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Revava banned Nikmatdam. He is now with JTF. Revava's Elisha is like the elephant.

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October 20, 2006, 01:21:43 PM 

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76   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: MK Arieh Eldad in LA  on: September 22, 2006, 12:52:34 AM 
someone told me rav aaron kotler refused to let money for rescue go to save chabad jews... all because of something that happened to his sister...? what's the story...? and is this true...? nik. 
77   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: a very special idea to unify the entire country together and against the slime  on: September 21, 2006, 06:42:25 PM 
i'm still finishing although we don't need the campaign i was thinking to launch... just as well... yissachar you can tag this onto the end of the first unfinished as yet post on this story... if you like... otherwise leave it separate i'm always up for that... but now it doesn't matter (thank G-d)... it would still be a good idea come to think of it... to make a pilgrimage with hundreds of jews to their k'vorim on the yortzeit which was march 22, 1945... or... 8 nisan 5705... a huge rally at their kever!!! how about it..?. then another march on har habayit with lambs in tow for korbonot...  "tennis anyone...?"   you guys say you want to broaden the scope from just kahane... well here's how!!! this is a great, great way to show we love all jews and that we are reaching out to them now with the same ahavat yisroel that rav meir had!!! nik. out...
78   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Video: Rabbi Meir Kahane Vs Prof. Alan Dershowitz  on: September 21, 2006, 06:35:38 PM 
that would be super!!! thanks guys... i can't wait to hear the first debate tonight sometime... nik. out...
79   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: How I met Rav Kahane HY"D  on: September 21, 2006, 06:32:01 PM 
i remember in l.a. seeing the bodies being brought off the plane but i had no idea what it was all about... '81 wasn't it...? can we get that news footage put up here...? staff? hey where has he gone anywho...? nik. out...
80   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Beware...  on: September 21, 2006, 06:29:00 PM 
right... well rock on... you guys no better than me what's going down on the ground in israel... i bow to your superior knowledge... nik. out...
81   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: MK Arieh Eldad in LA  on: September 21, 2006, 06:20:39 PM 
what you are reporting is truly shocking but we also see this point made from rav meir's essay on the shoah... if you haven't read it yet... please do people... it is a real eye-opener... can we have it posted here...? it's not too long and r. binyamin gave a great shiur on it as commentary and perush... lenny? thanks... nik. out...
82   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: USA fighting iran (politically) only if pal state  on: September 21, 2006, 06:15:40 PM 
right on!!! yby you're on a roll lately!!! 2 thumbs up!!! way up!!! nik. out...
83   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Good ol Effie/same old liars and fakers...  on: September 21, 2006, 05:57:26 PM 
until he actually says kahane tzadak in public... clearly and unequivocally i will never give him the time of day...

and if he makes it into power saying this and then doesn't follow thru... then where are we...? where does that leave us...? we would have swung for the same ol' sucker pitch... yet one mo' tyme!!!! "suckers!!!" we would be called as the left laughs all the way to the bank pulling the puppet strings this time of our first shomer shabat (is he really?) pm... so what good is any of this rot...? to have our hopes raised high again only to see them dashed to pieces as usual after we supposedly WIN!!!

and what does it do for any of us to send the message you claim will be sent when it is apparent to all that it was just another campaign promise-lie like sharon delivered... like bibi pretended to represent... only zevi was different from the secular nationalist right and we all saw what they did to him for even thinking of bringing sharon's gov. down by walking out on him... again r.binyamin said this loud and clear over and over again and this is why the slime had him offed... this is the real reason and the only reason why they killed him... he instructed us: "do not trust the electoral process... we can not change the system any longer from within... it has to be replaced from without... we had a chance until they banned and then murdered my father and even until they banned me... but no more for we all see that they cheat and lie and do not play by the same rules that they make the rest of us comply with... and...


SO HE SAID... "WHAT GOOD IS ANY OF THIS...? AND WHY SHOULD WE FALL FOR IT TIME AFTER TIME..." as far as my position is concerned here... it's what r. binyamin said all the way for me baby... all the way!!!! COUP NOW!!! COUP NOW!!!! VIVA LA REVOLUTION VIVA!!!! nik. out... 
84   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Beware.../double standards to the very end... our end... chas v'shalom...  on: September 21, 2006, 05:36:31 PM 
how immoral is this equation...? they kill our people even women and children in sheer hatred of us and in total cold-blood without warning or legitimate reason and in retalliation we take out their empty brick buildings but with a good solid hour heads-up... a policy which is just rotten to the core!!!! nik. in disgust and fed-up up to here with this utter obscenity... out!!! 
85   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: MK Arieh Eldad in LA  on: September 21, 2006, 06:36:07 AM 
wow... way too bad... the pressure from the slime on the rabbis must be intense!!! THEY ALL SEEM TO CRACK UNDER THEIR HAMMERS!!! everyone except rav meir and binyamin... that is... thank G-d we have their stellar examples for all-time to come... they were pillars of fearlessness and towers of strength and shafts of light in our dark, weak and tormented age... thank Hashem for them!!!! nik. out... 
86   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Good ol Effie  on: September 21, 2006, 06:30:48 AM 
maybe... but if he then goes on to sharon us what will that accomplish... that will only mean and demonstrate that the slime are able to corrupt to the darkside even supposedly religious zionists... how would that be a good thing...? nik. out...
87   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Thank you pope... now perish please in flames...  on: September 21, 2006, 06:21:12 AM 
halavai they should go to all out-war with each other and just wipe each other off the face of the earth... halevai!!!! this would be the greatest possible scenario we could ever hope for save for the one where mbd shows up and leads us in war against the both of them to reap our own vengeance from the world for what they have done to our people all throughout history!!! nik. either way is good by me... just as long as it is exacted from them all!!!! i know i for one would dance in the street if the vatican got leveled to the ground by anybody's missle!!!! just as i would if someone took out mecca and those two abominations on har habayit!!!!! nik. out...
88   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: How I met Rav Kahane HY"D/ oh my!!!!  on: September 21, 2006, 06:01:33 AM 
oh my G-d!!! they WERE kodoshim!!! i was thinking that the other day when i thought that they were still in egypt... that what would it be if they came home intact? and blew everyone away!!! this is a nes akin to that of betar when for fifty years the roman garbage and refuse refused burial to our warriors yet their bodies did not decompose... wow!!! boruch shekavanti!!! i really hadn't heard of their return... this is proof of their righteousness... just like ehud when he assassinated eglon melech moav... he was a terrorist in the eyes of the enemies of k'lal yisroel but a liberator from tyranny in the eyes of israel and more importantly in the eyes of Hashem... and now despite the obstacles and the propaganda machines arrayed against us... we must continue to bring the fight to the slime until they are destroyed and removed from power... by any means necessary... this proves that revolution is not only mutar but holy as well!!!! man!!! and like i wrote on my thread... they weren't even dati... although hakim said viduy bet zouri wouldn't because he was an avowed atheist... but i hold that when he said "thank you rabbi for coming" at the very end with the noose already around his neck... i hold Hashem accepted that as his viduy and identification with his people and nation!!!! tahorim!!! they were tahor!!! and they did a maesa for the ages of k'lal yisroel no different than the chashmanoiim... this is magnificent inspiration going into the yomim naroiim... which this year precedes the most crucial year to come yet in our entire history from what i have learned from mekubalim!!!! nik. reduced to tears and shaking with passion for redemption and vengeance at last... out...   
89   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Video: Rabbi Meir Kahane Vs Prof. Alan Dershowitz/where's round #1?  on: September 21, 2006, 05:55:28 AM 
so where is the footage from that first debate... don't tell me no one thought to record it for posterity...? nik. out...
90   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: How I met Rav Kahane HY"D/whoops!!!  on: September 20, 2006, 08:56:24 PM 
thank G-d... i did not know... excellent!!! there IS some small measure of justice in this world afterall... since i just read this book from the trial i assumed it was never done... where are they buried? when i get to israel i'm going to make a pilgrimage to their kever(s?)... shamir did not forget them... thank G-d... though he abandoned perfidiously pollard... still he was the lechi leader who sent them on that dangerous mission which helped free us from the bloody brits.... so for that bit of news i am grateful... truly i am... my only problem now is why, how and when did shamir get so compromised that he started playing ball with bush sr. and the rest of the nwo scum who are and were the carry-over from british colonial enslavement...? and we will never, ever forget or forgive him for having rav meir banned... he did that in a cynical power grab or to salvage his and likud's power and look where it got him and led all of them... right down the ol' drain... down the tubes... fitting justice if ever i have seen it... he should have joined or let rav meir join him and together rule and do the things that he and likud said they truly stood for... it just shows that all along they were not really on our side though they sounded like it and pretended to be with us... it was the torah taking over that they too despised and feared which made them join forces with the left to stop rav meir... and/or rav meir saw thru their snowjob of everyone else and that is why on the "yoke" video he said we musn't support a secular party even if they say they wish to implement the same ideas and goals which we have... they are not to be believed even if we can prove that this time they are really sincere... since we know it comes out from their political views as a matter of policy which can be altered, changed or compromised at any time or place... while we stand for these things as stemming out from torah law... G-d's commandments and thus they are all immutable with us and we will never sway from these truths... 

one last thing... does anyone know of any site to go to to view the news coverage from the two eliyahu's re-interment and their being brought home...? i'll bet that was very moving... i would love to see it... anyone? i wonder if i vaguely remember hearing about it...? i wouldn't have followed it though because i was unaware then of their story... nik. out...
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October 20, 2006, 01:22:36 PM 

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91   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: MK Arieh Eldad in LA/slicha!!!  on: September 20, 2006, 08:50:44 PM 
wow... and had i known this i could have at least confronted him and ruined his day... i won't be so blind next time... in fact i'm going to carry this creedo with me from here on out... any rabbi or gov. official from israel who speaks in any shul in america has to be of the erev-rav scum and refuse which we are fighting... no one will ever get a pass from me like this again... wherever they speak i will endeavor to be present... and especially in any shul which refused rav meir access... this is war!!!! i will never let another one get away scot-free if i can at all help it... sorry to have let you all down... i should have done my homework so that i could have torn him limb from limb... nik. contrite... out...
92   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Good ol Effie/and here comes eitam on his white horse to the rescue...  on: September 20, 2006, 08:35:34 PM 
next we will see and hear how he plans to run for pm and champion our cause and everyone will come running so that we can all get screwed in the ass yet again like sharon did to us twice in our lifetime... make that three times when he helped botch begin's invasion of leb. to destroy the plo once and for all... and we fell short of the target bec. of sabra and shatilah... which he did on purpose so that the international outrage would halt the progress and success of the war... just like peres pulled off yet again with that "accidental bombing" of which city or town was that? anyway... it doesn't matter... the lessons to be learnt here and internalized are these...

1) "a people who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it..."

2) "the more things change the more they stay the same..."

3) "if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duke...
     then guess what? it darn tootin' probably IS a duck!!!"

4) "meet the new boss... same as the old boss..."

and so... while you all kvel and slobber over our "mighty savior" effie... as for me...

5) "i'll get on my knees and pray...  pray like i did yesterday...
     pray that we don't get fooled again... no... no..."

nik. in total disgust... out...
93   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: USA fighting iran (politically) only if pal state/it figures....  on: September 20, 2006, 08:18:54 PM 
this should teach you all that no matter how many jews they kill... no matter how much terrorism and violence they carry out or support... there will never be a call to ditch the oslo/wye suicide-piece process roadmap to hell... there will never be anyone who stands up for us and says enough is enough... go ahead you jews... you've taken enough abuse... you deserve it... you have earned it... so go ahead and take it all for yourselves and do away with all of that rot and filth and scum... (the arabs)... and yet... inspite of the truth of these facts and words... some of you people here and other jews elsewhere fall all over themselves telling us what a great friend we have in the white house (beit lavan)... "never anyone better" i hear over and over again ad nauseum... hello!!! he's esav... he's a goy... he may even be gog... or at least amalek and you all cozy up to him and swoon all over him... there will be a price to pay yidden for all of your fawning idolizing and hero-worship... there will be hell to pay for this as well... and that hell will be measured in jewish blood... (G-d forbid)... and that price to be exacted (chas v'shalom) may very well be the ultimate price of the existence of a jewish state of any size, shape or form... such knavery!!! after everything we've been thru in history... it just boggles the mind... how we can still act and be sooo stupid!!! we are indeed our own worst enemy!!!! nik. out... 
94   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Feiglin answers his critics  on: September 20, 2006, 03:13:38 PM 
that's just not true... many youth today in israel and alot of them not dati... especially among the sefardim have heard of him and are influencied via computer and video by his teachings... besides it is the tremendous ahavat yisroel that the man possessed and carried for us which is his greatest living legacy and for this alone i know that he will never be forgotten and his teachings will never die out... but just the opposite... and in fact i believe that they are destined to sweep world jewry... and that eventuality coming to pass and the avent of that day of realization of his vision is closer to reality than any of you may think because it is the light of moshiach... (mby)... and so it will burn forever and can never, ever be extinguished... nik. out...
95   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Video: Rabbi Meir Kahane Vs Prof. Alan Dershowitz  on: September 20, 2006, 03:06:58 PM 
yeah but dersh held his own speaking strictly from a debator's perspective... until the very end and then only at that point with what rav meir did with the rambam and the "write that down line" and the line to the guy challenging him from the audience... when the rav said: "i could quote you a rambam that would just devastate you... just devastate you..." those two sequences were amazing... other than that he did not wipe the floor with him as with so many others... did i see right here...? there was a follow-up debate with dersh. sometime afterward or was that 2 debates with prager or someone else...? nik. out... 
96   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Haven't we heard this a million times in history  on: September 20, 2006, 02:47:45 PM 
oh yeah... by the way... note to idf... take a page out of this playbook... follow this example... learn from this event and go for it... coup now!!! coup now!!! nik. out...
97   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: How I met Rav Kahane HY"D  on: September 20, 2006, 02:46:19 PM 
good point yby... but it is my contention that all of us (like-minded) are the continuation of the kahane-vision and if we would just pull together and pool our resources and kochot we could accomplish great, great things for kiddush Hashem, eretz yisroel and am yisroel... like my idea for a campaign to bring the two eliyahu's home... they were heroes and martyrs and helped start the british disease out the door.... we should do this... bring 'em home!!! nik. out...
98   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: MK Arieh Eldad in LA/clarification as to my attending his lecture...  on: September 20, 2006, 02:43:31 PM 
oh i forgot to tell y'all this past shabat aviner came and spoke in town i heard him in his frenchie-english and was totally uninspired and thoroughly unimpressed... what are you all so worried about in regards to this guy...? he seems like such a non-entity...

as to the above i do not know this guy but i take david's suggestions and if he is not a kahanist you can be darn sure i'll give him grief during and after his presentation.... i go out of my way to face down these is. polit. bastards every opportunity i get... nik. out...
99   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: MK Arieh Eldad in LA  on: September 20, 2006, 12:00:25 PM 
thanks david i will try to be there... nik.
100   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Haven't we heard this a million times in history  on: September 20, 2006, 12:32:20 AM 
every last jew there should leave immediately... the golut is disintegrating just like rav meir said it would... this will spread all over the world... nik. out...
101   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Singapore rabbi lauds crackdown on radical Islam  on: September 19, 2006, 07:32:36 PM 
o.k. so...  whoopdie doo... at the end of the day am yisroel is still in golut and 99% of the rest of the muslim world wants to drink our blood and eat our flesh for breakfast, lunch and dinner... obviously the way to control arabs and moslems and islam itself is by sheer rutheless and unrelenting force and by adamantly sticking to your word when you threaten reprisals for actions inimicable to the host country's sovereignty and its populace's security... understood... shkoyach!!!! next issue!!!! nik. out...
102   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / the aftermath of the demise of the two eliyahus... from "the deed"...  on: September 19, 2006, 04:27:09 AM 
(pages 292-294): aftermath of the two eliahu's dual martyrdom...

" palestine, in the major cities, the hazit (the underground ffi or lechi  news rag... similar in idea and conception as the darka shel torah parsha sheets and news... nik.)...

these were the words of yisroel sheib (dr. eldad ~ also sambaton) (#3) ~ one of three ffi chiefs (he was the ideologist among the leaders of lechi who together took over "the stern gang" after the murder of avraham stern)... he along with yitzchak shamir (#2)... (chief of operations and the one who gave the orders for the hit on moyne) and natan friedman-yellin (#1) (successor to avraham stern and chief of the the three-man secretariat of the ffi). and so here are dr. eldad's immortal wrods... they read:

"the curtain is not down. the hanging of eliahu hakim and eliahu bet zouri is not the end; it is but one of the pages in our history. the book is open and its pages are written in letters of blood. we do not always see clearly the meaning of the blood that is shed. but these two names will illuminate our lives for there was a meaning to their life and a meaning to their death (and how!!! nik.). they lived and died according to the laws of honor which bind all freedom fighters from one generation to another (from their's all the way back to tenach... to ehud hashofet and forward to the time of the chashmanoiim... and from their own time forward to rav meir and binyamin's era... nik.). they sacrificed themselves in our war for a better furture. they died so that the will to freedom should be rekindled in the heart of the nation. the fire that burned in their souls they sent out to kindle other sleeping hearts, to wake them for the fight for freedom. THIS FIRE WILL NOT BE EXTINGUISHED. (emphasis mine... nik.)

the curtain is not down. at no time and at no place in the world did a tyrant succeed in putting an end to the fight for freedom by executing its fighters. THE MORE HE SEEKS TO SUBDUE US, THE MORE HANGMEN HE EMPLOYS, THE MORE THE NUMBER OF REBELS, THE GREATER THE REBELLION. (exactly the point i made on the thread about dropping the kahane name about r.akiva's and rav meir's legacy of kiddush Hashem... nik.)

the two who died in cairo were not alone. there are many more. we know that every youth in the homeland is like hakim and bet zouri: ready to give their lives. we shall draw fresh strength from their bravery and self-sacrifice. our generation has been educated to suffer and to sacrifice (and so has ours... nik.). in the end we shall stop the occupation of our homeland by strangers (and so shall we from the erev rav unjewish jews which the bastard brits left in their place to be able to continue to rule over us after they departed thru these jewish kapos... nik.).

their names will shine in the darkness.

they believed that the objective for which they gave their young lives will come true (and it has and it will again... nik.). and because they gave their lives for their country, they have the right to say to you, TO ORDER YOU; FIGHT UNTIL VICTORY!!!" (amen selah... nik.)...

"in tel aviv, moshe bet zouri, leaving the post office at the end of the day (where he worked... nik.), bought the latest issue of the evening newspaper. he opened it and on the front page a headline sprang to his eyes:


he went home, tore the lapel of his coat and sat on the floor weeping.

in haifa, simon hakim and his three sons rent their garments and their voices joined those of his wife and daughter in lamentation.

on the outskirts of cairo, in an area time has long since passed by, is the ancient bassian cemetery. here those of the hebrew faith have been buried for centuries. among those said to lie here are mosesmaimonides greatest of the medieval jewish philosophers, who died in 1204, (all true save for the burial part... legend has it the donkey carrying the body wouldn't enter the grounds of this place so they let it wander where it might and it ascended to tevaria where it at last came to rest and they buried the rambam there... thus claims this legend... nik.), and rabbi jacob ibn hayyim, mystic and miracle worker, whose weeping folowers brought him here one thousand years ago (anyone...? who was he and is this true?... nik.). the yellow sand has crept over everything.

here, in a remote corner amid the debris and neglect of ages, one finds a single square stone, taken from the hills of mokattam, the low mountain range near cairo from which the pharohs quarried the stone to build the pyramids (or to make us... as their slaves... do this... nik.). it is not large (their tombstone... nik.) ~ perhaps three feet wide. there is no name on it, but only the words, chiseled in hebrew:


(as if they did anything at all wrong... thank G-d they blew away that accomplice to and full-partner in the murder of the 6mil. nik.)

beneath it, eliahu hakim and eliahu bet zouri sleep together (this was also disgusting not to have deemed them worthy of separate graves... how and where did they correct the matter when they brought them home...? nik.), as they were buried in one coffin, curled up in each other's arms as children. they lie curled together, like sleeping children, under the eternal stone. (yeah they sleep alright... until they awaken and get up in glory by techiat hamatim that is... nik.)

no one guards there grave now. (thank G-d this wasn't the final chapter on them... boruch Hashem... how awesome and wondrous to behold are His deeds... nik.)

the sands of the desert blow. nothing grows there ~ no weeds, no foilage. only the sifting, creeping yellow dust over everything, and in the cloudless sky, a molten sun.

in the ancient earth, in the nameless grave, they lie together, under imperishable stone.

few remember them now." (circa... 1963... nik.) (we just have to make a movie of their story!!! don't you think...?)

"in the ancient earth, in the nameless grave, they lie together, under imperishable stone.

few remember them now." (ah... my dear author... but you are mistaken... you are so wrong!!! for the G-d of all the heavens and the earth... their G-d... the G-d of israel... Hashem remembered them... he was pachad nifchad them as a siman for us that we will be as well remembered and redeemed... and like atzmot yosef and those of the others comprising the whole of the shivtey Kah... the progenitors of the twelve tribes of the am Hashem... they were all remembered and brought home to eretz yisroel... and so were their distant offspring... the two eliahu lions of yehudah... less than 20 years later G-d remembered them and brought them up!!!


and as well... (tehilim:psalms:113... from hallel):

103   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / the final hours of the two eliyahus from "the deed"...  on: September 19, 2006, 02:39:43 AM 
(page 285- 293): (march 22, 1945... 7:00am... cairo, egypt)...

"now a shuffle of footsteps was heard outside. the door opened to show bet zouri and hakim surrounded by towering guards. they were wearing the faded-blue prison attire. the two boys glanced about; when they saw the assembled officials, they knew. (that they were about to die...nik.) they stood side by side, somewhat remote, a slight smile on their lips.

an hour before, police had awakened bet zouri in his cell in the cairo central jail, given breakfast and, telling him he was going to see rabbi ochana, he escorted him to a closed police car. inside he found hakim. it was the first time the two had seen each other since the trial, and they embraced each other.

their car came to a halt before the prison. they were led up the steps and through long corridors until they reached the warden's office, to enter and see the group waiting for them. in the group were several newspapermen. the night before they had been summoned by telephone to the governor's house. there each was presented with a small white envelope. inside was a brief note: the verdict rendered upon the murderers of lord moyne would be carried out at 8:00am the following day. they were invited to be present so that they could report to the people of egypt and the world that justice had been done.

warden chudar pasha rose after a moment, and in a loud voice read the verdict to the two boys. they listened, standing: hakim with his head down, now and then shifting his position; bet zouri, legs spread a little apart, staringat chdar pasha, his face pale, the same two red spots burning his cheeks that showed when he first heard the words in the court: 'the facts in the case have been submitted to the mufti.' (i.e. death for both... nik.)...

now the boys were separated and rabbi ochna was permitted to spend a few minutes with each. first he saw hakim. 'my son,' he said in a trembling voice, 'you have to return your soul to your Creator. in a short time you will see the Master of the world.'

'yes rabbi.'

'it is a decreefrom heaven, my son, and you must accept it with love.'

'i accept it, yes, i accept rabbi.' hakim's voice faltered for a moment. 'but i want to see my parents. i very much want to see my mother and my father ~'

warden chudar pasha, who had entered a moment before, said gently, 'you have already seen your brothers. why add to the grief of your parents?'

hakim then asked if he might write a farewell note to them.

he was brought paper and he wrote with painstaking care, 'my parents, i ask you not to grieve over me. i send my warm regards to all the jewish people of palestine and i ask for the redemption of our people in israel.'

had he any other requests? warden chudar pasha asked.

hakim said, 'i would like to shave my beard. it is very rough. i have not shaved for ten days.'

'there is no time,' said the warden. 'i am sorry.'

then rabbi ochna asked hakim to repeat the confession. hakim rose and repeated it word for word after the rabbi in the little room.

warden chudar pasha stepped forward. he had been waiting respectfully until the two had finished the prayer. 'we must go now.'

'i would like to see my comrade, if i am permitted,' hakim said.

warden pasha made no answer. he signaled, and moalam shoura, the hangman, approached with the traditional execution suit made of red burlap. he took off hakim's slippers, so that he was barefoot, and helped him disrobe and put on the red suit. as he put it on, hakim said, 'this is the finest suit i have ever worn. i wear it with pride.'

the warden signaled again and a guard approached with a pair of manacles.

hakim drew back. 'you do not need these,' he said. 'i promise you i will not resist.' then ~ 'but, after all ~' and with a ghost of a smile he extended his hands and his wrists were manacled.

warden chudar pasha said resignedly, 'it is the law.'

hakim walked with them into the prison yard to a small brick structure in which stood the gallows. it was brilliantly lit. they brought him into the execution chamber, before the waiting witnesses.

he stepped forward and stood upon the trap. moalam shoura prepared to place the black hood over his head. again hakim protested: 'there is no need for it ~'

and again he allowed them to do what they wished.

now the hangman was about to fix the noose about his neck when the hooded figure put his head back and they heard him begin to sing. he was singing hatikvah, the hebrew song of hope, later to be the national anthem of the state of israel. the hangman steeped back a pace, his head bowed, and waited.

the song ended. they heard hakim's muffled voice. 'i am ready now.'

the hamgman steeped forward and placed the noose about his neck. again they heard hakim's voice. 'i ask you to bury me in haifa.'

they were his last words. the trap was sprung. the body fell.

there was a silence. a doctor placed his stehoscope to hakim's chest. then he announced, 'this man is dead.' it had taken four minutes and ten seconds.

the body was left on the rope for a few minutes more, then taken down, wrapped in the ceremonial prayer shawl of the hebrew religion and placed in a waiting coffin.

while the hangman had his way with hakim, rabbi ochana, who could not bring himself to watch the execution, was closeted with bet zouri. the rabbi is almost distraught: bet zouri will not recite the viddui. 'i am sorry, rabbi,' he says, 'but i do not believe.'

rabbi ochana pleads with him. 'i implore you, i pray you make confession.'

bet zouri is firm. 'i cannot. i will not, as i do not believe.'

then chudar pasha speaks to him while moalam shoura helps him into the red hanging suit and removes his slippers.

'have you any requests?'

'no ~ but i would like to write some letters. to my father, to my sisters, to my girl ~'

'i am afraid you do not have any more time ~' the warden says.

eliahu adds suddenly, 'i would like to embrace my father ~'

the warden shakes his head. he remembers that eliahu has no mother.

in the execution room eliahu, too protests. 'why must you chain me?' he too does not want the hood to cover his face. but he allows the hangman to do what he must. standing on the trap, he speaks. 'i thank you rabbi, for coming to me. i thank you warden, for treating me with dignity.'

then he lifts his voice in the hatikvah.

everyone waits, their heads bowed in respect.

the trap is sprung. the body falls heavily.

after three minutes and fifty seconds, elihau bet zouri is pronounced dead.

outside, slowly, at 8 a.m., a black flag is raised to the top of the pole high above the prison. at 8:25 a second flag is raised. the black flags hang there, fluttering slowly in the gentle wind."

(skipping)... (bet zouri's sisters aviva and devorah waiting for the rabbi to come to their hotel room in hopes something can still be done...)

"...not until nine o'clock does rabbi ochana appear. his eyes are red and he is a broken man. the girls look at him numbly.

he sits beside them and holds their hands in his. 'it is all over, my daughters. they are martyrs.'

aviva asks, like an automaton: 'and the funeral?'

the rabbi's voice breaks, 'they are already buried, my daughters.'

aviva again, not knowing her own voice: 'and how did eliahu act? was he strong?'

'they were heroes. they were both heroes, my daughters...'

that afternoon, as it happened, professor harroun hadad, professor of islamic institutions at the university of cairo, made his customary call at the house of mohamad haidar pasha, the director of prisons. twice each week professor hadad tutored haidar pasha's two young nephews in french and english.

when he entered, after the sudanese houseboy had taken his hat, he was greeted by haidar pasha himself. the usually imperturbable egyptian official shook his head with surprising warmth. 'ah, professor haddad,' he said. 'what i have seen this morning ~'

professor haddad, a little alarmed, looked at him questioningly.

clasping his hands together in an astonishing show of emotion, haidar pasha said: 'i saw two young lions die today.'

professor haddad suddenly knew. the government had carried out the executions. he sat down heavily. 'the two from palestine?'

his host nodded, 'yes,' he said. 'this morning. at eight o'clock.'

there was silence for a moment. 'i did not know them, though they were of my faith,' professor haddad said thoughtfully. 'i never set eyes on them. i heard about them, i read about them ~' he looked up quickly at haidar pasha. 'who did not? yet, my heart goes out to them.' he was silent for a moment. 'excellency, how did they die?'

haidar pasha said, 'i have seen nothing like it before. they were very near to G-d all the time. they were in a high world, my professor. they went to their death clean, clean as white candlewax...'

that evening, in another section of cairo, a physician, dr. isaiah selim, was making a call at the home of mohamed shoura, the hangman. mrs. shoura was ill and dr. selim busied himself looking after her needs. as he was about to leave, mohamed shoura met him outside his wife's room and took him aside. under the dark imperial red of his tarboosh, his face was pale. 'my dear doctor, i must speak with you,' he said. 'you know, i carried out a duty this morning.'

dr. selim nodded sadly. he had seen the report in the afternoon newspapers.

moalam shoura paced back and forth ~ a huge man, fingering his black mustachios nervously, trying to find words. 'i must tell someone, someone who will understand,' he began. 'as you are a jew and a doctor, i can speak to you. this is the first execution in twenty years in which i had the impression that i am a criminal for what i do. i was emotional for the first time.'

he stopped. 'do you know, sir, what they said to me? they saw that i trembled. they said, 'do not fear. we know you only do your duty. we will be of every help to you.' '

he resumed his pacing. 'i accompanied them from their cells to the execution room. i helped remove their uniforms of prison and to dress them in the hanging suits. such courage they showed, such bearing. even then, as i attended to them, my hand trembled. i feared i would be unable to carry out my task when the time came, and i am very proud of my skill ~' he paused. 'i heard their singing before i approached their cell. their rabbi was there, seeking to comfort them, and when they comforted him, he, too, wept.'

he paused opposite dr. selim, his black eyes enormous. you are a physician; what i tell you is indelicate, but it must be said. in every hanging, always, in the last moment, the bowels and the bladder open. (from fear... nik.) there is complete loss of control. in ninety-nine percent of the cases. but not these two. i say to you, my doctor, they were smiling and singing at the last moment when i placed the hood over their faces. smiling and singing ~'

he could not restrain himself. he suddenly threw his arms around the man opposite him and kissed him on either cheek. 'i embrace you. this is a kiss for the two boys. for them!' "

"in palestine, in the major cities, the hazit appeared. (the ffi underground paper)... it read: (to be continued)...

104   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / a very special idea to unify the entire country together and against the slime  on: September 19, 2006, 02:24:14 AM 
webmaster please leave this up a separate for a couple of days and then you can subsume it under the "the deed" thread if you so desire... thanks... nik.

david... yisroel... lenny...

just like rav meir wrote about zev jabotinsky and binyamin about avraham stern...

how about a campaign to lobby the israeli and egyptian gov. to have the two eliyahus who helped strike the death blow for the beginning of the end to the evil and cruel british rule over us... how about pushing for their remains to be brought back home to the land of their birth for re-interment and a proper funeral... that of patriots and heroes as they so richly deserve...?

this campaign would unify sephardi and ashkenazi... dati and lo dati... haifa/tel aviv with yehudah and shomron... it is the perfect campaign for the times we now live in... (if i dare say so myself)... think about it... we who feel the is. gov. is nothing more than the british gov. was before it... in tenor, methodology and in motivation... we would be rising up in protest all over again for what these two brave lads gave their lives for and we would as well be sending a direct message to the whole house of israel that we should throw off the yoke of the former jewish agency which was complicit with and in collusion with the goyish taskmasters of the world to kill the 6 million and deny israel and the jewish people the jewish state it deserved and yearned for... goals which they still strive for until this very day with their campaign to judenreine all of yesha and deliver yerushalayim and har habayit to the vatican just like the british did by keeping jews out during the shoah and just as the jewish agency did by sinking the altelena which sunk our hopes in '48 of having enough firepower to capture and control yerushalayim... this concept also shows our love for all jews (as long as they are not erev rav slime gov. officials and other such unjewish jewish filth)... as neither of these two were dati and in fact bet zouri was an avowed atheist or agnostic... no matter... they died al kiddush Hashem and all was forgiven them... and just as important... they died for k'lal yisroel and for eretz yisroel and as such we now rise as one nation unbowed and together as one man to honor and cherish their memory and we wish to show them reverence and respect posthumously... knowing full well that they both have been purified of their sins and both know the truth of Hashem's torah by now...

so let's bring 'em both home...

i will finish the other thread tomorrow recaping the event under discussion... but let me here conclude on this thread their final day... nik. out...
105   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: a book you should all read... "the deed" by gerold frank...  on: September 18, 2006, 06:43:35 PM 
when it is done and i get it completely up here it will be more than obvious what the point that i am making is and how great the book's true value to ever one of us... just give me a sec. to finish... nik.
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106   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / a book you should all read... "the deed" by gerold frank... (incomplete)...  on: September 18, 2006, 05:35:22 PM 
this is the story... excellently written... about the freedom fighters for israel (ffi) (run by yitzchak shamir after avraham stern's death)... they were an underground group split off from the irgun due to disagreements in philosophy and approach to fighting the british betrayal of their league of nations' mandate and the balfour declaration between stern and jabotinsky/raziel and were reconstituted from the stern gang and responsible for "the deed" ~ the courageous and well-deserved assassination of british ambassador to egypt... lord moyne... by whose authority all policies from whitehall... (london's state dept.)... vis a vis palestine and british relations with both jews and arabs were conceived, ordered, directed and carried out... including the white paper blocking all jewish refugees fleeing from nazi europe having access to and finding sanctuary within the land of israel... our biblically ancient and eternal homeland...

in any event i found here-in these few passages and some quotations to be of great import and of amazing note in understanding what is going on at present between the slime gov. of israel and the settlers and the zionistic torah communities... it is absolutely startling the similarity in governing style (method and hashkafa) between the british mandatory government which ruled palestine after ww1 thru may of 1947 and the jewish agency which became the israeli governement from then right on down until this very day...

to see this phenomena... all you have to do is read on and substitute names, dates and facts to current events to see the connection between the two of them and to realize and understand that all along ben gurion, weizmann et al were nothing but british puppets carrying out nwo orders and that the israeli gov. remains so today... and this is why i maintain that the british never left even when their troops were pulled out... and that together with the u.s. they form and command all israeli policies... both foreign and domestic... and have done so since day one... as the old adage goes: "the more things change (in israel and in the world) the more they stay the same..." the point is the slime gov. of israel has always treated its citizens exactly as the bastard, perfidious, british colonial gov. had treated them... exactly the same!!!!

(page 4): (ambassador moyne during his summer of '44 interview with hungarian jew, joel brand who had brought to the british in syria and then under arrest to cairo the deal that adolf eichmann had offered him to negotiate a trade of "blood for goods" with the british to save a million hungarian jews):

" dear fellow, whatever would i do with a million jews?".

(page 14): (immediate reaction to slaying): "in london, parliament met in a cold fury. churchill, whose close friend moyne had been for thirty years did not trust himself to speak at length. (to reveal his true hatred for the jew... as we shall see soon... nik.). it was eden (anthony... true jew-hater) who announced details of the shooting to the house of commons: churchill would deliver moyne's eulogy later (we'll see it too... nik.). king george and queen elizabeth telegraphed condolences to the bereaved family. in commons one member rose to ask if techniques of the spanish inquisition might not be used on the two murderers.

in palestine the jewish community was stunned. people stopped each other on the streets to speak in striken tones. if the egyptians feared reprisals, the jews were even more alarmed. they were haunted by the memory of the riots and pogroms after the shooting of petliura, butcher of the ukraine, by a young jewish watchmaker in 1926, the killing of a nazi diplomat by seventeen-year-old herschel grynspan in 1938, the death at the hands of the czech underground of reinhard heydrich, nazi hangman of moravia in 1942.

the hebrew press could not find words strong enough to denounce the deed. it was an 'abomination."...'since zionism began,' lamented haaretz, the most influential newspaper in the country, 'no more grievous blow has been struck at our cause.' the jewish agency expressed its horror 'at this revolting crime.' in london, dr. chaim weizmann, who two days earlier had a long and friendly conference with churchill, said that his shock had been, 'far more severe and numbing than that of the death of my own son,' raf flight lieutenant michael weizmann, missing in action against the germans. (truly cw was a very sick, self-hating jew... nik.) that the revered world leader of zionism could utter such grief-laden words perhaps more than anything else shocked the jews of palestine into a realization of the enormity of what had been done.

their anger surged (the jewish agency's... nik.). the killers could only have been members of the lunatic stern group. the fight against terrroism (jewish!!!! waged then greater than the one against arab terrorism everhas been... nik.) had been going on for months, almost to the brink of civil-war: now there could be no half measures. terrorism must be stamped out. 'the bullet that struck down lord moyne,' wrote a distinguished zionist leader, 'was aimed not only at him but at our own hearts.'" (truly, truly twisted and demented stuff... nik.)

(page 229): (the author speaking about the day of the assassination moments before the teletype came over the wire on monday november 6th 1944 at his location at the offices of the palestine post): "on this night preceding the american (presidential) elections (between fdr and dewey)... i was to dine with julian meltzer, new york times correspondent in palestine. when i entered he had just completed a dispatch to new york reporting the seizure of forty-six suspected terrorists (jewish) in a raid on petah tikva, a town some forty-five miles away. i glanced through his story. british police, aided by indian troops had surrounded the town before dawn, set up huge wire cages, routed every head of household out of bed, herded them into the cages and for hours searched for arms, ammunition  and illegal literature. possession of any of these could mean long prison sentences, even death by hanging. floors were ripped up, walls smashed through, beds torn apart. women wept and threw themselves at the soldiers on display, raged helplessly. the police were grim. shortly before the, police superintendent j.j. wilkins of jerusalem had been shot to death, constable after constable had been killed, police stations bombed..."

(pages 244-250): (the speech of defendant eliahu bet zouri to the egyptian court trying him and his comrade elihau hakim for the murder of lord moyne): "bet zouri brought forth from his pocket a few sheets of penciled notes. he placed his foot on the chair and began, almost formally: '...i shall now explain to you the reasons that caused me to act as i did.'

the room was very still.

'for this purpose i must go back a few years to a scene i saw when i was a boy in tel aviv. i remember standing on the balcony of my father's apartment and watching many people gather in the street. it was an interesting sight for a boy of twelve or thirteen ~ this large crowd of grownups shouting, carrying flags and so on. grownups standing near me said, "this is a demonstration." as i watched, i saw police, among them british police, come in from the surrounding streets with sticks and stop the demonstration. it was a little strange. i knew that an english policeman is a man coming from england to be a policeman in my country. and when i saw one of the policmen bring his stick down on the head of a demonstrator, i asked myself, why should a man leave his home and family in a far-off country and come three thousand miles to my country to be a policeman? why can this englishamn hit my people and they cannot strike back?'
again there was a rustling as egyptian turned to egyptian with knowing smiles. not only prime minister ahmed maher himself had been involved in the black hand terrorist organization but even some of the members of the court (this one... nik.) had been nationalist terrorists in their student days. hassan djeddaoui. 
107   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: How I met Rav Kahane HY"D/and rav binyamin too... hy"d...  on: September 18, 2006, 04:59:46 PM 
i also met r.binyamin once in l.a. on the occassion of a yartzheit of his father... he briefly spoke at a shul in no. hollywood... torat Hashem... by rav tzvi block... a close follower and talmid of rav meir... as well as one of my chaverim/mashpiim here in l.a.... i must say i was less than impressed by binyamin's talk... he spoke a broken and heavily accented english and he was less than inspiring that night... i forget the year... anyone know when he came to l.a. for his first and only (i believe) trip out here...? david? lenny didn't you accompany him and we spoke also? if memory serves... i asked you about translating r.meir'swork and you told me that if i already read sefer harayon i got all of that teaching already... do you recall which month and year that was...?

anyway it was not until i began to read his shiurim and collected writings on parsha and other topics... or the pamphlets on his lectures on yom tov and on the shoah that i began to see what a towering torah figure he really was... what i saw was how retiring and unassuming and how humble he was... but he burned with a ruach that was pure heavenly fire... i'm sorry i didn't have a chance to say more than a few words of consolation to him over his father... i think i also encouraged him to run for knesset... anyway... that was it for nik. and r. binyamin hy"d... like i said... another horrendous loss for am yisroel... nik. out...   
108   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Thank you pope...  on: September 18, 2006, 04:16:40 PM 
now that pup has apologized... doesn't that mean he is not infallable anymore...? just asking... wink... nik.
109   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: See New documentary on the Murder of Rabbi Meir Kahane and 9-11  on: September 18, 2006, 04:15:03 PM 
thanks bc... nik.
110   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: How I met Rav Kahane HY"D  on: September 18, 2006, 04:12:51 PM 
great story... everyone should post theirs here as well... nik.
111   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Feiglin answers his critics  on: September 18, 2006, 04:10:14 PM 
you are pashut wrong... you have no idea how kahane is sweeping israel's consciousness... you have NO idea... zero... ta... nik...
112   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Feiglin answers his critics/he hasn't answered this critic...  on: September 17, 2006, 11:35:56 PM 
wrong...yby... time to pick up his fallen mantle and carry it forward and if we fall too than others will come after and continue where we leave off... what you are saying is tantamount to saying rebbi akiva was killed so his way is failed and we should not follow his example nor fight on in his derech... which of course is absolutely ludicrous... because the lesson of r.akiva is to be inspired by his mesirat nefesh and public kiddush Hashem and find a way to follw on in his vision based upon the path that he blazed... so too with rav meir... nothing has been lost, broken or failed... we only will grow stronger with every passing dor until the full redemption is achieved... if the slime kill 100 than 1000 will rise up to carry on the struggle... and if they in turn are slaughtered 10,000 will come at the slime the next time... just like in mitzrayim... paro tried to destroy the jewish people and despite all of his cruel and harsh decrees... Hashem folied his plans and made us increase many-fold over the amount he was able to eradicate... nik. out... 
113   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Feiglin answers his critics  on: September 17, 2006, 04:51:47 AM 
all well and good moshe... but rav meir destroys and dismantles what you are trying to do... just watch the "yoke of heaven" video... early on he states how foolhardy it is for a frum jew to vote for a non-torah party let alone work for one or run in one... sorry... but my vote goes to and with rav meir... you are making a huge mistake and error... nik. out...
114   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Rabbi Ginsburg Detained by Police  on: September 17, 2006, 04:48:46 AM 
rectifying the state of israel...
115   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: See New documentary on the Murder of Rabbi Meir Kahane and 9-11  on: September 17, 2006, 12:05:26 AM 
thanks... n.
116   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Rabbi Ginsburg Detained by Police  on: September 17, 2006, 12:04:49 AM 
what article where...? and what did he say...? nik.
117   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Thank you pope.../nazi-hypocrit bastard!!!!  on: September 17, 2006, 12:03:35 AM 
and the church doesn't have a long history of violence...? nik.
118   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: See New documentary on the Murder of Rabbi Meir Kahane and 9-11  on: September 15, 2006, 07:26:45 PM 
leib not finished when you read it... see it again after shabat... good shabat... nik.
119   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / nik. meets rav meir... (4 times)...  on: September 15, 2006, 05:55:02 PM 
i met rav meir 4 times face to face...

the first time was at the shabat table of a friend of mine in '87... rabbi kenny cohen (the founding rabbi of young israel of century city)... i davened with kenny and came home for lunch with him... only to be greeted by rav meir... who said he wasn't feeling well that day so he hadn't gone to shul... at the table we discussed my studies of rav hirsch which was then my pet project... he told me that rav hirsch was as anti-zionistic as they came... and proceeded to tear apart my defense of him and told me that i was just afraid of the goyim... and that was why i followed rav hirsch's universalist torah philosophy and approach... which he said even rav hirsch himself would have abandoned if he had lived thru the holocaust... but i wasn't convinced... i wasn't yet ready to hear his musar...

believe it or not... i was still a big lib back then all the way up to that nov. of '90... (in fact i had grown up a "poster-child" for all things left even after becoming a b.t.)... i was then working on an election campaign for an enviromental initiative... "big green"... proposition 128 or something like that... the election was the next day... tuesday november 6th... the night before was when i heard the awful news... i turned on the tv saw him laid out unconscious on a stretcher and went home... i barely did anything at all for the campaign on the following day... my life is sometimes so strange as i recalled then that the previous shabat someone had said to me at kiddush in shul what a great loss it would be for all of us if something ever happened to rav meir... that then people would see what he really meant to us and regret how they had treated him... (indeed he was due to be with us and speak to us again exactly a week and a day from his slaying)... but i remembered that man's comments in a reaction of stunned silence and my immediate feelings upon learning of this earth-shattering news were that regardless of whether i had agreed with him or not he had been an immense source of strength, vision and courage to us all and that this was just a terrible blow for us... and that now that he was gone and not going to be around any longer there was now a huge gaping vacuum and giant void of jewish leadership torn assunder and opened up wide in the wake of his too soon demise... one which no one was ever going to be able to fill until moshiach ben david arrived... and that therefore we were all going to be so very much the worse off for it... and from that day something began to stir inside of me and i knew my life had been altered forever... from that day forward i began to find out and thus appreciate rav meir and i discovered much to my sorrow and eternal chagrin to just what magnitude his loss really was for the whole house of israel... and i told myself from that day on... i will have to try and find a way to fill it at least a little bit... i can't explain it but i really sensed that it was up to me and everyone of us to make up for what we had just lost... and that this effort was especially required from those of us who had not fully appreciated him and his life's work while he was still with us...

i have since felt the same over the tragic loss of r.binyamin... and i know his is also an inestimable and irreparable wound to k'lal yisroel as well... one we all have to strive to mend... (thank G-d my reaction was a far-cry from that traitorous bastard lawyer who used to be a follower of rav meir... thank G-d)...

but back to my story here... i had already begun to turn toward rav meir after the egged bus incident of '88 when that arab-dog had rolled it off a cliff... one of my "good arab buddies" on campus with whom i had been attempting to "dialogue" with (what an utter waste of time and energy that turned out to be)... he tried to tell me to settle down... that it had just been one lone, crazed arab nut who had done this... and i said... "yeah... one this time... two the next... it's all of you!!!" i screamed at him... he also tried to get me to stand in protest outside with them the day rav meir came to campus... i refused.... telling him that i was going to do my protesting from the inside and as things turned out that was to be our final conversation... (even then as far left as i was i knew it was wrong for a jew to march with arabs... even when they might be right as i then maintained)... they later (the four of them) staged a walk-out in the middle of rav meir's speech and tried to get all the jews to follow their lead... no one budged... rav meir calmly called out after them as they departed from the auditorium... "and the next time you start up with us we're going to get back even more of eretz yisroel..." and then he said to all of us... "aah how great it feels at last to be a winner!!!" and that was it for me... within a few months time i was on my way to being transformed... all the way over to the otherside... to where i am at present... as my brother tells people... "here meet my brother... he's just slightly to the right of attila the hun..."

but i wasn't quite through yet for a couple more years as said leftie in all areas... and i was to continue to confront rav meir whenever he returned to l.a. and as i said during my outreach days on the campus of cal  st. northridge rav meir came calling in may of '88... i even got a loud ovation from the 400+ crowd on hand when i challenged him waving pages of a letter i had written to the school paper attempting to blunt his effect on jews... they had published it that morning along with an article in which they quoted me as saying in reference to rav meir's shita of compensatory exiling of all the arabs... i had quipped... "he says he wants to avoid violence but he has to know that it must come to that because a million or so arabs aren't just simply going to take his check and walk out of israel without a fight..." (i saw him reading my letter and that article before his lecture began... and when it did and i got finished standing up to him b'rabim... he then proceeded to just destroy me... tearing me apart limb from limb... once my little ovation died down... i was through as he totally decimated my entire argument which had been... how could he mis-represent torah-true judaism in such a twisted and racist fashion when avraham avinu was the one who had originally brought and taught the concept of brotherhood to mankind...? (my applause line)... and then all he had to say to rain on my little parade was... "avraham avinu...? what happened when they kidnapped his nephew lot...? HE WENT TO WAR!!!" rav meir thundered down at me... and when i tried feebly to reply... he ordered me to sit down... and i knew i was done... you could put a fork in me... by the time he finished responding to my challenge it was clear i didn't have a leg to stand on... (and as it turned out... he was so right... and i was so wrong...) i was embarrassed badly... i realized that i might be wrong... (if anything i have always been intellectually-honest with myself)... and so afterward i went over to him by the exit and asked him who his posek or gadol was (he indeed said it was sephardic chief rabbi mordechai eliyahu)... and then i asked him why the other gedolim didn't hold of him... he just said because they are all anti-zionist and he was a zionist... and it all rang true to me from my yeshivah days in israel...

but still not yet 100% of the way won-over especially because he had yelled at me and had made me look bad... (yes... nik. had an ego at one time)... so i continued to throw down the gauntlet at him... and i wrote him a long, long letter (20 pages or more) asking him all sorts of kashas on his books which i had then begun to read... when i again met him at his kach banquet in l.a. later that same year... when they saw me... people there were telling each other about how rav meir had converted me from a paper-waving left-wing detractor over to his side... i wasn't as yet totally there... just on the way... he told me that he had read my letter and that it was sitting on his desk in his office in the knesset and that he was going to make a tape recorded reply and send it to me... (alas i guess he never got around to it)... i told him that i was thoroughly convinced about his trashing of reform and conservative judaism... and that his tenor and choice of words that he used with great sarcasm and ironic humor to utterly decimate them were exquisite and that i had enjoyed them thoroughly and agreed with him completely... but that i just wasn't on board fully yet with his arab position... (i was back then as i still remain to this day a very stubborn guy)... he looked at me a little bewildered as if to say "how can you see the point on one matter but not on the other...?" but he didn't respond and just let it rest at that... 

the next year ('89)... his last trip to l.a. he spoke at b'nai david/judea in the pico/robertson neighborhood... he had been banned the previous fall i believe... and he let loose for two hours... it was a masterful drasha... he remembered me and called on me to ask my question which this time was... to the point that he should forget about politics... why was he involved in it at all...? that he had such a great koach to champion torah-true why didn't he go around the world mikareving jews to torah with his gift...? besides i insisted... if Hashem wants to punish us for lack of torah observance (which is why the arabs are permitted by Him to torture us so)... and that even if he could eradicate the arab problem and menace by the very next day... if Hashem was still angry at us... he could bring the chinese or anyone else to give us grief until we do tshuvah... and i finished by offering this summation of sefer shoftim in tenach which demonstrates over and over that whenever k'lal yisroel sinned another goy dominated us until we repented... and each shofet in turn who arose in succession to free us from our suffering and the bitter yoke of subservience we were reduced to at the hands of our many enemies all around us... i told him they didn't just bring a sword with them to do so... they brought a torah message of musar until we repented and then he led us out to vanquish our enemies and throw off their rule from over us... (i really felt this was an awesome challenge to his position and shitot and that i had bested him... boy was i in for a surprise)... he spent some 20 minutes answering my query... it's all on tape... hopefully i'll ask a friend of mine to upload it here... suffice it to say... he said my first mistake was to think that what he was doing was just politics and not torah... something i only really fully understood when i later read sefer harayon... but the rest of his response to me was gangbusters... and i understood he was just that a navi and shofet trying to save us all from both our sins AND our enemies... he explained that only with the surcease from the agony of the arab atrocities would come the peace of mind for sephardic jews in particular who never were and still are not (he insisted) so very far from torah like their ashkenazi counterparts in and out of the land of israel... i still went up to him afterward and begged him to tour america for american jewry to have a chance to be won back to judaism...

i'll never forget the look on his face as he heard me say that... after all he had tried to convey to me over our 4 meetings... he really, really looked hurt when i said that to him... the last words i said to him... and until this very day i feel that i let him down and was one of the many jews the world over who were just not zoche to get him and get his message while he was yet among us... and for this... i feel responsible... that it is due to me among the many others that we lost him... that Hashem found us unworthy of having this fearless giant in our midst guiding us... and so He took him away from us for our deep sin of kafuey tov (ingratitude)... and that is the way i feel to this very day... and that is why i'm fighting so hard for you not to turn away from quoting him... and if i ever make it home to eretz hakodesh... after the kotel and har habayit... i am going bli neder straight to his kever to beg mechilah... rav meir i love you and miss you and i am so agonizingly sorry for letting you down... please forgive me... nik. out...   
120   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: See New documentary on the Murder of Rabbi Meir Kahane and 9-11  on: September 15, 2006, 01:56:25 AM 
truly sad and depressing... but truly amazing footage... thanks david... hy"d... nik. out...
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121   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Techiat HaMeitim for German Jewry, R"L!/can holocaust#2 be far behind...?  on: September 15, 2006, 01:23:15 AM 
you guys have no idea how really sickening this news is... if you get the book "to eliminate the opiate" by rabbi marvin antleman (in 2 volumes) you will see how disgusting this is... the rabbi traces the reform (and the american version ~ the conservative) movement back to shabtai tzvi and jacob frank and their satanic heresies... abraham geiger is another story... what a true rasha he was... rav hirsch took him on polemically all the time... geiger is famous for his statement deriding orthodox jews (and he is responsible in the first place for labeling true authentic judaism as orthodox as if it were just one version of many... all legitimate)... he said we respond to doing mitzvot like pavlov's dog... Hashem rings His bell and we jump up and supinely perform our instinctual rites... the lowest area in gehenom is where this efer is roasting for eternity and now he has produced aneklach or nechdim in the very country of the tzora which as rav yaakov emden said... "it is because you have made berlin into your jerusalem and have forgotten the torah and the land... therefore it will be out from berlin whence will emenate the magefah to punish jewry..." and he said this way back in the mid-1700's!!! it is bad enough that these german jews tried to "reform" judaism... but it is far worse still because all along unbeknownst to most of you their true goal has not been simply to modernize it but to seek its total eradication and with it the destruction of authentic torah life and its people... they are the true erev rav jews and they are like their famous fellow german-jews the rothchilds, warburgs, schiffs, etc. all working alongside the vatican and the illuminati-jesuit new world order types to do just this... their "finest hour" was the holocaust and they hope to be able to repeat it someday soon... this is what they are working for... that is why they refuse to take down and remove the camps... and as further proof of this... these filthy jewish-pigs and slime took to burning the foreskins from their sons' britim instead of burying them as the halacha states... their wish in doing this is to one day see all of torah and torah jewry consigned to another holocaustal conflagaration... another kivshan haaish... this is their dearest and most treasured and precious dream, desire and yearning... thus rabbi antelman... get the books...  nik. out...
122   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / taskmasters are not overlords or masters.. they too are just serfs or grunts...  on: September 14, 2006, 10:00:16 PM 
their armies are not the overlords... they are just the serfs as well... the masters are the elite... gov., banking, corporate magnates, generals, media moguls and bluebloods... they are doing in iraq just what they want to weaken both of their armies for the nwo nato/un army and gov. to take over soon... at least that is their intention and their gameplan... nik. out...
123   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Video - Rabbi Meir Kahane - The Yoke of Heaven  on: September 14, 2006, 09:56:37 PM 
no... it just came to me... nik.
124   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Video - Rabbi Meir Kahane - The Yoke of Heaven  on: September 14, 2006, 05:50:12 PM 
i wish to correct the record of my last statement... if rav meir were here... i would be wherever he was... working for him... but if for some reason this was not possible... when i informed him of my plans he would understand why i have to still be here to do this... none of the other reasons i gave are what i meant as the true reason why i am not there... they were side discussions of the other worries and concerns i have had over the years before i hit on this idea... furthermore this idea was not arrived at to lengthen my stay here... it is a chance to explode the golut spiritually (not with actual bombs)... and a chance to save many jews who then could be rescued if i am successful... if not i am going to move to israel no later than 2 years from now... either my idea will work by then or it won't and then i will know what Hashem wants me to do... again these are not delaying tactics... i believe i have a real mission here to perform... from Hashem... nik. out...
125   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Interesting. Bombing a cemetary?/what is holding us back...?  on: September 14, 2006, 05:37:42 PM 
furthermore... the only reason we do not do these kinds of things... like bomb the hell out of that plaza while those wild animals were lynching those two poor jews hy"d... remember? why didn't we just send in the choppers and kill the lot of them on the spot? the answer always given are the same 2 tired and worn-out phrases given of old over and over again ad nauseum ever since ben gurion yemach shemo v'zichro... 1) "havlaga"... "we are better than them and we will not descend to their level..." and of course my favorite... "what will the world say...?" ("we are bound by the constraints of our committment and responsibilty to the international community")... but these excuses are utter lies though... the real reason the slime then the same as now do not take revenge or really go all-out to eradicate the terrorist menace once and for all is because they know these groups are their assets in the war on torah and G-d... they are the tools by which the slime and their american and british overlords rule the land and rule the earth... this is the only reason... nik. out... 
126   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Interesting. Bombing a cemetary?/sechel trumps mekorot...  on: September 14, 2006, 12:02:55 PM 
where would you look... in hilchot milchama...? you know... there is a famous saying of the talmud... "sachel hu... or... sevora hu... lama li kra?" "it is common sense or logical to do such and such (whatever point is bering made) so why do we require a pasuk in the torah for proof or permission..." nik. out...
127   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Video - Rabbi Meir Kahane - The Yoke of Heaven  on: September 14, 2006, 11:57:24 AM 
cold matter... there were two non-violent revolutions that worked...

ghandi's in india and mlk's in the u.s. black civil-rights movement... those are the only 2 that i know about... but neither strategy (and the above were slightly different from each other)... neither of them would work long-term as moshe feiglin's attempts with zu artzenu proved... oslo went on unimpeded by his demos and he abandoned them for the likud...

leib... rav meir would understand what i am doing here still... (me as an individual jew and servant of G-d)... he would also realize how israel has gone to hell-in-a-handbasket since his demise and how much worse things have become from his day and therefore he would realize that legitimately jews need to stay in the golut until some changes are made b'aretz which would inhance their safety, protection and security... he also has said that barring an upheaval he knows there will never be a massive western aliyah until moshiach comes... though he would know as i do... that sans moshiach or coup d'etat... the only hope for israel right now is massive aliyah to vote the slime out of power... but again he knew this will never happen because of our comfort, wealth and fear of the arab terror... and nothing has changed until this very day... but all of the above... at least for me is not exactly why i stay... i am not comfortable here economically or culturally and i certainly am not wealthy... so their is only the fear and trepedation-factor to deal with... which i have largely put to rest for myself... however it is what i am trying to do here which i am not at liberty to devulge right now which keeps me here... and even this may not be an impeidment soon and i will move to israel... proper gov. or not... nik. out... 
128   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Interesting. Bombing a cemetary?/absolutely!!!  on: September 14, 2006, 02:48:24 AM 
what a ludicrous question... of course you can bomb your enemies during one of their funerals... without hesitiation... are these solemn occassions of dignified people mourning their dead or are they rather golden opportunities for our haters and murderers to be indoctrinated into further hatred and enmity against us... where their slime-clergy whip them all up into a frenzy to go out and slaughter us all... with the cries of "ichbad al yahud!!" (lo alenu... v'chas v'shalom) on their lips...? what kind of a question is this...? what? we should let them all live to continue to kill more and more jews...? of course we should bomb them every chance they give us... we should take advantage of anytime all the bastards are rounded up and gathered into one place to do away with them all once and for all and dispatch them all to the allah and the muhamid they all so wish to go to... then they can have one big funeral... and shoen ganuk with all of them forever!!! halevai we had the courage and the guts to do such a thing and stand up to the world and tell them all when they vilify and condemn us for this to just ef off and go to efing hell... and i have news for you... it would be a mitzvah not an averah... "when someone comes to or gets ready to slay you... rise up ahead of him and slay him first..." the ultimate in not only logical and normal self-defense but in line with the supposed "bush doctrine" of pre-emptive justice... and furthermore... clearly a fulfillment of torah justice... that of collective accountability... if you ask me... refraining from the opportunity is an obscene act of cruelty and a callous disregard for the safety and welfare of one's own people... and if you ask me... america is insane and has a death-wish... so let 'em perish if they want to... who gives a damn about america? especially because as i have discovered they are trying to destroy us (i know you all do not believe me... but also who cares...? i'm going to say it anyhow)... we jews have a mitzvah... a commandment from G-d to do whatever it takes to survive... especially so because we have no true allies that we can absolutely depend upon to come to our rescue... as the monumental lesson of the shoah should have taught us all by now... nik. out...
129   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Video - Rabbi Meir Kahane - The Yoke of Heaven  on: September 14, 2006, 12:37:30 AM 
« Reply #25 on: Today at 12:06:57 AM »     

ah... pure torah... pure emet... l'amita... and this is who and what you guys wish to stop quoting by name...? how can you be so heartless and so senseless...? rav meir and his torah are the way to the geulah shelaymah... period... if rav meir wasn't moshiach ben yosef i have no idea why anyone else is even necessary... (except of course for moshiach ben david)... for rav meir came and taught us the correct path... taught us all the torah we need to follow to be redeemed... to earn our redemption thru mesirat nefesh and thru our knowing how to be mikadesh shem shamayim b'rabim... and to think you guys would even attempt to forget about him even in order to better mikarev others... but you will fail and fail miserably by this approach because it smacks of kafuy tov (ingratitude)... but i believe the real reason is not this as stated by some of you... but merely to protect yourselves from oppression... "but you cannot have your cake and eat it too..." you cannot save yourselves or k'lal yisroel by denying the teachers of torah who bring us to geulah... just as you cannot teach a mitzvah by doing it wrongly... you cannot teach torah without following the principles of its transmission... one of these being "b'shem omro"... you simply cannot... but we've already been all through these inyanim and this nekudah here at length... od kahane chaii... nik. out...
« Last Edit: Today at 12:20:54 AM by nikmatdam »  Report to moderator 

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     Re: Videos of HaRav Meir Kahane ZT"L HY"D/quashes feiglin's efforts in likud...
« Reply #26 on: Today at 12:27:47 AM »     

in the speech at yu... he decimates what moshe feiglin is trying to do... rav meir said you cannot support or vote for a party who does not follow halacha even if they are essentially saying exactly what you know to be right according to the torah... you cannot trust them and you cannot follow them because they deny torah min hashamayim... it is not the same for rav meir to say throw the arabs out or if anyone else even a feiglin (who is a yore shemayim) but would still be speaking out from a G-dless likud platform party agenda... it is asur he says quite emphatically in this speech because rav meir is following halacha...  torah law... while the rest are doing even the same exact things from a standpoint of politics... out from the reasoning and the logic of man and not from the concept of mitzvah... from the perspective of avodat Hashem... our obeying the commandment of Hashem... out from our duty to adhere to the gezarat Hamelech... solely and exclusively by virtue of our acceptance of the ol malchut shemayim (the yoke of heaven)... nik out...
« Last Edit: Today at 12:33:42 AM by nikmatdam »  Report to moderator 

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i meant to post these two comments on this thread not on the other one... sorry... nik.
130   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "Abu Suhayb Al-Amriki" turned to be half-Jewish  on: September 13, 2006, 08:44:48 PM 
the caption on that last one should read... "hey man... pass the nargilah..." nik. out...
131   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: The Rebbe and The Rav  on: September 13, 2006, 08:39:51 PM 
it's brought down by rashi that bilam was given his level of prophecy on a par with moshe (only the 4 times recorded in chumash)... all done so that the goyim would have no tainot on Hashem as i said... check out rashi there... nik. out...
132   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / bk in search of bilam... or "why does everything have to be so complicated..."  on: September 13, 2006, 07:35:50 PM 
you are correct of course but bk seems to think that you can't just say this no matter what the torah says or the derech Hashem... because he keeps insisting the issue is more "complicated" than this... he says bilam was higher than moshe... when his powers were only equal though his medraga was lower and his ultimate power of seeing never reached moshe's level because of his arrogance and evil... though he was granted those few prophecies recorded on moshe's level in order to head-off the complaint of the goyim as rashi brings down... who feel cheated that had they a moshe rebenu they too would have accepted and kept the torah... which of course is worse than bogus... it is outright b.s. nik. out...
133   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / complicated shmomkilated... don't mess with the ramchal...  on: September 13, 2006, 06:57:52 PM 
the ramchal answers that question as well... moshe is the only prophet who could have his prophecy on the level of "face to face" without any separation... as one person speaking to another... or with only one sheet of "clear glass"... the thinist sheet of glass possible called... "aspaklaria"... and this is true because he had attained the highest possible human level of purity... the 49th gate... and was called an ish elokim... "a G-dly man"... the only one in history... also his was highest as i said before because he had to reach up the highest and pull the entire torah down to earth... no one has had to do that since... nor will anyone ever again need to do so so that level attained will never again be reached...

secondly or thirdly... no other navi could have his nevuah while wide awake in command of his full faculties... if in a vision by day he would fall down in a trance and even at night in a dream he couldn't achieve it without any of these physical side-effects like of losing consciousness or loss of body control (spasmatic or ortherwise)...

and lastly only moshe could say... "wait here and i'll see what Hashem will answer you..." in other words he could request nevuah at will... only shmuel hanavi reached this level once... when he asked for a sign of a freak summer storm to prove that Hashem was angry with k'lal yisroel for requesting a king... but moshe had this power of prophecy his entire career...

all other prophets had to await Hashem's coming to them... prepare themselves spiritually... "get up for it" while moshe was always on that high of a plateau and never had to either purify himself or get in the proper frame of mood for it (be b'simcha, etc.)... elisha for example had to have someone play music in front of him to remove his depression... while yitzchak had to have a sumtious meat meal served to him like jews later had in jerusalem by eating korban shlamim in order to rise to the level of nevuah during oleh regel times...

and of course most other naviim had their visions while aslepp and in riddles... or dreams... plus some would not even merit having Hashem directly speak to them even thru thicker veiled partitions... more opaque and less translucent... each lefi their medrega... and some would only merit to have melachim deliver to them their visions and instruct them in their shlichut for Hashem to k'lal yisroel... and all of them would lose body control to receive the Divine...

so is all of this complicated enough for you... or do you require further proof that the ramchal knows what the hell he is talking about...? nik. out...   
134   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / bk back in the saddle again... ride 'em cowboy... yeeehaaa!!!  on: September 13, 2006, 04:33:35 PM 
go look it up yourself genius... it's translated into english for you... all you have to do is open it up and find the right page... i think you can handle that... but i might be wrong... ta... nik.
135   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "Abu Suhayb Al-Amriki" turned to be half-Jewish  on: September 13, 2006, 04:29:14 PM 
how nice... another ba'al tshuvah... nik.
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136   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: He finally said it...  on: September 13, 2006, 01:18:40 AM 
got it... n.
137   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the rankings of prophets...  on: September 12, 2006, 09:16:58 PM 
man... do you guys ever learn any torah? the ramchal states quoting chazal very clearly that moshe is the top navi of all-time because only he brought us down the torah from shamayim... only one such navi was and is ever required for this... so he is it and he is #1... next are the avot in a tie... until moshiach arrives (ben david only i believe)... and then he will be #2 all-time and the avot will drop to third place for the rest of history... thus from the sefer derech Hashem... nik. out...
138   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: He finally said it...  on: September 12, 2006, 09:10:50 PM 
now that's not fair... i asked truth and not you... nik.
139   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: He finally said it...  on: September 12, 2006, 06:56:31 PM 
truth... does this mean you hold aviner to be a tzadik...? if so why...? nik. out...
140   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: He finally said it.../and we should flatly forget that he said it...  on: September 11, 2006, 08:19:46 PM 
Quote from: Leib770 on September 11, 2006, 06:32:19 PM
I'd be more impressed if I hadn't seen Eitam the Kapo in Neve Dekalim. He was 2nd fiddle to Aviner.

and there you go... what more need be said...? nik. out...
141   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: He finally said it.../ so the hell what!!!!  on: September 11, 2006, 03:42:26 PM 
i don't believe one word he says... 'cause he said a year or so ago that any "right-wing" jew who takes the law into his own hands and does what the idf and the gov. refuse to do to protect jewish lives... he said they should receive the maximum sentence possible and basically throw the key away on them... i will never support this opportunist... and neither should you... can't you see he is positioning himself to run for pm and win the settler vote just like bibi and sharon both did before him...? and just as i warned over a year ago... are you all blind...? or has altzheimers set-in by you guys already...? nik. out...
142   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / arabs and muslims for peace... (this is not what you might think it is)...  on: September 10, 2006, 11:07:57 PM 
i have a great idea to help re-start or jump-start the oslo/wye/road-map-to-hell suicide ~"peace" (piece) process... (man... that was a mouthful)... we offer muslims (mostly arabs of course) in our midst for peace... all takers get oodles and oodles of these gevaltic creatures to come and live with them in their countries and we in return get all of our fellow jews out of there and brought back home to live with us... (yes... us... because as soon as this proposition is even floated in the public arena... i will be on the next plane out of l.a. for eretz hakodesh)... and then... voila! thus we... jews... finally get the peace and quiet we desreve and yearn for... and the rest of the planet gets one hell of a humongous migraine for christmas or for ramadan... just one caveat though to this cheery idea... this is a one-time... one-shot deal and opportunity for the world...  because after this fair and compassionate offer expires so do all of our very charming and lovely arab-swine neighbors... and guess what...? oh alright i'll tell you... simmer down... for you see... even if we have to go to plan-b for israel and the jews... in the end... we still get peace... peace at last... i know... i know after the invasion by gog angry at us for killing all of his terrorist thugs and hired-help... well... that's just the way it's going to have to be... so let's get on with it already... Hashem saves when we show courage... nik. out of his everloving mind... i know... but mine is the only sane approach... especially when we show... at long last that we really, really, really do mean business this time... and... AND... that our resolve is forged in granite... like it actually was once...when we nuke mecca as well at the same time and drag those two monstrocities down off of our har habayit... ah... what a beautiful scene, scenario and world that would be... ta... nik.   
143   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Memorial for Rabbi Kahane zt'l  on: September 10, 2006, 10:53:33 PM 
bli neder i will try and be there... thanks... nik.
144   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Gog/Magog Invasion Force/ada rabbah... let'em come...  on: September 04, 2006, 05:11:11 PM 
we as jews need to stand aside and not get in the way... we have to let our Great G-d... the one and only G-d... do His work with His creation... He at the stage we are arrived at presently in the history of this world has decided... He has determined... apparently... to my mind's take of events... that we will see them come and die...  and perish horribly just like we all witnessed already once in our arduous journey thru history... and so just like we were all by yam suf... maesa avot siman l'banim..." so too we shall stand and be silent... and Hashem Yitborach will fight for us..." and afterward... "we will never see our enemies forces arrayed against us ever again..." know this jews... we are being redemmed... we are in the process... we are just moments away now... For Hashem is livid at His world... He is angry with mankind... all of them... and still a little bit with us too... there is room for tshuvah in this upheaval for each of us as well... for what they (and we on our one and only degree and scale of balance vis a vis our expected torah observance... how great it is or how insignificant it is to the whole equation)... have done and have even just done to try and finish off k'lal yisroel... the last war was a ruse under guise of an actual melchemet mitzvah to sucker us into a no-win war where attrition of all kinds of our forces would have been great and costly... and so now His anger grows and He has determined perhaps for absolute certain that He will take us derech yam suf to our geulah again... mida k'neged mida... so let 'em come... if they dare to come... let 'em already... Hashem wants at them... Hashem will take them all matter what else does or does not happen to us... know for sure... this time it will be for keeps and Hashem will finish them off for good this time... this time for good... and forever.... after this round... Hashem agrees... "NEVER AGAIN..." this IS milchemet gog u'maygog... without a doubt... bli shum safek...nik. out...
145   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: question l'kulam... derech eretz kadmah l'geulah...  on: September 01, 2006, 10:56:16 AM 
more on this after the weekend... shabat shalom... nik.
146   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: question l'kulam... derech eretz kadmah l'geulah...  on: August 31, 2006, 11:45:24 PM 
o.k. times up... no one had anything to contribute toward an answer... so let's turn over all the cards and cut to the chase here...

rebbi akiva endangered his life to teach torah publically because to do so in secret due to fear and trepidation of the goyish conquerors of our land would be tantamount to acknowledging that torah is something the goyim have authority over (they absolutely do not)... also it shows an incredible lack of trust in the power of Hashem... and even though it seems that Hashem was absent from saving rebbi akiva we have 2 pshatim for this... the first is straight out of the gemora which says they all knew the gezerah against them (to die ~ not to not learn torah) was from Hashem Himself and it was coming to atone for the sin of the selling of yosef... so rebbi akiva knew anyhow he was destined to die via a death sentence especially after their rebbi rav eliezer had on his deathbed foretold the meshunadica mitot destined for his 5 or so main talmidim for not visiting him and learning with him despite the sages' edict against him as a zaken mamre... and he informed r.akiva that his death would be the worst and most horrendous of all of them...

secondly... in addition to the above...  r.akiva anyway yearned to die al kiddush Hashem... as we all know from the famous maesa of his saying so... so r.akiva wished to go out in a way which would inspire all future dorot of yidden to defy the golut edom and refuse to loosen their grip upon torah... and only by setting an example of a public display of defiant resistence to the goyish enslavers of our people and land... only by his open rebellion against their orders and laws would he get us all to know the preciousness and dire need we jews have for torah... this goes along with the other story on that daf about the fish and the fox... i'm sure you all know this one... but in case one of you doesn't... very briefly...

rebbi akiva made a moshol (a parable) about our need for learning torah... he said that a fish was scurring around in the water and a fox happened by... and asked the fish what was wrong... to wit the fish replied he was afraid of the fishermen's nets... so the fox offered to protect him if he came up on shore... out of the water (whence comes the expression: "like a fish out of water...") the fish told him he must be nuts... that if his life was in danger even in his element what chance did he have to survive outside of it...?

and of course the meaning is clear... torah is our life... our air... torah is to the jew as water is to fish... and r.akiva taught us by this moshol and by his mesirat nefesh leading to his kiddush Hashem... martyrdom for G-d's torah... that if we have to slink around and hide our learning from the goyim... or in this analogy... our type of torah from the unjewish jews ruling eretz yisroel... we will never survive the golut... we will disappear from the world and from history as the am Hashem... torah learning has to be carried out unabashedly and unflinchingly in the light of day... and if the goyim (or the jewish goyim) slaughter us for learning that which is our very lifeblood... our ocean... think about what they will do to us if we ever cease studying the torah (and certainly in our present generation... we already know what happens... a holocaust descends upon us)... so what will happen to us if we stop learning or only do so in private...? if we demonstrate that we are fearful of the goyim and their jewish lackeys and only pursue torah learning and its application to real life in a cover-up sort of fashion... hiding rav meir from view... in an ofen (manner) in which our fellow jews may or may not know of our secret committment and real devekut to it... torah can only survive and the jewish people thereby thrive with torah held aloft and shouted out to the world... and even if we whisper it; not abandoning it totally we will still lose our grip from it and perish as a nation in the process...

so too if we treat rav meir and his example and his words of torah like we are not allowed to raise it up as a banner... we will lose our koach to spread this courageous aspect of torah far and wide... his message is vital... and not just so that we are inspired and continue on his path... but his name and his torah are syncronized and fused together to enable jews to return enmasse one day soon to the torah-fold... and i would venture to say only his torah style has the power to do so...

and the proof of this is in the pudding... as rav binyamin was always want to say... whenever his yeshiva was raided or closed down... it made him realize... even the slime know the true power and koach of rav meir's torah... they don't close down any other yeshivot... even though much of the same things are taught there as well... why? because of the WAY it is taught... because sadly... all those other places teach in a manner which is not a threat to the gov. to sweep the country or a "danger" or red-flag to their minds that these other mekomei torah and their brand of torah teaching might coax and encourage a spiritual revolution to erupt within eretz yisroel... only rav meir's torah AND his name have the potential to awaken the soul of our people and touch that pintella yid and move it to return home to the torah path of Hashem... all those other places are fine institutions teaching the truth... but only rav meir's legacy sends shivers running down the spines of the filth who have usurped and have stolen our country from us... only rav meir's name strikes fear in the hearts of the slime... and causes them to become panic-striken at the thought and the certain yehdiah (the sure knowledge) that one day soon their hold over us will end... and filling them with the pachad that very soon now and in our days... finally and at long last... their "crown" and glory of rulership... in defiance of Hashem and His torah... will come crashing down around their ankles and they and their rule will then disappear forever... amen selah... rak kach!!!! nik. out...
147   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Jackie Mason sues J4J  on: August 31, 2006, 11:36:43 PM 
he was ordained orthodox... nik.
148   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Jeff Seath's Hearing Next Week!  on: August 31, 2006, 11:31:24 PM 
i haven't heard... what false charges do the slime have him up on? nik.
149   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: rav meir's take on the chet haegel... "what mesirat nefesh really means..."  on: August 30, 2006, 03:07:27 AM 
this drasha is now complete... nik.
150   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Who built the Dome of the Rock?????  on: August 30, 2006, 02:24:18 AM 
me too... because isn't it interesting that it is the other mosque which they are defending to the death... and face and bow towards... the other one belongs to rome and rome is the one clamouring for that one back... they want it bad... and they share at the highest echelons and in the most elevated corridors of power on this earth... they share... esav and yishmael share this domain of har habayit... and only allow into their "club" the "right" jews to use our "jewish genius" for their evil dominion... the dome of the rock is the vatican's... and this is known by the moslems... and they have theirs next door... but we... the real jews... the torah jews... we cannot even utter a word of prayer up there... nor bow or shed even a single tear... we must take them both down... christianity and islam... and of course the real truth of their rebellion against G-d... those two religions are just to pretend at monotheism in order to control the masses of their two giant halves of the world... "their spheres of influence"... they at the top know the utter falsehood and complete lie that is their made-up religions... and the masking of their continued paganism and heathen sun-worship (nimrod's/and/paro's cultic babylonian and egyptian mystery religions continue for them beneath the surface... until they together can finally come out into the open and forcibly rule the planet and make G-d and we His nation into abject and eternal slaves... avraham vs. nimrod... maesa avot siman l'banim... until the end of all time... until the final curtain at the end of days... i can't believe it... i found it all out with the help of Hashem... he led me these past 5 years (really 30) on a derech emet... a real path of truth... to quote eliezer from chumash... and Hashem... he opened my eyes and now i see it all... i think... i am overawed... and i prostrate before Hashem's glorious throne and pledge myself to only His infinite and wise service... and so should all of us... His eternal people... we all must bow to Him and worship only He forever... the truth will out... "for truth speaks louder and endures far longer than mere mortal word or gun..." (from one of my poems... "the rebirth of clarity" i'll put it up another time)... nik. out...
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