't like heat. Just use a little handheld steamer as if it was clothes that could have bed bugs, steam the money everywhere and it's cool.
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Offline Ulli

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Re: Fellow JTFer's: One Hot tip to Help Avoid Chinese Corona Virus:
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2020, 02:57:26 PM »
Thank both of you for your advise!
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Fellow JTFer's: One Hot tip to Help Avoid Chinese Corona Virus:
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2020, 05:06:31 PM »
If you have to go out to the store, ONLY use your credit card for purchases.  Don't handle paper money or coins.  That money passes through a lot of hands and the virus could easily be on there.
Heard this tip from a virus specialist on the radio.

Absolutely true.

Best not to exchange things between hands with anyone, and use self checkout if it's available.  If you must, then always wash hands with soap after any such exchange before touching face or other surfaces in your place.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Fellow JTFer's: One Hot tip to Help Avoid Chinese Corona Virus:
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2020, 02:59:26 AM »
While we are sharing tips, I will share my routine here in case it's helpful to anyone who wants to be scrupulous about avoiding getting infected while making trips to the grocery store.

I keep a bottle of purell hidden at my passenger side door of my car, so that after the groceries are put in the trunk, I can then go around and get a drop and disinfect my hands before going around to my driver side door and using the steering wheel etc inside.  This prevents me from contaminating my car surfaces if I picked up anything from the time I threw out my glove to the time I finished loading the groceries and then returned the shopping cart and threw out the glove from my other hand.   My glove usage is very precise and I am careful with it to not touch things with the ungloved hand, so I doubt I will pick up anything on my bare hands, but for people who are less careful about shopping with gloves, the purell at passenger side door is a very good strategy to disinfect a clean slate for your hands before getting into the car and driving off.  This way you always clean off anything picked up from the store as a quick reset before getting in the car and before touching your face at all without thinking about it while driving. (And also not contaminating your steering wheel etc).

(For those wondering about glove use, the time I first remove the glove from my left hand is when I'm paying and I'm about to dip into my pocket to pull my credit card - From that point forward all steering of shopping cart or touching of touch screen at selfcheckout is done with my remaining gloved hand.  I do this one-glove removal to avoid contaminating inside my pants pockets and avoid contaminating my credit card).  The only thing I touch with non-gloved hand is the plastic bags where I place the scanned items, and then when I grab the bag handles and put them in the trunk.  The reason I don't use the gloved hand on them is because if I do, that is only going to put all the germs from the store, touch screens etc, onto the bag handles, and I have to carry them up to my apartment without gloves anyway.  If money wasn't tight I'd have tons of boxes of gloves in surplus so that I could put on a new pair from the car, to carry the bags up to my place.  As it is, I bring up barehanded, put the bags in a pile outside my door, pull items out one by one and wipe them down with lysol wipe, bring them inside, then pile up all the plastic bags carefully and shmush them and then bring inside to trash bin.  I try not to create a ruckus with the plastic bag shmushing because if there is virus on the surface of them, you could aerosolize it into the air or into your face God forbid. 

Then after placing them in the garbage bin, I then wash my hands with soap, then preheat my oven to 180 degrees Fahrenheit, then remove my mask from the straps at the back into the same foil tray I use every day for my mask decontamination procedure.  Careful not to touch front of the mask while taking it off and careful not to get face contaminated, just drop it straight in the disposable foil pan.  The oven is quickly preheated in a minute or two to 180 degrees, then I put the foil pan (with mask inside) into the oven for 10 or 15 minutes.  At that temperature it will denature the protein coat of any coronaviruses that got absorbed on the mask and effectively kill them.  Whatever is there will no longer be capable of infecting.  (Ie, no longer "live virus.").  It will just be pieces of viral RNA and smashed up destroyed protein coat that can each no longer infect cells.
Then I wash my hands with soap again while waiting for the 10 or 15 minutes.  When it's done the mask is decontaminated and ready for next use. 

The bottle of purell on my passenger side front door is hidden inside an empty box so that no one will break into my car at night to steal the purell, since it's not visible through the car window and no one will know it's there.   You can't be leaving purell, toilet paper, or lysol wipes out in the open these days.   They used to bust into the car and steal the radio, now I think they will steal your hand sanitizer

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Fellow JTFer's: One Hot tip to Help Avoid Chinese Corona Virus:
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2020, 03:05:01 AM »
Also with regard to the mask, some days I will remove it and drop it straight into a bowl of soapy water first, to prekill some virus that way, but then I would hang it up to dry before doing a more thorough killing in the oven.   Sometimes I wonder if the soap and water mixture or the 180F temperature is the more effective virus killer.  I'm 100% confident that it can't survive 180 degrees but I sometimes wonder about the soap if it's strong enough to really kill it.  I think most of the benefit from handwashing with soap may be that we are scraping and rubbing it off into the drain.  To actually kill virus on the hands, it might need a more industrial strength detergent, but I haven't seen any data on that.  (Certainly 60%+ alcohol does the trick, but not applicable to mask cleaning)

Offline Aces High

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Re: Fellow JTFer's: One Hot tip to Help Avoid Chinese Corona Virus:
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2020, 09:24:01 AM »
These are  helpful tips.  One thing I would add is that if you clean your steering wheel don't use too much pressure or too strong of a cleaner, or you'll remove the dye from the leather.  Ask me how I know. 

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Fellow JTFer's: One Hot tip to Help Avoid Chinese Corona Virus:
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2020, 09:54:58 PM »
These are  helpful tips.  One thing I would add is that if you clean your steering wheel don't use too much pressure or too strong of a cleaner, or you'll remove the dye from the leather.  Ask me how I know.

Oh!   Another good reason to disinfect the hands before getting into the driver's seat

Offline Nachus

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Re: Fellow JTFer's: One Hot tip to Help Avoid Chinese Corona Virus:
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2020, 01:18:01 AM »
 :usa+israel:                                                                             :fist:

We must all persistently follow the guidlines that have been
provided  and until this cursed virus is defeated.

Offline Yehudayaakov

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Re: Fellow JTFer's: One Hot tip to Help Avoid Chinese Corona Virus:
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2020, 06:25:30 AM »
They want us to rely upon them on every aspect , wait for the economy collapses.

Online angryChineseKahanist

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Re: Fellow JTFer's: One Hot tip to Help Avoid Chinese Corona Virus:
« Reply #10 on: April 09, 2020, 01:44:57 AM »
And how are we avoiding Aerosolised viral particles?
How was it spread in the cruise ships?

Offline Aces High

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Re: Fellow JTFer's: One Hot tip to Help Avoid Chinese Corona Virus:
« Reply #11 on: April 09, 2020, 08:01:00 AM »
And how are we avoiding Aerosolised viral particles?
How was it spread in the cruise ships?

Reinfection:   A virus specialist was explaining that even if you have antibodies from previous exposure to Chinese Corona Virus, a direct cough or sneeze in your face from someone with the virus can easily reinfect you with the virus.  He was also explaining that doctors who were protected with even specialized masks and wearing other protection were becoming infected as well, and they could not explain why. 

Online angryChineseKahanist

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Re: Fellow JTFer's: One Hot tip to Help Avoid Chinese Corona Virus:
« Reply #12 on: April 09, 2020, 10:07:25 AM »
No. They are not re-infected. There are several strains.  Two of which are well known.

Offline Aces High

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Re: Fellow JTFer's: One Hot tip to Help Avoid Chinese Corona Virus:
« Reply #13 on: April 09, 2020, 11:16:32 AM »
No. They are not re-infected. There are several strains.  Two of which are well known.

Dear Doctor Chinese K,
I'm not taking chances, whether I've got the antibodies or not.  The mask comes with me.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Fellow JTFer's: One Hot tip to Help Avoid Chinese Corona Virus:
« Reply #14 on: April 12, 2020, 01:23:59 AM »
And how are we avoiding Aerosolised viral particles?
How was it spread in the cruise ships?

It is important to wear masks out in public, especially inside buildings and especially if there will be other people there.  I wear a mask now every time to the grocery store. 

My mask protects you.  Your mask protects me.  ( Not literally "you," ACK, you are immune now!!  You very likely don't need a mask any time soon).

And that "My mask protects you.  Your mask protects me."  is only the LEAST masks can do.  It is likely that large droplets indoors WILL BE STOPPED by surgical and even cloth masks from getting into the wearer, not just preventing an asymptomatic or otherwise mask wearer from spreading to others. 
(N95's are ideal but needed at hospitals.... But lesser masks still do a great job of mitigating spread)

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Fellow JTFer's: One Hot tip to Help Avoid Chinese Corona Virus:
« Reply #15 on: April 12, 2020, 01:26:48 AM »
Dear Doctor Chinese K,
I'm not taking chances, whether I've got the antibodies or not.  The mask comes with me.

Most likely the test is poor quality and so those original positives were false positives to begin with.

It is very unlikely people are being reinfected.  Extremely unlikely.   They even directly tried in monkeys that they gave SARS-COV2 to, and they were unable to reinfect them.

Of course no harm in wearing a mask anyway if you prefer.   Aces High, did you also survive the virus?

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Fellow JTFer's: One Hot tip to Help Avoid Chinese Corona Virus:
« Reply #16 on: April 12, 2020, 01:33:22 AM »
No. They are not re-infected. There are several strains.  Two of which are well known.

The two strains theory is based on flimsy evidence. Viruses constantly mutate because they utilize the human body's cellular machinery to replicate themselves and the specific process they use is error prone with no way for the virus to fix.  So they naturally accumulate mutations as they go along in each person.   Trevor Bedford has been tracking these various mutants to trace case origins genetically (He saw for example the west coast outbreaks originating with a mutant from China - traced to a traveller from Wuhan as patient zero who came to west coast), and cases in NYC stemming predominantly from Iran and Italy.   
None of these mutant variants are actual new "strains."
A new strain would require significant amount of mutated residues to escape the immunity against it and could change the behavior of the virus drastically, but there is no evidence of that yet.  This is what happens with flu each year.  A new strain comes out each year that now can evade most of the existing herd immunity in the population.

But influenza viruses mutate at MUCH faster rates than coronaviruses.   It is highly likely that if a new strain of this coronavirus develops that can actually evade the immunity that is developing against it now, it won't be herer for at least a few years.

Offline Aces High

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Re: Fellow JTFer's: One Hot tip to Help Avoid Chinese Corona Virus:
« Reply #17 on: April 12, 2020, 12:21:43 PM »
Most likely the test is poor quality and so those original positives were false positives to begin with.

It is very unlikely people are being reinfected.  Extremely unlikely.   They even directly tried in monkeys that they gave SARS-COV2 to, and they were unable to reinfect them.

Of course no harm in wearing a mask anyway if you prefer.   Aces High, did you also survive the virus?

I haven't caught the Kung Flu yet, thank God.  Stay safe, too!

Offline Israel Chai

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Re: Fellow JTFer's: One Hot tip to Help Avoid Chinese Corona Virus:
« Reply #18 on: April 13, 2020, 07:08:27 AM »
They want us to rely upon them on every aspect , wait for the economy collapses.

Yes they, the reptilian aliens are crafty invertebrates. Because they're also squids.

As for the corona virus, we've identified eight different mutations in the world that shares medical information, and all the data from China is even more crap than their regular products, so nevermind it. Regardless, a whole planet minus that craphole with 8 mutations is extremely low. The average flu will develop thousands at least in a season. It's very likely that a vaccine will immunize you forever, and that once cured, you can't be reinfected. The virus has a fail-safe that essentially prevents mutation, which is nice for us.

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