Author Topic: Thanks to Trump, Dems win Senate and may be able to destroy U.S. (new video)  (Read 3395 times)

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Online Chaim Ben Pesach

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Please promote this important video everywhere possible.

The program is 47 minutes this week.

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Offline Dr. Dan

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The darker days are coming for the regular bible believing folk. My recommendation is when we teach these religious values, we should do it in secret especially when it comes down to the gay agenda etc.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline Ulli

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The darker days are coming for the regular bible believing folk. My recommendation is when we teach these religious values, we should do it in secret especially when it comes down to the gay agenda etc.

It is absolutly unbelievable what happened in the last 20 years. The situation is really bad.

Everything is twisted 180°. "LGBT" is only one field, but really it affects all areas.

The people get even not wise by suffering from the outcome of this.
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Online Nachus

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   :usa+israel:                                                                                                                      :fist:                     

Kol hakavod Chaim and thank you for the excellent commentary which tells it like it
is and shows that the JTF take on the issues is by far the most accurate and
altruistic in this world and is undoubtedly legendary. Be ‘ezrat HaShem someday,
the world will correct itself and be the way it should be.

Offline Zelhar

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This is wrong and disgusting to blame Trump. Democrats usurped the white house and the the senate by conducting massive fraud with active participation of big tech and probably foreign states.
What we need is to stick with the MAGA party and keep fighting, exposing treason, and never give up.

Offline Dr. Dan

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I do have a counterpoint for one if chaim’s points:

Could it be possible that with mail in ballots en masse a large organization can commit fraudulent votes against trump hence the results we saw in this election?

Counter point to the hardcore MAGA trumpsters:

In 2016 third and fourth party candidates existed and it spoiled Hillary’s chances to win the electoral. A lot of Bernie voters were disenfranchised and also voted against her. Plus there were only polling stations and not mail in ballots so many younger voters  didn’t vote.  Perhaps trumps victory was nothing more than a mirage. 

Let’s all be honest about the possibilities.

It’s all in God’s hands. Covid is no accident. Riots were no accident. Democrats and AOC are not accidents. The writing is on the wall and has been for a looong time. It’s your choice to see it or not.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline Dan193

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I agree that Chaim is wrong on this one.  Zelhar is totally correct what he said.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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This is wrong and disgusting to blame Trump. Democrats usurped the white house and the the senate by conducting massive fraud with active participation of big tech and probably foreign states.
What we need is to stick with the MAGA party and keep fighting, exposing treason, and never give up.

But why are they so stupid?  How do you stick with a collection of stupid people with altright neonazis fighting police on their front lines?     They fall for Q conspiracy theories and worshipped Trump.  They believe in some mythical "plan" and many of them actually STILL believe Trump and Pompeo are secretly plotting to make him President again.   Whenever Trump doesn't do what he promised or what he should be doing, they always weave some tale about how you don't really understand at the surface level but all this secret stuff is happening that only Q knows about.  They are insane!

Offline Zelhar

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Trump didn't call for the mob charge on the white house and I will never accuse him of this libel and it could turn out that the most violent ones were actually antifa infiltrators.
There is good reason to protest and expose the massive election fraud. There is good reason to protest against tech tyrants.
I don't follow the lead of koo-koos. The us has a two party system and from both sides there are crazy people. And actually the alt-right nazis supported Biden this time around. For me, I was hesitant about Trump in 2016 and this time I supported him enthusiastically because overall I think he did
a surprisingly good job. But you or Chaim may disagree and that's ok.

But why are they so stupid?  How do you stick with a collection of stupid people with altright neonazis fighting police on their front lines?     They fall for Q conspiracy theories and worshipped Trump.  They believe in some mythical "plan" and many of them actually STILL believe Trump and Pompeo are secretly plotting to make him President again.   Whenever Trump doesn't do what he promised or what he should be doing, they always weave some tale about how you don't really understand at the surface level but all this secret stuff is happening that only Q knows about.  They are insane!

Offline Israel Chai

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Emotional people in politics have spurts of illogical behavior. Warm drinks and plenty of rest.

The white house has put FEMA and the DHS to lockdown the capital. He agrees with demonrats, we need to have lots of guns there for protection. Jan 21 qies know we will let them come to dinner or beat them up on our way to Brazil.

At this point, bags are packed anyways, if Qanon is wrong america is destroyed, if they are right they are not. By right I mean that Trump will flip everything. Obviously I don't trust what I can't know, but you gotta see the logic here. Now to add on the list of best accomplishments of his presidency, Trump has dented leftist social media more than any other man alive or in the past. Ever since the election was frauded Trump has given the right wing unprecedented gifts one after one. I posted the documentation as it happened. Clearly he has executed a well-chiseled plan, and it's not insane to assume that it is not yet over. It's equally insane to bet on it, but you don't have to get your gun and join Texas' secession just yet.
The fear of the L-rd is the beginning of knowledge

Offline Dan Ben Noah

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I do agree that although fraud was likely involved, the Georgia loss was ultimately the fault of Trump supporters who put their loyalty to Trump above their country and refused to get out and vote thanks to the suggestion of the Democrat clown Lin Wood.  These are likely the same tards that voted for Trump over Cruz in the primary, which no true conservative or moral person would do.
However, you can't on one hand say that Ted Cruz is a genius and put together a great plan to challenge voter fraud, and then turn around and dismiss Trump's claims of voter fraud.  Which is it?  If there was no significant voter fraud, then why would you support Ted Cruz's initiative?  If there was significant voter fraud, then why would you fault Trump for his lawsuits and misleading people?  I happen to think that the voter fraud issue is a legitimate concern, there is widespread evidence of it, and the courts keep finding lame reasons to not even look at the evidence and put the whole issue to bed. This is a good reason for people to get out and protest, unlike the black Lynch Mob/Antifa riots, which were just a bunch of far worse destruction over a bogus claim of systemic so-called "racism".
Trump did not incite any riot, he told people to be peaceful.  But pretty much every Democrat was either downplaying or encouraging the BLM/Antifa terrorists.  Also there are people from the Capitol Hill riot that have been interviewed/arrested that turned out to be Antifa/leftist, so the attempt to blame Trump for all this is playing into the hands of the leftists.  The way forward is to commend Ted Cruz for standing firm and not caving in the face of enormous political pressure and promote his candidacy for 2024.
Jeremiah 16:19 O Lord, Who are my power and my strength and my refuge in the day of trouble, to You nations will come from the ends of the earth and say, "Only lies have our fathers handed down to us, emptiness in which there is nothing of any avail!

Zechariah 8:23 So said the Lord of Hosts: In those days, when ten men of all the languages of the nations shall take hold of the skirt of a Jewish man, saying, "Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you."

Offline Israel Chai

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Are you the Dan Ben Noah of before? We missed you if you are.

I'm gonna go out on a limb here, without making any excuses for whater Lin is, and suggest that maybe there was voter fraud in Georgia again. Does any grouping of cells deny that possibility?

Ted Cruz candidacy 2024 get real. The only other possibility to save America is Texas and friends secede, and after several months of the left having no money and being forced to hunt sewer rats to survive, all the states can come back and there should be not too many of them to make problems any more. I of course count Trump winning somehow as a more likely possibility, and I would like to mention that guys on your roof in brazil with guns cost money, so if a few companies can split gun guys in a compound that's thrifty.
The fear of the L-rd is the beginning of knowledge