What about the rights of a child....just because 2 people CAN reproduce doesnt mean that they should. Children are not a right, they are a responsibility....meaning YOU as a parent are RESPONSIBLE for the life of that child. If you cannot feed yourself WHY on earth would you think just because your reproductive parts are all in working order that is your right to bring another human being into this world and then not be able to feed and take care of it. In the case of children whose parents have died and they have no other relatives, of course, thats a different story...in the case of the children we see on tTV starving in Africa and other places whose parents just keep popping out another one year after year, cant feed them and watch them starve to death, THESE are the people who need to be cut and snipped!
I had a child when I was in university, and never once did I think that he was my right, I finished university, got a good job, bought a house and took care of MY responsibility.