She is and looks like a typical lesbian with a chip on her shoulder and a big mouth to follow. Another Rosie O'Donnell! 
She probably is. She's immoral enough to be one. She's just a horrible person, and the worse thing is she's popular, and she's going to influence a lot of women to follow her into a life of immorality. Unfortunately, Americans look up to celebrities and try to be like them and wish they were them. So, a lot of women are going to be like her.
Today's actor are immoral, disgusting people. Most are left-wingers, who wouldn't care less about this country, because they have millions. And they love that people look up to them, because they know they're more than capable of influencing people.
Look at that sick, twisted, demented, piece of excrement Sean Penn. He's got a huge following and he hates America. He wants America to fall, and he's influencing his fans to help his twisted cause.