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Re: Music that doesn't suck
« Reply #50 on: March 25, 2021, 01:01:15 AM »

Probably the best drumming you will ever hear. 
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Re: Music that doesn't suck
« Reply #51 on: April 23, 2021, 10:25:37 AM »
TETRARCH - Negative Noise (Official Video) | Napalm Records:
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Re: Music that doesn't suck
« Reply #52 on: April 23, 2021, 12:31:19 PM »
Legendary anti-Hollywood song by Red Hot Chilly Peppers - Californication.

This is my interpretation of the lyrics:

"Psychic spies from China try to steal your mind's elation"

Hollywood movies and shows occuping your minds with the fear of the enemy spies, that are preventing you from living a peaceful life. Constantlly thinking about things that you don't need to (there are security servies that do that), and forgeting the real life problems that are actually affecting your life.

"And little girls from Sweden dream of silver screen quotation"

Everyone wants to be a big Hollywood star. It is the ultimate dream of the most young people.

"And if you want these kind of dreams it's Californication"

BUt, if that is what you want then you will have to play by the Hollywood rules.

"It's the edge of the world and all of Western civilization"

Hollywood is on the west coast. Only Hawaii are more to the west.

"The sun may rise in the East at least it's settled in a final location"

Not sure if the original lirics said "finer" or "final", but it represent the enternal rivary between the east and the west coast. Political power and wall street may be at the east, but the west coast is a better place to live, if you are not chasing the Hollywood fame. You may be all right at the New Yoork, but you are dreaming of the LA.

"It's understood that Hollywood sells Californication"

Hollywood emposess its rules of the game or even an ideology.

"Pay your surgeon very well to break the spell of aging"

Spend all your money on plastic surgery to have a slight chance of succes in Hollywood. There is not really the other way,unless you are already naturally "perfect", as per Hollywood standars.

"Celebrity skin, is this your chin, or is that war you're waging?"

After allof that, are you still you, or are you still strugling to become someone else? Because, you are never certain, is the reason you are not succeeding because you are not up to the Hollywood standards.

"First born unicorn"

The ultimate dream - one in the bilion - becoming a big Holllywood star.

"Hardcore soft porn"

The secondary career choice. When dreams don't come true, what you are left with in Hollywood.

"Dream of Californication"

The Hollywood ideoligy.

"Marry me, girl, be my fairy to the world, be my very own constellation"

Promesies of the Hollywood movie makes.

"A teenage bride with a baby inside getting high on information"

Dissapointment and concenquences after the broken promessies. Confusion and the search for the answers/slution.

"And buy me a star on the boulevard, it's Californication"

I'll do anything if you make me a Hollywood star. That is theHollywood way.

"Space may be the final frontier but it's made in a Hollywood basement"

The obsession of space exploration and conquest was seeded into the population by the Hollywood.

"And Cobain can you hear the spheres singing songs off Station To Station?"

A tribute to Kurt Cobain.

"And Alderaan's not far away, it's Californication"

The birth planet of Princess Leia. Located in Hollywood baement.

"Born and raised by those who praise control of population"

Holllywood influence being passed from generation to generation.

"Well, everybody's been there and I don't mean on vacation"

Everyone is under their influence. Even without knowing it.

"Destruction leads to a very rough road but it also breeds creation"

It is not worth trying to repair the system. Destroying it wouldbe hard, but the reward would be a creation of new and better one.

"And earthquakes are to a girl's guitar, they're just another good vibration"

Women only care about how they feel.

"And tidal waves couldn't save the world from Californication"

Not even a physical destruction of Hollywood would kill this system/ideology.

"Pay your surgeon very well to break the spell of aging"

The cult of the eternal youth.

"Sicker than the rest, there is no test, but this is what you're craving?"

Even if it destroys your health, you will try to look younger, with endless surgeries, so you can survive in Hollywood.
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Re: Music that doesn't suck
« Reply #53 on: May 06, 2021, 06:08:35 AM »
Nothing to Lose | Dracula OST:
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Re: Music that doesn't suck
« Reply #54 on: May 06, 2021, 01:36:51 PM »
Your analysis is good except for the earthquake part. This may refer to drama queens of all two genders, typical in rich kids who have experienced everything and live for the next feel. Happy to destroy the world if it entertains them for a minute. Little bch is making lives and an entire city crumble apart and he can't relate to the horror you feel because he's just happy to feel a new vibe.
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Re: Music that doesn't suck
« Reply #55 on: May 11, 2021, 12:01:39 PM »
Your analysis is good except for the earthquake part. This may refer to drama queens of all two genders, typical in rich kids who have experienced everything and live for the next feel. Happy to destroy the world if it entertains them for a minute. Little bch is making lives and an entire city crumble apart and he can't relate to the horror you feel because he's just happy to feel a new vibe.

Yeah, yours is better and more deep analysis.
For me a good vibrations for girl's "gitar" just sounded like self pleasuring.
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Re: Music that doesn't suck
« Reply #56 on: May 15, 2021, 09:09:54 PM »
Jonathan Davis - Forsaken:
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


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Re: Music that doesn't suck
« Reply #57 on: May 18, 2021, 02:45:40 PM »
I would like to stick with Red Hot Chili Peppers for now. They have lots of songs, but I only like some of them.

This is one from their newest album (The Getaway) from 2016. I looked up online to help me interpretate the lyrics.
The song is about beating the drug addiction. But even without knowing the meaning, the song is dope as F.

Dark Necessities

"Coming out to the light of day
We got many moons that are deep at play"

New light of day - being clean of drugs, for many moons (years) now, but still haunted by it.

"So I keep an eye on the shadow's smile
To see what it has to say"

Read the body languange, because even if I (or someone) may seem OK, but in fact could be in the bad place.

"You and I both know
Everything must go away"

Him and someone else, or 2 sides of him (the"bad" and the "good" side), know that drug addiction must stop (everything must go away).

"Ah, what do you say?"

Do you think it should stop?

"Spinning knot that is on my heart
It's like a bit of light and a touch of dark"

His hart making his decisions. A bit of good and a touch of bad. Some good, some bad decisions.

"You got sneak attacked from the zodiac"

Zodiac - the serial killer, who ambushed their victims. The sneak attack being the urge to take drugs, when he is vulnerable.

"But I see your fire spark"

He avoids the attack.

"Eat the breeze and go
Blow by blow and go away"

Talking to the drug addiction - Eat the wind (take a walk) and go (away), punch by punch, and go away.

"Oh, what do you say?

He agrees that it must go away.

"you don't know my mind
You don't know my kind"

Don't juge me, because you don't know what I feel andhow I am really like inside.

"Dark necessities are part of my design and"

Some bad urges are part of the human nature.

"Tell the world that I'm falling from the sky
Dark necessities are part of my design"

Falling from the sky - the fallen angel - being bad, taking the drugs, because the urges are the human nature, and very hard to beat.
Or could mean being sober, not getting (sky) high.

"Stumble down to the parking lot
You got no time for the afterthought
They're like ice cream for an astronaut"

Going to the dealer to get the drugs. You only think about getting them. They are sweet and get you high (all the way to space).
The dried ice-cream that hydrates in your mouth, is what was marketed as astronaut's ice-cream.

"Well that's me looking for we"

That is me looking for drugs (weed).

"Turn the corner and
Find the world at your command
Playing the hand"

Turn the corner (away from the drugs), and regain control of your life. Play the hand that you are dealt, don't look for escape in drugs.

"Yeah, you don't know my mind
You don't know my kind
Dark necessities are part of my design
Tell the world that I'm falling from the sky
Dark necessities are part of my design"

"Do you want this love of mine?
The darkness helps all to shine
Do you want it, do you want it now?
Do you want it all the time?
The darkness helps us all to shine
Do you want it, do you want it now?"

Drug addiction is telling him: Do you really want to stop taking drugs? The bad experiences in life help us better ourselves (shine). Do you really want to stop now? Do you really want to be sober non stop?

"Pick you up like a paperback
With the track record of a maniac"

His history of drug addiction.

"So I move it in and we unpack
It's the same as yesterday"

He is still the same.

"Any way we roll
Everything must go away"

What ever the situation is now, we must stop the addiction.

"Ah, what do you say?

Do you agree? Yes.

"you don't know my mind
You don't know my kind
Dark necessities are part of my design
Tell the world that I'm falling from the sky
Dark necessities are part of my design
Ah, ah, ah
Ah, ah
Ah, ah, ah
Ah, ah
Ah, ah, ah
Ah, ah"
« Last Edit: May 19, 2021, 01:31:10 AM by Slobodan »
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Re: Music that doesn't suck
« Reply #58 on: May 27, 2021, 02:14:24 AM »
IAMX 'This Will Make You Love Again'
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


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Re: Music that doesn't suck
« Reply #59 on: June 07, 2021, 09:26:58 AM »
I would like to stick with Red Hot Chili Peppers for now. They have lots of songs, but I only like some of them.

This is one from their newest album (The Getaway) from 2016. I looked up online to help me interpretate the lyrics.
The song is about beating the drug addiction. But even without knowing the meaning, the song is dope as F.

Dark Necessities

"Coming out to the light of day
We got many moons that are deep at play"

New light of day - being clean of drugs, for many moons (years) now, but still haunted by it.

"So I keep an eye on the shadow's smile
To see what it has to say"

Read the body languange, because even if I (or someone) may seem OK, but in fact could be in the bad place.

"You and I both know
Everything must go away"

Him and someone else, or 2 sides of him (the"bad" and the "good" side), know that drug addiction must stop (everything must go away).

"Ah, what do you say?"

Do you think it should stop?

"Spinning knot that is on my heart
It's like a bit of light and a touch of dark"

His hart making his decisions. A bit of good and a touch of bad. Some good, some bad decisions.

"You got sneak attacked from the zodiac"

Zodiac - the serial killer, who ambushed their victims. The sneak attack being the urge to take drugs, when he is vulnerable.

"But I see your fire spark"

He avoids the attack.

"Eat the breeze and go
Blow by blow and go away"

Talking to the drug addiction - Eat the wind (take a walk) and go (away), punch by punch, and go away.

"Oh, what do you say?

He agrees that it must go away.

"you don't know my mind
You don't know my kind"

Don't juge me, because you don't know what I feel andhow I am really like inside.

"Dark necessities are part of my design and"

Some bad urges are part of the human nature.

"Tell the world that I'm falling from the sky
Dark necessities are part of my design"

Falling from the sky - the fallen angel - being bad, taking the drugs, because the urges are the human nature, and very hard to beat.
Or could mean being sober, not getting (sky) high.

"Stumble down to the parking lot
You got no time for the afterthought
They're like ice cream for an astronaut"

Going to the dealer to get the drugs. You only think about getting them. They are sweet and get you high (all the way to space).
The dried ice-cream that hydrates in your mouth, is what was marketed as astronaut's ice-cream.

"Well that's me looking for we"

That is me looking for drugs (weed).

"Turn the corner and
Find the world at your command
Playing the hand"

Turn the corner (away from the drugs), and regain control of your life. Play the hand that you are dealt, don't look for escape in drugs.

"Yeah, you don't know my mind
You don't know my kind
Dark necessities are part of my design
Tell the world that I'm falling from the sky
Dark necessities are part of my design"

"Do you want this love of mine?
The darkness helps all to shine
Do you want it, do you want it now?
Do you want it all the time?
The darkness helps us all to shine
Do you want it, do you want it now?"

Drug addiction is telling him: Do you really want to stop taking drugs? The bad experiences in life help us better ourselves (shine). Do you really want to stop now? Do you really want to be sober non stop?

"Pick you up like a paperback
With the track record of a maniac"

His history of drug addiction.

"So I move it in and we unpack
It's the same as yesterday"

He is still the same.

"Any way we roll
Everything must go away"

What ever the situation is now, we must stop the addiction.

"Ah, what do you say?

Do you agree? Yes.

"you don't know my mind
You don't know my kind
Dark necessities are part of my design
Tell the world that I'm falling from the sky
Dark necessities are part of my design
Ah, ah, ah
Ah, ah
Ah, ah, ah
Ah, ah
Ah, ah, ah
Ah, ah"

Eh yeah. Helping an old one of my soldiers that fell to coke.

Why does everyone that does those drugs talk about judging them all the time? It's not that I think the crackhead is a bad person, it's that if he's near me, number one people won't want to talk to me that are useful, and the reason for both is they are massive gaping liabilities and when there's one around my head just lists potential problems that will arise and their mitigation strategies, and I don't enjoy myself very much.

Ever put your gun to an innocent head and try to pull the trigger? It doesn't pull, finger stops. That's the neshama that does that. Some people are born without that particular level of the soul, you can see they have no depth to their eyes, like rats. Certain drugs like coke and crack especially gets you high literally off that part of your soul until it's actually gone and will rob their mother's couch for five dollars of crack, and only before they sleep will their sins visit them and that is typically a tearful time for the addict. This is part of addiction, hate yourself until you believe you are nothing and worthless and nothing you do matters, and then you will have less resistance next time you take drugs. That function also serves to keep the neshama from redeveloping, which can happen.

My cat has a good and a bad side. Her good side is cute and cuddly, her bad side is torturing small animals for long periods of time. As a mouse, I can not afford to have kitty as a friend even if 99% of the time she is on her good side. It is the same with druggies. When it's an old soldier like that, fine, but then I basically have to turn off my life and devote myself to someone's petty entertainment the majority of the time, and the drugs make them emotional so they say things to me like whiny and sad and they repeat themselves, so I'm not starting a rehab.

Anyways I can add so much more to your understanding of the song knowing what these people are like.

"So I move it in and we unpack
It's the same as yesterday"

Very common, the neighbor gives them free coke so well, move from the neighbor. They do and the new neighbor has coke; it's the same as yesterday.

(On a side note why is it that big guys get offered free coke left and right like we're hot girls. I don't see them offering free coke to the skinny littles. Baruch Hashem I never took it, but I have been offered it for free many dozens of times, and my soldier, who is now a bit bigger than me because of my injury and that is very depressing, he gets the whole street where I was offering it to him now.

That being said, unless you are ready to have your friend put a knife to your neck in a crazy moment and deal with drama in the perfect way every time no matter how frustrating, don't even stick one finger on the coke world, everyone there is crap. The cartels that make it are crap, the people that make it for them have crappy lives and working for the cartel makes many of them really evil, the people who export it to America are usually crap, the people who sell it are also usually crap, and the people who take it become crappier, and in the long run will all become crap. You put your smallest finger on the tip, and you just touched a whole world of feces and you're dirty now and gotta get it off you. So don't take their lovely advice about not judging druggies. Do indeed "judge" them as extremely likely to make one of several million potential problems, and ditch them.
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Offline Slobodan

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Re: Music that doesn't suck
« Reply #60 on: June 07, 2021, 02:21:51 PM »
What you said reminded me of another of their songs, which basically tells the strugle of their band member Hillel Slovak, an Israeli-American, who was not able to ditch the drug addiction and died of overdose in 1988. (I will post that song tomorrow, it is very good) That is why they made so many anti-drug songs. The lead siger, Anthony Kiedis was temporarily kicked out of the band in the early days by the Flee (the guy you see jumping around like crazy in the videos), until he got off the drugs.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2021, 03:29:05 PM by Slobodan »
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Re: Music that doesn't suck
« Reply #61 on: June 07, 2021, 02:28:56 PM »
Like so many more...

"Do you want this love of mine?
The darkness helps all to shine
Do you want it, do you want it now?
Do you want it all the time?
The darkness helps us all to shine
Do you want it, do you want it now?"

The neighbor offers him coke after he quit for a week, and that voice of the drug becomes his brain until he goes to sleep or gives in, and the latter is a lot easier.

You said most of what I would have either way.
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Re: Music that doesn't suck
« Reply #62 on: June 07, 2021, 03:40:40 PM »
At first I though that "this love of mine" is the drugs, but since he then says "do you want it all the time", I thought that it is actually th opposite - soberty, since you can be sober all the time, but can't be on drugs all the time (well you can, but then you're dead). And after that he says "The darkness helps us all to shine", as in are you sure you want to be sober, because drugs will help you feel good. But then again, it could be the other way around, I don't know. It is made to have multiple interpretations I suppose.
Like dark necessities do not mean just drugs. For example, I like fast driving, and I drive almost all the time above the speed limit (they are low anyway). Those are some of my dark necesseties. But people are quick to judge. "He is a killer", "Shoud have his licence removed permanentlly", "Should go to jail"... It is what I read in the comments in the news papers everytime there is a "news", somebody was caught driving 120 km/h in a city. But then you read the news and see that it is the part of the highway that goes trough the city. The speed limit is 80, but that is walkig speed for a highway...
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Re: Music that doesn't suck
« Reply #63 on: June 07, 2021, 03:47:53 PM »
It's very interesting how they made party music with a message but didn't go all self-superior like the rock stars.
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Re: Music that doesn't suck
« Reply #64 on: June 07, 2021, 04:16:46 PM »
It's very interesting how they made party music with a message but didn't go all self-superior like the rock stars.

That instantly reminded me of this:

"If you see me getting mighty if you see me getting high
Knock me down
I'm not bigger than life"

"Never too soon to be through
Being cool too much too soon
Too much for me too much for you
You're gonna loose in time

Don't be afraid to show your friends that you hurt inside, inside
Pain's part of life, don't hide behind your false pride
It's a lie, your lie

If you see me getting mighty if you see me getting high
Knock me down
I'm not bigger than life

If you see me getting mighty if you see me getting high
Knock me down
I'm not bigger than life

I'm tired of being untouchable
I'm not above the love
I'm part of you and you're part of me
Why did you go away
Finding what you're looking for
Can end up being being such a bore
I pray for you most every day my love's with you now fly away

If you see me getting mighty, if you see me getting high
Knock me down
I'm not bigger than life

If you see me getting mighty, if you see me getting high
Knock me down
I'm not bigger than life...

It's so lonely when you don't even know yourself
It's so lonely.."
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Re: Music that doesn't suck
« Reply #65 on: June 07, 2021, 06:41:40 PM »
I had to pause several times to look at the pictures of crazies he complied. Sorry, that's offensive, I mean "left wing democrats". He's also not a bad singer, though unfortunately something about the comic song style keeps most from giving their very best. Anyways loads of talent and laughs in this song:
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Re: Music that doesn't suck
« Reply #66 on: June 07, 2021, 07:00:21 PM »
Guano Apes - Lords Of The Boards (official video):
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


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Re: Music that doesn't suck
« Reply #67 on: June 08, 2021, 04:34:31 AM »
I had to pause several times to look at the pictures of crazies he complied. Sorry, that's offensive, I mean "left wing democrats". He's also not a bad singer, though unfortunately something about the comic song style keeps most from giving their very best. Anyways loads of talent and laughs in this song:

Yeah, those comedy songs are great at paintig the picture.
I like this Canadian guy that also makes comedy songs. He is really good.

Everyday Normal Guy 1 and 2, Everyday Normal Crew:

Pop Song:

F***k Everything:

Very Super Famous:

I Can Dance:

And the others.
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Re: Music that doesn't suck
« Reply #68 on: June 08, 2021, 05:39:03 AM »
What you said reminded me of another of their songs, which basically tells the strugle of their band member Hillel Slovak, an Israeli-American, who was not able to ditch the drug addiction and died of overdose in 1988. (I will post that song tomorrow, it is very good) That is why they made so many anti-drug songs. The lead siger, Anthony Kiedis was temporarily kicked out of the band in the early days by the Flee (the guy you see jumping around like crazy in the videos), until he got off the drugs.

This is the song - Otherside

"How long, how long will I slide?"

How long will I slide into an abyss, untill drugs kill me?

"Separate my side, I don't"

Until it sepateres my sole from the body.

"I don't believe it's bad"

I don't think the addiction is that bad, so I have no motivation or streinght to get rid of it.

"Slit my throat it's all I ever"

The only thing I can do it let it kill me.

"I heard your voice through a photograph"
"I thought it up and brought up the past"

I remembered how you've been before the addiction.

"Once you know you can never go back"

Once you try the durgs, you can never go back to how you where.

"I gotta take it on the other side"

If you want to continue thaking, you will eventually only be able to take them in the afterlife.
Or you can't get off them, so you need to take that problem and solveit in the afterlife, because in this life thez will kill you.

"Centuries are what it meant to me"

Drugs meant the world to me.

"A cemetery where I marry the sea"

Because of them I was alone, and they ended up being my final destination.

"Stranger things could never change my mind"

Nothing else was as good as the drugs, so I could never let them go.

"I gotta take it on the other side
Take it on the other side
Take it on, take it on"

So I brought them with me in the afterlife.

"How long, how long will I slide?
Separate my side, I don't
I don't believe it's bad
Slit my throat it's all I ever"

"Pour my life into a paper cup"

Trying to quit. Taking anti addiction medicine.

"The ashtray's full and I'm spillin' my guts"

But I can no longer take it, it makes me feel horrible.

"She wants to know, am I still a slut?"

Drugs keep asking me if I want to take them.

"I've got to take it on the other side"

I can only beat them in the afterlife.

"A scarlet starlet and she's in my bed"

Drugs are beautiful, and they want me to take them.

"A candidate for a soul mate bled"

They seem like a perfect solution for escape from my life's problems.

"Push the trigger and pull the thread"

Just take them (in the vein).

"I gotta take it on the other side
Take it on the other side
Take it on
Take it on"

And go to the afterlife.

"How long, how long will I slide?
Separate my side, I don't
I don't believe it's bad
Slit my throat it's all I ever"

"Turn me on, take me for a hard ride"

Get me high, make me feel good.

"Burn me out, leave me on the other side"

But then destroy me and eventualy kill me.

"I yell and tell it that it's not my friend
I tear it down, I tear it down
And then it's born again"

I keep trying to get rid of the addiction, I try I try, but I always bounce back.

"How long, how long will I slide?
Separate my side, I don't
I don't believe it's bad
Slit my throat it's all I ever"

"How long, I don't, I don't believe it's bad
Slit my throat it's all I ever

When will it finally end...
Si vis pacem, para bellum.

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Re: Music that doesn't suck
« Reply #69 on: June 14, 2021, 06:12:33 AM »
Sonic Empire (Short Mix):
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


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Re: Music that doesn't suck
« Reply #70 on: June 23, 2021, 01:12:21 AM »
Lugansky - Scriabin Piano Sonata No. 2 - Sonata-Fantasy:
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


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Re: Music that doesn't suck
« Reply #71 on: June 26, 2021, 03:00:57 PM »
This one is about visiting prostitutes.

Look Around

"Stiff club, its my nature"

Sexual needs are natural.

"Custom love is the nomenclature"

It is called "custom love" (personalised to your desires).

"Turn down mass confusion"

Ignore the oppinon of the masses.

"Hit the road 'cause we just keep cruisin'"

Go out and visit a prostitue, for the pleasure (crusing - a drive or a trip for the purpose of pleasure).

"Double my fun, double my vision"

Doubble the fun, because they will do what you want. Double my vision - intoxication or orgasm.

"Long hard look at my last decision"

Then comes the remorse.

"Hustle here, hustle there"

Prostitution is everywhere.

"Hustle me [censored] and you best beware"

Just don't screw me over.

"It's emotional and I told you so"

There will be consequences, I am warning you.

"But you had to know, so I told you"

But you wanted it, and you got it.

"Soft walk to horizon"

Going to the prostitutes while trying to hide it.

"One big crash that no one dies in"

One sexual encounter, that means nothing.

"This is for the folks in Fayetteville"

The place where the big military base is. This is for the army men (who visit prostitutes, because they are far from their home).

"It'll come true if you say it will"

If you believe that the encounter means nothing (to your girfriends/wives) then in your mind it is true.

"Look around, look around, look around"

Where ever you look...

"All around, all around, all around"

The affairs are everywhere.

"Please don't look right through me"

Prostitutes only pretend to love you, but you are just a job to them.

"Hurts my heart when you do that to me"

No explanation needed.

"Street life out my window"

More entertaining life is outside my home.

"City made breeze gonna stroke my skindow"

City entertainment is waking my desires.

"Just a lot of words on an old brick wall"

A lot of tally marks above the bed.

"Rob a lot of banks, got a pedigree scrawl"

Have relations with a lot of women, add another tally mark.

"Put my peg into your square"

Start having sex.

"Run around like we just don't care"

Do it like it is the end on the world.

"Move it ah got to get ya, want to get you"

"When I'm feeling small"

When I am not happy.

"And I'm hitting a wall"

And acheiving no progress.

"Wanna feel it all around"

Just want to fee good for a change.
Si vis pacem, para bellum.

Offline Israel Chai

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Re: Music that doesn't suck
« Reply #72 on: June 26, 2021, 11:11:45 PM »
This one is about visiting prostitutes.

Look Around

"Stiff club, its my nature"

Sexual needs are natural.

"Custom love is the nomenclature"

It is called "custom love" (personalised to your desires).

"Turn down mass confusion"

Ignore the oppinon of the masses.

"Hit the road 'cause we just keep cruisin'"

Go out and visit a prostitue, for the pleasure (crusing - a drive or a trip for the purpose of pleasure).

"Double my fun, double my vision"

Doubble the fun, because they will do what you want. Double my vision - intoxication or orgasm.

"Long hard look at my last decision"

Then comes the remorse.

"Hustle here, hustle there"

Prostitution is everywhere.

"Hustle me [censored] and you best beware"

Just don't screw me over.

"It's emotional and I told you so"

There will be consequences, I am warning you.

"But you had to know, so I told you"

But you wanted it, and you got it.

"Soft walk to horizon"

Going to the prostitutes while trying to hide it.

"One big crash that no one dies in"

One sexual encounter, that means nothing.

"This is for the folks in Fayetteville"

The place where the big military base is. This is for the army men (who visit prostitutes, because they are far from their home).

"It'll come true if you say it will"

If you believe that the encounter means nothing (to your girfriends/wives) then in your mind it is true.

"Look around, look around, look around"

Where ever you look...

"All around, all around, all around"

The affairs are everywhere.

"Please don't look right through me"

Prostitutes only pretend to love you, but you are just a job to them.

"Hurts my heart when you do that to me"

No explanation needed.

"Street life out my window"

More entertaining life is outside my home.

"City made breeze gonna stroke my skindow"

City entertainment is waking my desires.

"Just a lot of words on an old brick wall"

A lot of tally marks above the bed.

"Rob a lot of banks, got a pedigree scrawl"

Have relations with a lot of women, add another tally mark.

"Put my peg into your square"

Start having sex.

"Run around like we just don't care"

Do it like it is the end on the world.

"Move it ah got to get ya, want to get you"

"When I'm feeling small"

When I am not happy.

"And I'm hitting a wall"

And acheiving no progress.

"Wanna feel it all around"

Just want to fee good for a change.

Men who support prostitution but would pray all day and night that it should never happen to their daughter are like the liberals that support homosexuality but not for their kids. Ego, hypocrisy, being "more" righteous than Hashem.

Also I can replace "no explanation needed" with a three page essay. It also will never go away. The biggest hope of the whore is that people would only see the egotistical mask she wears and never come to see who she really is. It hurts when you look because it will always hurt when she looks forever. And I did say forever, this is an effect on your soul you are talking about, it is much more permanent than the planets and stars, death is no escape.
The fear of the L-rd is the beginning of knowledge

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Re: Music that doesn't suck
« Reply #73 on: June 27, 2021, 11:40:40 AM »
It is better for one to spill his semen in vain than to visit a prostitute. (The Divine Code)

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Re: Music that doesn't suck
« Reply #74 on: June 27, 2021, 02:59:56 PM »
Artésia - Tristesse:
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.
