
Should Halloween be banned?

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Author Topic: What Do You All Think Of Halloween?  (Read 59081 times)

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Offline Barach Velvel ben Lazer Eliazer

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Re: Should Halloween be banned?
« Reply #50 on: October 02, 2007, 02:24:24 AM »

Is there anything in Jewish or Christian law against a masquerade party? That's a retorecal question because the answer is.. "Of course not."

Well, that is all that Halloween is about a masquerade, having harmless fun, that's it, nothing else, no deeper meaning, if it did mean something 800 years ago or whatever that is long gone now, ask any adult at a Halloween party, ask any kid, not one will say "I'm celebrating a pagan holiday", they'll all say, "fun day, costume, candy". That is the only meaning of it in the contemporary world, and that is what is important, what it means now. 

The problem is that everything is commercialized. It's the same way many "Christians" celebrate Christmas but think it's a Secular holiday.

Well you're making my point, it's commercialized and meaningless, that's what makes it harmless the fact that it is meaningless. At this point they could call it Costume Day.   

As for the Christians celebrating Christmas as a secular holiday, I imagine those people are pretty much secular the rest of the time, and religous Christians focus on what the holiday is about.

Well I guess they are self-hating Christians then. They think its just about presents, Christmas trees, and lights while in reality, this are remants of another pagan holiday, The Winter Solstice.

Huh, interesting concept, heard of self hating Jews, never self hating Christians. Actually now that I think about it, there are self hating Christians, and not surprisingly, they're in the same political category as self hating Jews. Self hating Christians are hard left, those "liberal" ACLU types trying to destroy any public symbol of Christianity in this country. So yes, it seems the Christians have their own self hating variety and their in the same club as the self hating Jew.

But back to your categorization, I think they're just secular, the truely self hating try to squash anything to do with Christmas including the secular stuff like decorations.

Of course there's self-hating Christians! The majority are! How many openly defy the ten commandments and every major warning in the Christian bible? Too many to count. How many have sex out of wedlock, committ adultery and don't have a single moral fiber in their body? There are way more Christians than Jews, hundreds of millions more, so, of course, there is an astounding number of self-hating Christians.

Offline Barach Velvel ben Lazer Eliazer

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Re: Should Halloween be banned?
« Reply #51 on: October 02, 2007, 02:27:17 AM »
Plus, why should we be encouraging our children to dress up as evil creatures? Just so they can get candy? There is no true purpose to this holiday other than its open show of defiance torwards God.

Offline Ultra Requete

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Re: Should Halloween be banned?
« Reply #52 on: October 02, 2007, 02:51:54 AM »
Well; The Halloween as you celebrate in USA; is evil; it teaches children that witchcraft is fun and games for allah sake; next they're exposed for Harry Potter who shoud be banned too; and you'll have another neopagan leftist selfhating piecnik in no time. Thanks G-d this is not celebrated in Europe.  
Jeremiah 8:11-17

11 They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. Peace, peace, they say, when there is no peace.

12 Are they ashamed of their loathsome conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush. So they will fall among the fallen; they will be brought down when they are punished, says the LORD.

13 'I will take away their harvest, declares the LORD. There will be no grapes on the vine. There will be no figs on the tree, and their leaves will wither. What I have given them will be taken from them.'

14 Why are we sitting here? Gather together! Let us flee to the fortified cities and perish there! For the LORD our God has doomed us to perish and given us poisoned water to drink, because we have sinned against him.

15 We hoped for peace but no good has come, for a time of healing but there was only terror.

16 The snorting of the enemy's horses is heard from Dan; at the neighing of their stallions the whole land trembles. They have come to devour the land and everything in it, the city and all who live there.

17 See, I will send venomous snakes among you, vipers that cannot be charmed, and they will bite you, declares the LORD.

Love your Enemy
And Heap Burning Coals on his Head!!!


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Re: Should Halloween be banned?
« Reply #53 on: October 02, 2007, 11:10:40 AM »
Hmm, I noticed nobody is attempting to address the points I've made. Means I win the argument.

I expect to see you all at the party then!  :D

Now you can call me sinful!  ;D

Offline Wayne Jude

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Re: Should Halloween be banned?
« Reply #54 on: October 02, 2007, 11:15:13 AM »
There are plenty of Christians that celebrate halloween and go to mardi gras.As well as Jews, that doesn't make it right yet I still love them all and respect them.We all should.

Offline Wayne Jude

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Re: Should Halloween be banned?
« Reply #55 on: October 02, 2007, 11:23:03 AM »
More and more Christians don't.


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Re: Should Halloween be banned?
« Reply #56 on: October 02, 2007, 11:24:59 AM »
Well; The Halloween as you celebrate in USA; is evil; it teaches children that witchcraft is fun and games for allah sake; next they're exposed for Harry Potter who shoud be banned too; and you'll have another neopagan leftist selfhating piecnik in no time. Thanks G-d this is not celebrated in Europe.  
When did ALLAH become part of Halloween in America? lol Should let my girls know that they can't celebrate Halloween because princesses and fairies are in league with the devil? lol

Offline Wayne Jude

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Re: Should Halloween be banned?
« Reply #57 on: October 02, 2007, 11:30:07 AM »
Not sure about that either.LOL.We just stopped because it didn't honor our God.

Offline Barach Velvel ben Lazer Eliazer

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Re: Should Halloween be banned?
« Reply #58 on: October 02, 2007, 12:18:08 PM »

Is there anything in Jewish or Christian law against a masquerade party? That's a retorecal question because the answer is.. "Of course not."

Well, that is all that Halloween is about a masquerade, having harmless fun, that's it, nothing else, no deeper meaning, if it did mean something 800 years ago or whatever that is long gone now, ask any adult at a Halloween party, ask any kid, not one will say "I'm celebrating a pagan holiday", they'll all say, "fun day, costume, candy". That is the only meaning of it in the contemporary world, and that is what is important, what it means now. 

The problem is that everything is commercialized. It's the same way many "Christians" celebrate Christmas but think it's a Secular holiday.

Well you're making my point, it's commercialized and meaningless, that's what makes it harmless the fact that it is meaningless. At this point they could call it Costume Day.   

As for the Christians celebrating Christmas as a secular holiday, I imagine those people are pretty much secular the rest of the time, and religous Christians focus on what the holiday is about.

Well I guess they are self-hating Christians then. They think its just about presents, Christmas trees, and lights while in reality, this are remants of another pagan holiday, The Winter Solstice.

Huh, interesting concept, heard of self hating Jews, never self hating Christians. Actually now that I think about it, there are self hating Christians, and not surprisingly, they're in the same political category as self hating Jews. Self hating Christians are hard left, those "liberal" ACLU types trying to destroy any public symbol of Christianity in this country. So yes, it seems the Christians have their own self hating variety and their in the same club as the self hating Jew.

But back to your categorization, I think they're just secular, the truely self hating try to squash anything to do with Christmas including the secular stuff like decorations.

Of course there's self-hating Christians! The majority are! How many openly defy the ten commandments and every major warning in the Christian bible? Too many to count. How many have sex out of wedlock, committ adultery and don't have a single moral fiber in their body? There are way more Christians than Jews, hundreds of millions more, so, of course, there is an astounding number of self-hating Christians.

Non-Jews don't have to follow The Ten Commandments. In fact they're not allowed to. They are not allowed to keep The Sabbath, part of The Ten Commandments. They just have to keep The Seven Noahide Laws.

Christians do follow the Ten Commandments. In Christianity the Shabbat was moved to Sunday after Christianity's separation from Judaism.

Offline Barach Velvel ben Lazer Eliazer

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Re: Should Halloween be banned?
« Reply #59 on: October 02, 2007, 12:27:18 PM »
But they still don't keep it the way Jews are supposed to. They just close their stores but still do melacha, which is fine, because they're not supposed to keep it.

As far as I know, Christians are supposed to uphold every one of the Ten Commandments. They're the fundamentals of Christianity. Yes, and you're right that Jews have to keep them, but just as much, plus, keep the other hundred-plus commandments the Torah commands of us.

Christians cannot committ adultery, must honor their neighbor, cannot steal, cannot kill, etc. Those are part of the Ten Commandments.

Offline Barach Velvel ben Lazer Eliazer

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Re: Should Halloween be banned?
« Reply #60 on: October 02, 2007, 12:29:45 PM »
Yes. It's an evil holiday. Figures that evil Hispanics came up with it.
I thought Samhain it was an Celtic invention? Hispanic? Are you refering to the Mexican day of the dead on Nov 1st??
lulz, I'm part Celtic...yet I dont celebrate it anymore.

All Catholic countrise have a Day of The Dead. It's not a Catholic thing. In Spanish and French class in high school, they made us give a presentation about a dead person from a Spanish speaking country (In Spanish class.) and a dead person from France (In Spanish class.).  I did a Spanish explorer of South America and in French, I did Jews. The first year I did Alfred Dreyfus and the the second year I did Rashi. We had to dress up as them so I wore my talit because that is a Jewish article of clothing.

The Day of The Dead was The Catholic Church's answers to Samhain. They just wanted to Christianize it. It's the same way Christmas was made into the birth of Jesus while originally it was the pagan Winter Solstice Festival. The Christian Bible gives no mention of Jesus being born on December 25.

Halloween is a derivative of The Day of the Dead. It's been changed, but it's still the same unholy holiday that people try to pass off as innocent fun.

Offline Ultra Requete

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Re: Should Halloween be banned?
« Reply #61 on: October 02, 2007, 12:30:15 PM »
Well; The Halloween as you celebrate in USA; is evil; it teaches children that witchcraft is fun and games for allah sake; next they're exposed for Harry Potter who shoud be banned too; and you'll have another neopagan leftist selfhating piecnik in no time. Thanks G-d this is not celebrated in Europe.  
When did ALLAH become part of Halloween in America? lol Should let my girls know that they can't celebrate Halloween because princesses and fairies are in league with the devil? lol

I say "for allah sake" instead of "for G-d sake" which woud be breach of commandment; Work on your reading comprehension for allah sake! fairess? I dont know but witches and ghosts are working for mr. s. ;); ofcourse mild deformed christians just like mild deformed jews are free to live by their whims not G-d 's will... for now. ::)  
« Last Edit: October 02, 2007, 12:48:45 PM by Ultra Requete »
Jeremiah 8:11-17

11 They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. Peace, peace, they say, when there is no peace.

12 Are they ashamed of their loathsome conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush. So they will fall among the fallen; they will be brought down when they are punished, says the LORD.

13 'I will take away their harvest, declares the LORD. There will be no grapes on the vine. There will be no figs on the tree, and their leaves will wither. What I have given them will be taken from them.'

14 Why are we sitting here? Gather together! Let us flee to the fortified cities and perish there! For the LORD our God has doomed us to perish and given us poisoned water to drink, because we have sinned against him.

15 We hoped for peace but no good has come, for a time of healing but there was only terror.

16 The snorting of the enemy's horses is heard from Dan; at the neighing of their stallions the whole land trembles. They have come to devour the land and everything in it, the city and all who live there.

17 See, I will send venomous snakes among you, vipers that cannot be charmed, and they will bite you, declares the LORD.

Love your Enemy
And Heap Burning Coals on his Head!!!

Offline Wayne Jude

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Re: Should Halloween be banned?
« Reply #62 on: October 02, 2007, 12:31:10 PM »
Yes, but it is a heathen practice at the expense of our Christian faiths lent.

Offline Barach Velvel ben Lazer Eliazer

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Re: Should Halloween be banned?
« Reply #63 on: October 02, 2007, 12:34:01 PM »
Well; The Halloween as you celebrate in USA; is evil; it teaches children that witchcraft is fun and games for allah sake; next they're exposed for Harry Potter who shoud be banned too; and you'll have another neopagan leftist selfhating piecnik in no time. Thanks G-d this is not celebrated in Europe.  
When did ALLAH become part of Halloween in America? lol Should let my girls know that they can't celebrate Halloween because princesses and fairies are in league with the devil? lol
It doesn't matter what you dress up as. It's the principle of the holiday that matters and the fact that it's a day that basically promotes vandalism.

Offline mord

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Re: Should Halloween be banned?
« Reply #64 on: October 02, 2007, 12:39:19 PM »
Courtesy of moslems lots of thing are being banned in schools in the land of Lincoln


First Jell-O, now Santa
OAK LAWN | School district considers banning traditions seen as offensive to Muslims

September 28, 2007
BY ANGELA CAPUTO Daily Southtown
So long, Halloween parade. Farewell, Santa's gift shop.
The holiday traditions are facing elimination in some Oak Lawn schools this year after complaints that the activities are offensive, particularly to Muslim students.

Final decisions on which of the festivities will be axed will fall to the principals at each of Ridgeland School District 122's five schools, Supt. Tom Smyth said.

Parents expect that the announcement is going to add to the tension that has been building since officials agreed earlier this month to change the lunch menu to exclude items containing pork to accommodate Muslim students. News that Jell-O was struck from the menu caused such a stir that officials have agreed to bring it back. Gelatin is often made with tissue or bones of pigs or other animals.

That controversy now appears to have been been dwarfed by the holiday debate, which became so acrimonious Wednesday that police were called to Columbus Manor School to intervene in a shouting match among parents.

"It's difficult when you change the school's culture," said Columbus Manor Principal Sandy Robertson.

Elizabeth Zahdan, a mother of three District 122 students, says she took her concerns to the school board this month, not because she wanted to do away with the traditions, but rather to make them more inclusive. "I only wanted them modified to represent everyone," she said.

Nixing them isn't the response she was looking for. "Now the kids are not being educated about other people," she said.

There's just not time in the six-hour school day to celebrate every holiday, said Smyth, who sent the message to principals that they need to "tone down" the activities that he sees as eating too much into instructional time. "We have to think about our purpose," Smyth said. "Are we about teaching reading, writing and math or for parties or fund-raising during the day?"

Robertson is hoping to strike compromises that will keep traditions alive and be culturally acceptable to all students -- nearly half of whom are of Arab descent at Columbus Manor, she says. Fewer than a third of students districtwide are of Arab descent, according to Smyth.

Following the example of Lieb Elementary School, Columbus Manor School will exchange the annual Halloween parade for a fall festival next month. The holiday gift bazaars at both schools also will remain, but they'll likely be moved to the PTA-sponsored after-school winter festival. And Santa's annual visit probably will be on a Saturday.

Sun-Times News Group
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Barach Velvel ben Lazer Eliazer

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Re: Should Halloween be banned?
« Reply #65 on: October 02, 2007, 12:39:33 PM »
But they still don't keep it the way Jews are supposed to. They just close their stores but still do melacha, which is fine, because they're not supposed to keep it.

As far as I know, Christians are supposed to uphold every one of the Ten Commandments. They're the fundamentals of Christianity. Yes, and you're right that Jews have to keep them, but just as much, plus, keep the other hundred-plus commandments the Torah commands of us.

Christians cannot committ adultery, must honor their neighbor, cannot steal, cannot kill, etc. Those are part of the Ten Commandments.

But the reason they can't do that is because it's in The Noahide Laws. Keeping Shabbat is not in The Noahide Laws. The Ten Commandments is only for Jews. Why don't Christians follow the other 613 mitzvot if they want to keep Shabbat?

The mitzvot is for Jews, as well as the Ten Commandments. Christianity is a derivative of Judaism, but it's a totally different religion, based on their beliefs and what is written in the Christian bible. Christians who break any of the Ten Commandments will be punished. They must uphold the Shabbat, but they observe it on Sunday. They also don't have as many prohibitions to abide.

Offline Barach Velvel ben Lazer Eliazer

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Re: Should Halloween be banned?
« Reply #66 on: October 02, 2007, 12:40:57 PM »
Yes, but it is a heathen practice at the expense of our Christian faiths lent.
The Christian bible says nothing about celebrating a holiday to honor evil entities.


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Re: Should Halloween be banned?
« Reply #67 on: October 02, 2007, 12:41:27 PM »
Well; The Halloween as you celebrate in USA; is evil; it teaches children that witchcraft is fun and games for allah sake; next they're exposed for Harry Potter who shoud be banned too; and you'll have another neopagan leftist selfhating piecnik in no time. Thanks G-d this is not celebrated in Europe.  
When did ALLAH become part of Halloween in America? lol Should let my girls know that they can't celebrate Halloween because princesses and fairies are in league with the devil? lol
It doesn't matter what you dress up as. It's the principle of the holiday that matters and the fact that it's a day that basically promotes vandalism.
How, when children are just walking the streets dressed in cute costumes? Are you referring to those teenagers who egg houses and things like that, that's not what the day is supposed to mean. That's stupid.

Offline Wayne Jude

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Re: Should Halloween be banned?
« Reply #68 on: October 02, 2007, 12:42:09 PM »
But this is real deep stuff.We should have a gathering,Christians, Jews and others.It would be a first I would bring my 6 to 9 people...

Offline mord

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Re: Should Halloween be banned?
« Reply #69 on: October 02, 2007, 12:43:12 PM »
Courtesy of moslems lots of thing are being banned in schools in the land of Lincoln


First Jell-O, now Santa
OAK LAWN | School district considers banning traditions seen as offensive to Muslims

September 28, 2007
BY ANGELA CAPUTO Daily Southtown
So long, Halloween parade. Farewell, Santa's gift shop.
The holiday traditions are facing elimination in some Oak Lawn schools this year after complaints that the activities are offensive, particularly to Muslim students.
Final decisions on which of the festivities will be axed will fall to the principals at each of Ridgeland School District 122's five schools, Supt. Tom Smyth said.

Parents expect that the announcement is going to add to the tension that has been building since officials agreed earlier this month to change the lunch menu to exclude items containing pork to accommodate Muslim students. News that Jell-O was struck from the menu caused such a stir that officials have agreed to bring it back. Gelatin is often made with tissue or bones of pigs or other animals.

That controversy now appears to have been been dwarfed by the holiday debate, which became so acrimonious Wednesday that police were called to Columbus Manor School to intervene in a shouting match among parents.

"It's difficult when you change the school's culture," said Columbus Manor Principal Sandy Robertson.

Elizabeth Zahdan, a mother of three District 122 students, says she took her concerns to the school board this month, not because she wanted to do away with the traditions, but rather to make them more inclusive. "I only wanted them modified to represent everyone," she said.

Nixing them isn't the response she was looking for. "Now the kids are not being educated about other people," she said.

There's just not time in the six-hour school day to celebrate every holiday, said Smyth, who sent the message to principals that they need to "tone down" the activities that he sees as eating too much into instructional time. "We have to think about our purpose," Smyth said. "Are we about teaching reading, writing and math or for parties or fund-raising during the day?"

Robertson is hoping to strike compromises that will keep traditions alive and be culturally acceptable to all students -- nearly half of whom are of Arab descent at Columbus Manor, she says. Fewer than a third of students districtwide are of Arab descent, according to Smyth.

Following the example of Lieb Elementary School, Columbus Manor School will exchange the annual Halloween parade for a fall festival next month. The holiday gift bazaars at both schools also will remain, but they'll likely be moved to the PTA-sponsored after-school winter festival. And Santa's annual visit probably will be on a Saturday.

Sun-Times News Group
Don'nt worry the moslems are banning plenty in the U.S.A.
« Last Edit: October 02, 2007, 12:49:30 PM by mord »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Ultra Requete

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Re: Should Halloween be banned?
« Reply #70 on: October 02, 2007, 12:46:31 PM »
But they still don't keep it the way Jews are supposed to. They just close their stores but still do melacha, which is fine, because they're not supposed to keep it.

yes that's the point we celebrate them on chritian way becouse since IV century christianity was divorced from judaism; btw Joshua was not even phareseic Rabbi; so even hebrew christians don't fallow oral Torah and Talmud; we gentile christians suposed to keep  10 comandments but on other ways; we're not required to hold all those commndents like dietetery laws; banns on intermarriages; all those purity laws  which were strictly tied and purposed for Jewish comunity living in ancient Judea and Israel. However moral Torah about the relations with G-d and brother were not only uphold but broadened.  
Jeremiah 8:11-17

11 They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. Peace, peace, they say, when there is no peace.

12 Are they ashamed of their loathsome conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush. So they will fall among the fallen; they will be brought down when they are punished, says the LORD.

13 'I will take away their harvest, declares the LORD. There will be no grapes on the vine. There will be no figs on the tree, and their leaves will wither. What I have given them will be taken from them.'

14 Why are we sitting here? Gather together! Let us flee to the fortified cities and perish there! For the LORD our God has doomed us to perish and given us poisoned water to drink, because we have sinned against him.

15 We hoped for peace but no good has come, for a time of healing but there was only terror.

16 The snorting of the enemy's horses is heard from Dan; at the neighing of their stallions the whole land trembles. They have come to devour the land and everything in it, the city and all who live there.

17 See, I will send venomous snakes among you, vipers that cannot be charmed, and they will bite you, declares the LORD.

Love your Enemy
And Heap Burning Coals on his Head!!!

Offline Barach Velvel ben Lazer Eliazer

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Re: Should Halloween be banned?
« Reply #71 on: October 02, 2007, 12:47:16 PM »
Well; The Halloween as you celebrate in USA; is evil; it teaches children that witchcraft is fun and games for allah sake; next they're exposed for Harry Potter who shoud be banned too; and you'll have another neopagan leftist selfhating piecnik in no time. Thanks G-d this is not celebrated in Europe.  
When did ALLAH become part of Halloween in America? lol Should let my girls know that they can't celebrate Halloween because princesses and fairies are in league with the devil? lol
It doesn't matter what you dress up as. It's the principle of the holiday that matters and the fact that it's a day that basically promotes vandalism.
How, when children are just walking the streets dressed in cute costumes? Are you referring to those teenagers who egg houses and things like that, that's not what the day is supposed to mean. That's stupid.
It's a holiday derived from the Hispanic holiday The Day of the Dead, in which evil entities are supposed to be celebrated. Why should good Jews and Christians celebrate such an unholy day. Bring a Jew and Christian is about loving God and keeping the evil out of our lives to remain pure. So, from that one can gather that it opposes everything the Jewish and Christian faith stand for.

Offline Barach Velvel ben Lazer Eliazer

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Re: Should Halloween be banned?
« Reply #72 on: October 02, 2007, 12:50:27 PM »
But they still don't keep it the way Jews are supposed to. They just close their stores but still do melacha, which is fine, because they're not supposed to keep it.

yes that's the point we celebrate them on chritian way becouse since IV century christianity was divorced from judaism; btw Joshua was not even phareseic Rabbi; so even hebrew christians don't fallow oral Torah and Talmud; we gentile christians suposed to keep  10 comandments but on other ways; we're not required to hold all those commndents like dietetery laws; banns on intermarriages; all those purity laws  which were strictly tied and purposed for Jewish comunity living in ancient Judea and Israel. However moral Torah about the relations with G-d and brother were not only uphold but broadened.  
I'm not sure intermarriage is allowed in the Christian faith or any other faith for that matter, as intermarriage is seen as a rejection of one's religion.

Offline Wayne Jude

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Re: Should Halloween be banned?
« Reply #73 on: October 02, 2007, 12:52:25 PM »
Yes It was a Hispanic Christian that showed me the light about halloween


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Re: Should Halloween be banned?
« Reply #74 on: October 02, 2007, 12:52:44 PM »
The whole premise behind halloween is an evil one, a celebration of witchcraft and the occult, it is evil, and should definitely be banned in any Christian or Jewish nation.