Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

Serbia awards every vaccinated person with roughly 25 euros

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Israel Chai:
Asphalt is basically the same price everywhere too. Walk around, having called an asphalt company beforehand that agrees to give you 25%, find cracks in peoples' cement. Knock knock, make a printout paper with a rectangle representing the driveway and draw the holes on it, tell the guy the hole will get bigger because it will, and when the company does the job, be very careful that the client always gives you the cheque, and you give it to the company when they give you your 25% cash first, because alot of these guys will try to screw you. That's like a grand every 4 hour walk I take with my mother.

Israel Chai:
Like why didn't you tell me you need money. My function is to make other people money so they can give me money and say thank you while giving me money and I can smile. The more money the company has and the more money and skills you give me the more I produce.

I'll give you a real cash one. American universities are filled with retard courses and even more retard students. You can get access to the course curriculum, I like torrent the ebook but you can buy it for their outrageous overpriced fee if you like. They have other class materials online you can easily get if you just meet a girl on a dating site from a university or just put an ad out for tutoring and get the guy to let you on his school materials for a sec, download it all and there you go. You can finish learning their 6 month class in 2 or three weeks, and then the Americans pay you $50+/hour to tutor them. You can also put ads out all over to tutor people in high school math, or whatever you know from your degree, and if you charge $20 an hour you're basically the cheapest one there.

Talk to me about what you got or what you can do and I'll tell you more things. There are so many ways to make more than 550 a month.


--- Quote from: Israel Chai on May 13, 2021, 12:36:36 AM ---Hardware electronics though... what exactly can you do? If something's broke in the hardware you can fix it, or you like assemble PCs?

--- End quote ---

Well, electronics Engineers does things like component level design. Designing electronic shematics, board layout, prototype building and testing, design evaluation and improvement, and similar. That is what electronics Engineer usually does by profession.
Although, that is mostlly if he works in the development/design department. I work in the engineering department, so I don't do that sort of things, unfortunatelly. In engineering department I do things like final assemblly and firmware instalation of the products (electronic boards), manufacturer's product testing procidures (that checks if everything is working on the newlly made product), component level repairs of the products that don't work (from the factory). Then the configuration (to the custormers needs) and long term testing to make sure everything works reliably, before it if sent to the site for instalation (which other employees are incharge for). Then repairs of products that have failed on thecustomer's sites (they get delivered to the company, I don't do field work). Now and then, I do prototype or first production run product testing to find faults (if any) and to see if all functions perform as they should, give recomendation for improvements, and so on.


--- Quote from: Israel Chai on May 13, 2021, 12:48:38 AM ---Asphalt is basically the same price everywhere too. Walk around, having called an asphalt company beforehand that agrees to give you 25%, find cracks in peoples' cement. Knock knock, make a printout paper with a rectangle representing the driveway and draw the holes on it, tell the guy the hole will get bigger because it will, and when the company does the job, be very careful that the client always gives you the cheque, and you give it to the company when they give you your 25% cash first, because alot of these guys will try to screw you. That's like a grand every 4 hour walk I take with my mother.

--- End quote ---

A state owned company (communist legacy) is responsible for maintaining national roads only. All local roads are maintained by the companies hired by the local Government (township, city, village,...). Comaies can not repair roads by themselves (again, communist legacy).


--- Quote from: Israel Chai on May 13, 2021, 01:40:53 AM ---Like why didn't you tell me you need money.

There are so many ways to make more than 550 a month.

--- End quote ---

I earn enough for life. The cost of living is much lower here. Of course, things like cars (which I am a big enthusiast of), computers, clothes and so on, cost about the same as in the west. Some things cost even more, because we have an import loby and "undeveloped" consumer market (what the import loby tells us) and that is (allegedly) why some prices are higher. But things like electricity and other utilities are much lower. Food, restorants, and so on. But petrol is expencive due to high fuel tax. But that is Europe for you. Although petrol is almost 2.5 times more expencive than in Russia...

But yes, the salary is still too low, and I will have to find some other ways of earning additional money in a couple of years. But that is for the "luxuries" like a nicer car, vacations and so on.


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