Author Topic: Point proven! Enough already!  (Read 841 times)

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Point proven! Enough already!
« on: April 23, 2021, 09:35:57 AM »

I’ve mentioned before how I’ve observed how people are treated in certain circles once they are linked in some way to Israel or the comments that are made with regards to the topic of Jews. To summarise, I see many social media messages that express hatred or distrust for Jews and for those who support Israel. The term “Zionism” or “Zionist” is used as a slur when spoken or written, meaning something traitorous or evil. I’ve seen some person that seems to be treated respectfully first, but once there is a suggestion that the person is a Jew, maybe because of the shape of their nose or the sound of their last name, then the person is seen as untrustworthy.

Because of my fringe ideas, I end up in certain groups where either the whole story of the holocaust or aspects of it are rejected in an outspoken way. That, in and of itself, doesn’t really matter to me: they’re normally not Jews so they don’t have to be invested or care about the history of another people. But what does cause me concern is the undertone of “the evil Jew.” The amount of times I’ve been told “hey, just watch this documentary and you’ll see!” I gave it a try once too. I started watching this documentary about some “Europa” thing, which tried to paint history in a total “evil Jew” way. At least I learned that all the major wars were either started by or gain benefit for “the Jews.” And that the Jews planned and celebrated the introduction of the federal reserve and the income tax in America, with their rabbis of course. Wait there, did I forget that the Jews are not even real Jews? That last part wasn’t part of the documentary, but it’s something that I heard with enough frequency.

I didn’t finish watching the documentary; I realised that I’m just hearing someone else’s story about a history that I never lived through, never experienced and can’t verify. It’s just another stranger with another story. That seems to be much of history: strangers and stories.

Anyway, after I had another bout of seeing a torrent of such outpourings of “love” for Jews, … No. I think I need the bluntness of the fact to lay the foundation for what I say next. So, after witnessing another episode of people ragging on Israel and describing Jews as things unworthy, something slapped me across the face like a wet fish. (I wonder how being hit by a dry fish would be different.)

One claim that is made is that the land of Israel was stolen from the Palestinians, that the Jews used the Holocaust and their political and financial ties to get the land of Israel and create the state of Israel. For many, the state of Israel is illegitimate and should not exist. Not that I agree with that story, but I realised that the Jews needed to get that land! With all that I had experienced, it hit me more solidly that there was an easy and secular justification for Jews to get and keep that land. Sure, I accept their Torah claim to that land and much more land. It’s not as if I was doubting it. But time after time, I was being shown the natural reason why a person needs their own home, and why such a people need their own land.

“A man, despised and rejected.” I’m sure lots of Gentiles like the Jews and love them. I’m not a collectivist and don’t really have love or like for masses of strangers, so I’m not included in that. But I know for a fact that plenty of Gentiles don’t like Jews and hate them. Historically, I believe the Jews have been despised by many-a-Gentile for a long time. I’m sure that many christians in the past had good feelings for Jews. I’m also sure that, because of what the new testament teaches, many christians historically did not like Jews, the God-killers or the Christ-killers, the seed of Satan, contrary with every man. They ain’t gonna be loved by many-a-muslim either, especially nowadays. And as long as they have no home of their own, they are all the more vulnerable. Seeing the sentiments I’ve seen, it would be a dangerous thing for a Jew to trust the good affection of foreigners. Very few people like strangers over-staying their welcome, and as long as Jews have no home of their own, they would always be strangers. It’s very natural for a family to wish its own to do better than the strangers or visitors, as it is also natural for feelings for the strangers to turn sour if they appear to be more successful than the family members. It’s the same for racial/national groups. And this is true even for the foreigners who lived among the Jews. Biblically, Jews should have more advantages in their own land amongst their own people. They have natural love for their own and not so much for strangers. It makes sense. So it also makes sense for Jews themselves to be strangers and foreigners in other lands is an automatic demotion, even if they think they’re doing well for themselves.

For me, the fact is that it is both natural and necessary for the Jews to get that land, even if they stole it. Let me pretend that I go along with the stories that the Jews did unjustly get that land, that they stole it. Here’s how I personally see it. There’s a small homeless family in a walled community. Everywhere they go, they may do well for a while but in the end they get the [censored] kicked out of them (translation: they get attacked and beaten up). When it seems like the animosity against them is getting too hot to handle, they spot a small house which is part of a larger complex where a few of them are staying with the strangers there. The walls around this small house seem good enough to give the family some defense. So they have a choice: continue to remain homeless and in constant threat and vulnerability, possibly risking worse to the point of death at the hands of the others, maybe go to another stranger’s house and see how long the kindness or tolerance lasts; or get that house, take it, and, if necessary, push the unwilling occupants into their greater complex and seal the door behind them. Some may consider it theft depending on how they get the land. But, realistically, what are the choices?

And the moralists and idealists, … or the moral idealists(?) will complain. “You must say in self-abuse until things open up naturally for you.” “Wait for God to save you because you cannot save yourselves through your own efforts.” “Keep getting battered, mistreated, hated and mistrusted, at the whim of strangers, because morally you’ll be better even if physically you’re ripped apart.” “You have to keep the moral high ground, even if your legs are chopped off.” And those indifferent or who hate will say “you’re being punished by God, you just need to take it!” They will see him as “stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted.” “You deserve it anyway!” “That’s just the way it is.” The self-loathers among the family who lack self-preservation will say, “Ooooh, this is wrong! We shouldn’t be here! I’ll fight to get us out!”

Anyway, that little analogy or metaphor is just if I took the side that the land the Jews currently reside in and call their home was stolen or misappropriated. I don’t take that side. But the fact is that Jew-haters, Jew-supremacists and anti-Zionists have finally forced me to confront the immutable truth Jews have a damn good secular reason for possessing that land and making it home.

But as a side note, it also dawned on me that Israel and the Jews are not the centre of the world, not the centre of my world anyway. The older I get, the less invested I am in their story. Yet for the people who don’t like Jews, who think they run their country or the world or the media or whatever, the “Jews” in their heads have a lot more sway on them than they realise. But then again, they are in their heads, so …
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


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Re: Point proven! Enough already!
« Reply #1 on: April 23, 2021, 10:54:24 AM »
It has always been this way, Jewish state or not. Many decide to hate Hashem but since they can't fight him come for us. Such people make Jews and Israel the focus of their every waking moment. People can not live with themselves if they believe they are evil, so it must be the Jews that are for the preservation of what sanity they have.

In physical terms, Israel is not something that is affecting you much, inventions, trade, big but your neighbor affects you more. In spiritual terms it's the magnetic center of the world and the muslims taking pver your contonent and others are empowered by their victory mosque on it. Talmud says if the nations realized what they would lose when the temple was destroyed, they would post armies to guard it. That equally applies on the flip side if they knew what damage the yellow pimple on Hashem's mountain does to them.

As for the Arabs going to world powers to demand they give them our Israel, this has happened before as well.

The world says say with us and die because they love dead Jews, living ones they hate.
The fear of the L-rd is the beginning of knowledge