Author Topic: ASK JTF #11 - Here is the thread where you can ask questions for our next video  (Read 5327 times)

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Offline Ron

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We have removed the 300 character limit on forum posts. We will instead impose a limit of two short questions for every person on Ask JTF. If someone asks more than two short questions, we will not be able to answer.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2021, 02:41:10 PM by Chaim Ben Pesach »
We must help the Hilltop Youth heroes!

Their fight is our fight.

How you can help and participate in the sacred cause:,94604.0.html

Offline ram770

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שלום חיים היקר מה שלומך? יש לי עדכון ביום ראשון האחרון נפגשנו אני אודי ורטמן בן ציון גגולה ועוד חברים עם חבר הכנסת שמחה רוטמן בכנסת ישראל הוא מוכן לעזור לך בעלייה שלך ארצה אם אתה מוכן לדבר עם שמחה רוטמן ? אודי ורטמן סיפר לשמחה רוטמן מכול הלב את הסיפור שלך ומה קרה לך בדיוק האם כן איך תרצה שאני יקשר בניכם הוא מוכן לכתוב מכתב לשרת הפנים איילת שקד
 אגב מה  דעתך על אלי קיי הי"ד ?שעלה מדרום אפריקה בשביל
 לשרת בצה"ל הוא נרצח בדרך לכותל המערבי ובנט הרשע אומר שהוא הרוג ולא נרצח איזה ממשלת זדון וגם נתניהו הרשע בגללו יהיו פיגועים מקווה שיבואו הגאולה השלמה והמשיח
« Last Edit: November 22, 2021, 10:10:07 PM by ram770 »

Offline chicagojew

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Mark Zuckerberg is a self hating Jew. You would think with that with all his billions he would use his facebook as a force of good  to help his fellow Jews, you would also think that with with all his billions he would have the "pick of the litter", and easily find a Jewish girl to marry, buts instead inter marries.

Offline TruthSpreader

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Susan Wojcicki the CEO of YouTube is one of the ugilest self hating Jews, wouldn't you agree?
Dan - Stay calm and be brave in order to judge correctly and make the right decision

Offline Hrvatski Noahid

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In the Torah Law for Gentiles, if someone rules over a nation or a part of a nation despotically, he and all his officials are considered like a band of robbers, whose laws are not binding and any taxes that he takes are theft on his part.

In light of this, do you see why the covid pass despotism is morally problematic?
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


Offline Binyamin Yisrael

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Discuss the following US Senators from New York.

James M. Mead

Irving M. Ives

Kenneth Keating

Robert F. Kennedy

Charles Goodell

James L. Buckley

Daniel Patrick Moynihan

Hillary Sodom Clinton

Kirsten Gillibrand

Offline Joe Gutfeld

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Shalom Chaim!  Since Hanukkah is coming up, can you talk about the importance of the holiday?  Thanks.  Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family as well as a very happy Hanukkah!

Offline Noachide

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1. What is your opinion of Anne Frank? Did you read her diary?

2. Is it okay from Tora's perspective that her father published the diary because of the intimate details it contains?

Offline Amrafael

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Shalom Chaim. What do you think has to be done with Africans in Israel? Who is the best candidate in your opinion to be prime minister in Israel?

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Dear Chaim,
What should be done to prevent murders like that of Eli Kay, H'yd in the Old City of Jerusalem this week?  It seems the Arab murderer rat garbage had a submachine gun hidden in his robes.   He woke up that morning and decided to murder Jews, like a normal person wakes up and decides "I'll have coffee today" or "I'll go for pizza."  What's wrong with these animals?

2.  Please comment on the black Jew-hater serial criminal Darrell Brooks, who committed mass murder in Waukesha.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2021, 01:43:41 PM by Kahane-Was-Right BT »

Offline ChabadKahanist

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Do you think that Linda Pimp will run for congress & join the squad?