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October 20, 2006, 02:18:32 PM
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1051 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the ignorance is bliss theory... on: August 30, 2005, 12:07:03 PM
when the messiah comes and rebuilds the holy temple... all nations (whoever is left standing after vengeance and thus deserving of living in G-d's redeemed world) will flow there to worship and serve the one true G-d... and yes the prophecy will come true then that har habayit in yerushalayim will "become a house of prayer for all mankind..." but gielah no one will be coming there to pray in the name of allah or jesus or buddah, etc. all those religions and their false gods will be gone... only the G-d of israel will be recognized as the one true G-d and only G-d... as it says and we pray thrice daily.. "on that day He will be one and His Name will be one..." all churches and mosques and ashrams etc. will be destroyed or converted to places of torah... and only judaism will be practiced in the land of israel... in fact only torah-true judaism will be practiced around the globe... no not everyone will convert to judaism... in fact, no converts will ever again be allowed to join after the messiah comes due to the probable insincerity of the applicants after we begin to rule the world forever... however all goyim will practice the implied form of judaism which is assumed thru the 7 universal laws of mankind known as the sheva mitzvot b'nai noach which proceeded the torah for the entire earth and is recorded in the torah as coming to mankind from G-d as their revelation of His exalted will for man... and thus all of the sweetness and light and non-judgemental gobbeldigoop which you espouse is just pure fiction and flights of fantasy... get real... judaism and true service to G-d is just that... service... avodah... obeying laws... first work on fear of G-d then you can come to love of Him... if you skip the first step all you end up with is syrupy expressions of an emotional pseudo-spirituality that sounds good and holy and all of that but in reality has no substance and thus no actual long-lasting viability... ta... nik.
1052 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Looking ahead. on: August 30, 2005, 03:09:41 AM
truth sorry... i meant my previous post for yby who called me and idiot...
1053 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Looking ahead. on: August 30, 2005, 03:06:03 AM
oh gp blow it out your ear avichai... if either of those two once great activists make it under this sick, demented, diseased system they will have to be corrupt and will just have to have compromised their ideals to get to the top of the heap... and that is just what it is... a heap... and what a giant heap of manure it is... as to yby's last comment... maybe you didn't read my post well enough... the chofetz chaim clearly was talking about the failure of torah jews to rise up and make war with the communist jews of russia... as for rav moshe... he would have said those words if they involved taking matters into one's own hands to defeat rashaiim jews as he openly said was mutar against the arab menace... look at what he says... the main thing is to protect jewish life... and if peres is killing jews and he is... he should be stopped according to rav moshe no different from arab terrorists... a terrorist killing jews who himself is a jew needs to be killed the same as any goy... an enemy of k'lal yisroel is an enemy within or without the jewish fold... ta... nik.
1054 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the ignorance is bliss theory... on: August 30, 2005, 02:53:23 AM
yeah but we jews don't need to wait until later for the truth to be revealed... we know the truth already and we have known it for thousands of years... you and your co-religionists unfortunately do not accept the truth from us and have invented your own version which you hope will turn out to be correct (which we know will never be)... but you hold out hope for your end of days scenario to be right and tell us "we'll see whose version is true" and i understand where you are coming from... a place of darkness and confusion... but for us it is all light and has always been that way despite our far too many persecutions and exiles and despite all of our way too many jewish rengades and heretics who have left the fold and who have strayed far-a-field from the camp of the faithful and who have abandoned the ranks of the truly G-d fearing, pious and torah observant among the loyal adherents within torah-true judasm... ever since G-d opened our eyes and ears to Him and His torah on mt. sinai we have known the truth and have never been in doubt about it since... not even for a second... on the other hand you guys were not there and hence not privy to that revelation of the absolute truth and therefore you can not and do not know what we know and you will only be convinced or know for sure when events in the last days come to pass exactly as our teachers and prophets have always taught us and then you will see... but meanwhile for and in the present time... you cannot and do not see it... but just because you are blind and deaf to the truth... doesn't mean that we are as well... for we have never been without this knowledge of the truth for even a moment over the course of the past 3300+ years... anyway... again all of this is just the way it is... peace out... ta... nik.
1055 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Looking ahead. on: August 29, 2005, 11:40:17 AM
and truth be told you told alot of truth in your rant... but...
rav meir wrote a book maybe you read it... "referendum or revolution"... he said that it is inevitable either the gov. hold an election over all its planned moves and give-aways and whether the country should be based on democracy or torah... or it will... not may... not perhaps... and not only if one day radicals like me take over... no but israel will... that's... WILL... fall into the throes of a full-fledged revolt as a natural outcome of its nazi-like tyranny as do all societies that oppress its people... just look at the former soviet union... so my call is not wild... my call is for us to get ready for the now unavoidable and necessary evil of rebellion in order to liberate ourselves from despotism...
furthermore... yes violence or the threat of it would have worked to block the eviction... yes... rav meir wrote an essay before yamit which he detailed how and why barricading ourselves in in undergound bunkers with weapons of war and men, women and children... on a purely volitional basis... and the making it known that we were "crazy" enough to fight to the last man... would scare the socks off the gov. and they would not be able to move on us... i knew your little demonstrations and roadblocks were doomed to failure from the outset... that's why i didn't come to participate in these futile and pathetic attempts at resistance... rav meir said... getting your head or face bashed in doesn't help or solve anything... making them prepare to kill everyone with all that that implies in image and media hype would... not could but WOULD prevent what happened two weeks ago already from happening... you just have to make them think that you're crazy enough for this... i am... are you? so put that in your pipe and smoke it...
i leave you with two quotes and one paraphrase... who said the following...?
"the jews erred at the time. when the jewish communists began their persecution, they should have confronted them with war and self-sacrifice. even though many jews would have died, they might have weakened the power of the satan. because none of us volunteered to fight and die if necessary, the jewish communists have strengthened themselves in destroying the religious and cultural life of the jews."
who said this? none other than the saintly and universally revered sage and gadol hador... harav and gaon yisroel meir kagan hacohen... the chofetz chaim speaking to rav elchanan wasserman!!!!
next who wrote this in as a tshuvah in a letter to his flocks...?
"it is this that lost us our kingdom and destroyed our holy temple and lengthened our exile and brought us to our present plight... our fathers sinned and are gone... they failed to busy themselves with learning how to make war."
who? none other than the holy and mighty torah giant the rambam himself!!!!
and now for the kicker... who penned this tshuvah which was published in the ny jewish press sometime in the spring or summer of i think 1984 but which has long since been pulled from their archival files for obvious controversial reasons... at least they had the guts to print it once... i remember seeing and reading it... it was front page center news at the time... it was a letter in response to the shoking events and arrest of the so-called "jewish underground" who blew up 5 west-bank arab-town mayors... kein yirbu... and they made an attempt at those abominations on our har habayit... this rav said something to the effect that...
"those boys should be released immediately and be granted full amnesty... they had every right to take the law into their own hands... because the government of israel is not doing nearly enough to protect and insure the saftey of its jewish citizenry from arab terror..."
who? harav moshe feinstein zt"l!!!... that's who! and if that was true back then al achas kama v'kama is this true now!!!!
so now go ahead... go on and call these three and rav meir hy"d... idiots and fools... i dare you! peace out... ta... nik.
1056 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Looking ahead. on: August 29, 2005, 02:54:01 AM
yby... why is a gov. in exile such a chillul Hashem? why isn't what we have now an absolute chillul Hashem shain k'mohu? your reasoning is flawed... you have no real sense of the depth of degredation and contempt jews are held in now all over the world... we are literally hanging our heads in shame over here and we are seething with rage... i want a civil war and a coup d'etat so bad i can taste it in my mouth... they drew first blood... we will draw last blood.... "mi chamocha b'aleem Hashem!"
1057 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the ignorance is bliss theory... on: August 28, 2005, 04:27:28 PM
i am sorry gielah but i cannot let stand your assessment of things to be... the founders of christianity knew their thing was a crock from the git-go... it was woven out of whole cloth... and they knew that the torah was true and that the real naviim (prophets) were authentic... so in order for their new testament to have any fighting chance historically speaking they had to account for the eventual coming of the real, jewish king or messiah (not jesus) in the end of days... so they had to invent and manufacture a story such as you refered to in the book of revelations... this story had to account for the messiah and it does by calling him evil... the anti-christ... in fact your good buddy jerry falwell a few years ago actually said that the anti-christ was alive in the world today and that he is either an american or israeli jew... he of course apologized for this but no matter he said it and we know why...
now as to the reign of terror or holy hell as i call it that will proceed and or eclipse the true messiah's coming this is because so many people and whole or parts of nations are going to be deserving of severe punishments and revenge for what they and their ancestors did to the jewish people over the course of the last 3300+ years since the torah was revealed to us on mt.sinai... sorry this is unavoidable and if it only takes 7 years the world will be lucky and most fortunate... these acts of vengeance are promised and sworn to us by G-d Himself in the the real bible and backed up repeatedly by every navi... in every prophetic book in the rest of the tenach... the old testamment... so sorry this is just the way it is and will be when the true messiah (not jesus) arrives... (see this for yourself in parshat hazinu in deuteronomy:32:39-43) where it says:
"...see, now, that I, I am He -- and no god is with Me. I put to death and I bring life, I struck down and I will heal, and there is no rescuer from My hand. for I shall raise My hand to heaven and say, 'as I live forever, if I sharpen My flashing sword, and My hand grasps judgement, I shall return vengeance upon My enemies and upon those that hate Me (those who hate My people israel) shall I bring retribution. I shall intoxicate My arrows with blood and My sword shall devour flesh, because of the blood of corpse and captive (among the jewish people at the hands of the nations of the world throughout history), because of the earliest depredations (plundering and laying waste) of the enemy.' o nations -- sing the praises of His people, for He will avenge the blood of His servants (the jews and only us); He will bring retribution upon His foes, and He will appease His land and His people (the children of israel)."
again sorry but this is just the way it is and will come to pass... and i might add... it is a fate the world so richly deserves... amen... soon and in our days...
1058 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Looking ahead. on: August 28, 2005, 03:55:27 PM
binyamin kahane was right... the system is so corrupt that it can not and will not ever be able to correct itself or be corrected... the downfall of the present state of israel and the ascendency of a torah-true state is our only hope... and we should form now a government-in-exile... replete with a sanhedrin and a king who is sworn to abdicate the moment the true moshiach ben david appears... (on penalty of death, if he does not)... i have written a jewish declaration of independence for american (western) and israeli jews... if anyone wishes to receive a copy e-mail me at [email protected]... ta... nik.
1059 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the ignorance is bliss theory... on: August 28, 2005, 03:11:15 PM
pseudo temple or pseudo-messiah... same difference gielah... that garbage comes from the book of revelations and will never come true... "lo haya v'lo nivra!" ta... nik.
1060 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the ignorance is bliss theory... to gielah on: August 28, 2005, 02:12:06 PM
thanks for the support... but we do not believe in the book of revelations and there will be no pseduo-temple... only the real one... the third, final and eternal one... ta... nik.
1061 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the ignorance is bliss theory... to avichai on: August 28, 2005, 12:30:43 AM
you have read my reply to you in private... don't make me make it public with any further comments assailing my motives or my heart.... if i may say so myself... i am as thoroughly l'shem shemayim as they come these days (not that i am anything great as compared to past generations... far from it)... but just ask david haivri or yisroel meir cohen for the truth of my words... so please stick to commenting upon what i say here and not to what i may or may not be representing to your mindset... thanks... ta... nik.
1062 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / the ignorance is bliss theory... on: August 26, 2005, 12:41:27 PM
i have been away from here far too long... my last post brought snickers and eye-rolling... people the world over laugh and chortle at conspiracy theories i know... but there are only three types who "disbelieve" or discount them... the ignorant, the petrified and the complicit...
think people... how is it humanly possible that israel is still having to abide by any kind of peace process at all after all the violence we have been made to absorb...? the arabs broke every tenant of their side of the bargain and especially the most important one to reject terror which they couldn't keep to for 20 minutes if their life depended upon it or they were offered oodles of cash to be quiet... 20 minutes! no way they can stop for even that long...
and so the point gets lost... israel should not have to even consider a deal with these wild beasts... name another country which the world would expect and demand such an agreement where the people there would not rise up in revolt? only the jews are made to heel... only we are expected to make compromises which get us killed...
the whole thing is a conspiracy from a-z or where you guys are from aleph-tuf... i am sick and tired of being scoffed at... read people... think... why is this being done to us and who has the power to impose it upon us and keep themselves hidden from our anger and rage and retaliation? who and why?
the whole oslo/road map to hell garbage is aimed at our annihilation... pure and simple...
if the peace process were a business venture (which it largely is... casinos slated to go up everywhere where jews are removed...) but let's say i agreed to give you 10k and you would match that and we would make a joint investment in something... only i come to you and only try to give you 2k... and we argue over our agreement... i say this is my portion and you say no... here in the contract you signed it stipulates each of us giving 10k... not me 10 and you only 2!!! and i call you names and insult you and throw the money in your face and bad mouth you to the community and media as a welcher, etc. you get the idea... and later i offer a little more and then when that is rejected and you demand the full amount or no deal... i call you an obstacle to our enrichment and i threaten your family... and finally i give you a tiny bit more and when you refuse yet again to accept the off-the-cuff revisionist terms i slug you in the face and storm away...
but wait... later on i come back and say o.k. o.k here's the 10 we agreed upon let's do business together... would anyone in their right mind demand of you that you still had to go through with the deal simply by virtue of the fact that initially when i seemed sincere you had signed onto it...? and now despite the fact that i did not deal with you in good faith and indeed caused you much harm and grief you are still held to your word and expected by "law" to go through with the deal!!! no way would anyone say this is right, fair and/or mandatory... in fact people would call you a fool or worse if you still decided to go ahead with the venture with me after what i put you through!!!
well folks... this is oslo... or wait... no! it is not called oslo anymore because of the violence... oslo is dead... but it is called the road map and the results are demanded of us to be the same!!! is this not the height of arrogance on the world's part and the pinnacle of sheer stupidity on our part? welcome to insanity!!!! israel is being made to absorb death and maiming which signals no compliance what-so-ever and grants no peace or the promise of it ever coming to fruition... and the world demands we still take the deal and give away our land to seal it... obscene and absurd... no? but this is the level of jew-hatred in the world... the powers-that-be want us gone and israel destroyed... jews dead and israel wiped off the map!!! and none of us rises in revolt? lambs to the slaughter yet again! what manner of men are we? what is this? why are we still sleeping...? or better yet why are we all still so blind and so deaf as to the real nature of what is really going on here and so ignorant of who is doing this all to us and for what reason...
wake up jews!!!! there is a giant conspiracy arrayed against us and our so-called "jewish" leaders are in on it... certain jews world-wide are doing the dirty work for the goyish powers who want us all (not these "special" jews, mind you) but the rest of us especially observant jews... they want us out of here permanently... and this is what will befall us... G-d forbid... unless we act and act now!
jews... we vowed... NEVER AGAIN!!!! remember? well...?
world... evict sharon, blair and bush... NOT JEWS!
shabat shalom... nik.
1063 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / sanhedrin 16b on: March 08, 2005, 12:54:03 PM
the gemora is refering to the law of ir hanidachas... and the final maskana is that only one city is eligible to be deemed and doomed as one and as such only one at a time may be prosecuted and tried because we do not want to depopulate eretz yisroel... and we see this even applies to reshayim jews because we need their continued presense and they of course can still do teshuvah eventhough usually we say by such a place that they are too far gone for repentance... anyway then the gemora discusses where this city can be located in order to qualify and be condemned as an idolatrous city beyond rehabilitation deservant of total death and destruction... and they conclude even at the borders and not as the pasuk seems to exclude them by saying "in your midst" (b'toch)... we do not say they are too close in proximity to goyim and have fallen under their evil influence and thus they are indeed chayiv according to halacha... BUT!!! BECAUSE THE CITY RESIDES AT OR ON A BORDER OF ERETZ YISROEL (AN OUTPOST OR SETTLEMENT).... IT CANNOT AND MUST NOT BE DESTROYED.... LEST IT ENCOURAGE AND INVITE THE GOYIM TO INVADE AND ATTEMPT TO OVERRUN THE JEWISH PEOPLE OF ISRAEL, AND CONQUER AND DESTROY THE REST OF ERETZ HAKODESH!!!!
and this is the conclusion the gemora makes here... so if this applies even to just one city and a city comprised of complete reshayim to boot... then KOL SHEKAIN OF kol shekains it applies to MULTIPLE CITIES ON THE WEST BANK AND IN GAZA... (YEHUDAH AND SHOMRON AND AZA)... COMPRISED OF A POPULATION OF DECENT, LAW-ABIDING AND G-D FEARING JEWS!!!!!
just some food for thought... we see here it renders the machloket between gedolim moot... does "land for peace" have any merit and do we say pikuach nefesh is docha (pushes off) chillul Hashem? both are seen here in the light of this gemora to be foolish queries as the very destroying of even one border town of evil, sinful jews is proven to be a terrible sekanat nefashot and as such a potentially suicidal event... leading to war with our enemies due to our own stupidity of allowing them to see us destroy each other... and due to the fact of our own show of weakness we open the door for further abuse and terror from them by virtue of the hope we engender in them that they are winning or that we are disintegrating... and so even ir hanidachais jews are left alone in eretz yisroel so as not to encourage our enemies to attack us...
please spread these words of truth far and wide among kl'al yisroel...
1064 General Category / Revava movement Discussion / 9/11 an inside job... on: December 29, 2004, 04:11:47 AM
yes friends the american government or a shadow part thereof... the same folks who brought us all the assassinations of the 60's... watergate in the 70's... iran/contra in the 80's... gulf war1 and rav kahane's death in the 90's are the same perps who did 9/11 in this new century... and i have proof much of which i have already delivered to my friends here and abroad... with al qaeda as their mercenary surrogates they killed 3000 human beings for their own sick, evil designs on world domination, conquest and global power and empire building (gog umaygog) and we jews and israel are not invited to the party!!! my first tid-bit of info for you is the following... what does al qaeda mean in arabic? "the group" or "the bunch or band" (of brothers)... and what does the cia call itself? "the company"... so you tell me who created, armed and set off these vile murderers? who works for whom? i rest my case for now... ta... nik.
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there i did it now i will burn this onto a cd when i get the chance...
i am thru with revava... they lied to me... they decieved me... they abused me... and therefore... i am gone... bye bye revava... hellow jtf... and thanks for being here guys and gals... nik. out...
--- Quote from: Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim on October 20, 2006, 05:47:20 PM ---unlike Revava which censors Revava and Yekutiel material.
--- End quote ---
I'm sure you mean
--- Quote ---unlike Revava which censors JTF and Yekutiel material.
--- End quote ---
wow what did they do? i remember that you used to be a prominant member of their forum.
Did you change niks subject title for this thread? i dont remember him saying that.
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