I think there is no other choice than to bring down this gouvernment. They will harm the orthodox Jews severely, destroy foreign relations and isolate Israel in a way it was never isolated before with only one "partner" remaining Biden USA. While the enemies of Israel in the region will grow to unprecedented strength. This can and probably will end very badly.
Look what happened to Georgia and Ukraine. They are locked in a dead end. Neither they can speak to the emerging Eurasian alliance, nor they are accepted in the western bloc.
Before only 12 months everything looked so bright. Democrats and leftist Jews have destroyed everything in less than one year.
Saudis said, that they pray to Mekka and not to Jerusalem. EU was not able to go so hard against Israel, because eastern European states have blocked and softend lots of policies. More and more countries normalized the relations to Israel. And now?
Iran is integrating into the Eurasian Alliance, Turkey too, Hisbollah is already entrenched at the border with Syria, Sanctions to Iran are discarded and hundreds of billions of $ flowing into the military-industrial complex of Iran.
In this situation Israeli gouvernment has to have excellent relations to Putin and Jinping in order to prevent the worst outcome. And this is only possible with Netanyahu. To illustrate this Russian and Chinese engineers develop most advanced weapons programms together and share technology. Imagine what would happen if Iran is allowed in this development pool too? Imagine an Iran with Su-57, S-500, TOS and Hypersonic Missles.

And don't forget, the link between better relations to the neighbours and the so called Palestinian issue was already on the garbage dump. It was Biden and people like Lapid who brought it back without any necessity.