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Jerusalem, Israel
HaRav Yehuda Kroizer SHLIT"A, Rosh Yeshiva

1 Cheshvan 5768/12-13 October 2007


“And they said: Come, let us build us a city and a tower with its top in
the heavens and let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be dispersed
across the whole earth.”

Under the threat of another flood that would destroy the world, King
Nimrod, the mighty hunter who ruled the entire world, gathered all the
peoples of the earth and told them: Let us build a big city in which all of
us can live together. In it we will erect a very high tower. The idea was
enthusiastically accepted by all the nations.

People had different reasons for wanting to build the tower, Some
thought that it could save them from another flood, stating that the water
would not reach us here. Some said that by building the tower, they would
make a name for themselves. Still others wanted to build the tower and place
an idol there and do battle with Hashem. All of the above groups had in mind
to rebel against Hashem.

Yet another group denied Hashem’s very existence, claiming that Hashem
did not exist at all and all the troubles that have befallen man came from
natural occurrences. Whether it was the tidal wave in the generation of
Enosh that washed away a third of the world's population or the flood in the
time of Noach, they had a rational and scientific explanation for every
event in the universe. They said: Every 1656 years the heavens shake,
causing a flood. To prevent the heavens from collapsing again, we must take
precautions by building supports, and the first pillar will be this tower in
the valley of Bavel.

Interesting to note thatHashem gave these rebels tremendous success in
all of their endeavors, partly so they should not be able to say that if
they could have built the tower they would have overcome Him. The bricks
were fashioned as if by themselves, and when the people placed a brick in
the wall, they found two others in its place. When they put down two, they
found four set up. The tower grew and became so high that it took a person a
full year to climb to the top.

Among all of the people rebelling against Hashem, Abraham stood out as
opposing the tower project. He rebuked them, saying: You forsook Hashem, Who
is the Tower, and chose instead to substitute a tower made of bricks.
Abraham would curse the builders of the tower saying: Destroy them, O L-rd,
and divide their tongues! Still, Abraham's rebuke went unheeded, and the
people mocked him, saying, look at this barren mule, he is childless!

If we would stop the story at this point, it would certainly seem that
the rebels of this world came out the winners. A tremendous tower was taking
shape under the leadership of the evil Nimrod, and the lone voice of
opposition, Abraham, is belittled and silenced and without children. Still,
to correctly view the events of history, we must be in it for the long haul.
Looking back, we certainly can see the folly of Nimrod and his followers,
while the doctrine of Abraham continues to this very day.

So it has been throughout our long history, each empire rising up to
greatness telling us of the high value of their beliefs and trying to
destroy us for ours. Still, when the dust settles and time passes, the truth
of Hashem and His chosen people is clear for all to see, even if at the time
they had much success.

Today, too, the fools continue on this path, learning nothing from
history, whether it's in the form of trying to eliminate the Jewish people
or from those from within or without who want to force us to give away our
precious Land. Don’t they know that they work in vain? True, as in the times
of Nimrod, they might have looked for a while to be on top, but this is only
to bring them down. In the end, the truth of Hashem's word and promise to
His people will shine through.

Wth love of Israel,
Levi Chazen

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