Even if the Tower of Babel is found, it
would not be noble or wise for anyone
to follow the example of Nimrod in
Of cause not, but it could proof even stronger the validity of the 5 books of Mose. I think it would be very important to make more excavations in southern Shinar (Sumer)
Before the evidence was found in the city of David and in Israel in general like seals with names of persons mentioned in Chronicles, Samuel and Kings they have said the Bibel was invented in the Babylonian exile or even later. Now they have to admit, that the accounts of this books were accurate. BUT they belittle the great old kings Solomo and David.
There are additional discoveries in Egypt that link to a Hebrew presence in the region around Avaris.
https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/statue-of-biblical-joseph-found-story-covered-up/The more proofs we have, the less irritations for weak people in faith and in addition the more backup for the Jewish claims to the land.