Who cares if he did. So what.
Racist people are not logical and their opinions are always liable to be worthless as a result. For instance, I show someone Chaim's things, he points out that he's racist, I try saying no no, he shows that he said several times in his videos "Obama wants to let his bros out of jail", which washes over a critical part of his pro-crime strategy to promote more crime among black people and all his other tactical reasons for it, and so he's right that it's nice to hear every opinion but I can't trust the logic of such a person, liability.
If he's a Rabbi and he's really like "hello Jews and monkey convert", he'll make problems in our nation, and his lectures are likely to wash over critical facts when it tickles his little fancy on that subject. That being said I assume anything from a communist news source is a lie and anyone that posts from them is not intelligent enough nor takes enough responsibility for his actions to be worthy of consideration.