Author Topic: ASK JTF #21 - Here is the thread where you can ask questions for our next video  (Read 6376 times)

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Offline Ron

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We have removed the 300 character limit on forum posts. We will instead impose a limit of two short questions for every person on Ask JTF. If someone asks more than two short questions, we will not be able to answer.

For the sake of the proper order of the show and so that all of our viewers could understand, please ask your questions in English.

(this is the second rule, I'll just translate it to Hebrew):

לישראלים: למען הסדר הטוב של התכנית, ועל מנת שכל הצופים יבינו, אנא כתבו את השאלות שלכם באנגלית
We must help the Hilltop Youth heroes!

Their fight is our fight.

How you can help and participate in the sacred cause:,94604.0.html

Online ram770

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שלום חיים היקר מה שלומך? מה דעתך על זה שאיתמר בן גביר לא נלחם הרבה נגד בנט הוא מעצבן אותי בזה שהוא מדבר איתם אפילו שמחה רוטמן מסרב ללחוץ להם את היד אם אני הייתי בכנסת במקום איתמר בן גביר לא הייתי מדבר עם נפתלי בנט איילת שקד מתן כהנא ניר אורבך ועידית סילמן  הרשעים האם זה אפשרי שנעשה דרך העמותה של בן ציון גגולה את גיוס המונים של נוער הגבעות אחרי זה נפעל לעלות אותך ארצה חייבים אנשים כמוך בארץ ישראל ובכנסת ישראל והיה לך אחלה ראיון עם ניר וינברג באהבת ישראל רם מאיר אברהם
« Last Edit: January 31, 2022, 12:43:55 PM by ram770 »

Offline Gimatria

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Shalom Chaim ha Amitz,

The Rebbe famously said "Mach doh Eretz Yisroel" - what are your thoughts?
Can you comment on the draconian "covid measures" in place in Australia? What do you think of how they treated the great Serbian tennis player?
Lastly, when you reflect on your QPTV programs, what comes to mind? What is your response to those who convey that they miss your more "colorful" commentary?
I miss the segments where you and YBM would read from the NYNT wedding page. You two had unbelievable chemistry!


Online Hrvatski Noahid

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There is a mystical truth why people in the world still experience pain and suffering. It involves God's Divine Presence in the world, the Shechinah. Can you explain the truth?
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


Offline Binyamin Yisrael

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1. Did MLK, Jr. make Anti-Semitic comments himself or did he just associate with other blacks who made Anti-Semitic comments?

2. Many people, especially Democrats, have said that Congresswomen Greene and Boebert are Anti-Semitic, and are far Right Anti-Semites like AOC and the Squad are far Left Anti-Semites. These Congresswomen have compared vaccines and masks to the Holocaust. Greene compared a mask mandate for unvaccinated members of Congress to forcing Jews to wear yellow stars in Nazi Germany.

Are these remarks comparing vaccine and masks to the Holocaust Anti-Semitic remarks?

Are Congresswomen Greene and Boebert Anti-Semites?

« Last Edit: January 26, 2022, 09:21:03 PM by Binyamin Yisrael »

Offline Joe Gutfeld

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Shalom, Chaim!  Where you with Rabbi Kahane in Washington D.C. in I think in the 1960's or early 1970's?  My parents were there because my father was in the JDL back then.  My dad took a picture of him and I have it somewhere.  What are your memories of that rally?  Thanks.

Offline chicagojew

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Shalom Chaim, please give me your opinion on these former Israeli Prime Ministers, and why you don't like them.

Levi Eshkol

Yigal Allon

Golda Meir

Offline TruthSpreader

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Other than Jerusalem II, name some of the filthiest restaurants  in New York you've ever been to
Dan - Stay calm and be brave in order to judge correctly and make the right decision

Offline angryChineseKahanist

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I've heard several times Rabbi Kahane say that the moslem arabs are honest.  I do not remember him saying anything bad about them, but that he thinks they are wrong and that they have to move out.

BTW our good friend Anthony Riddle of MNN is still alive.

Here is a recent picture of him in the office.  Isn't he handsome?
« Last Edit: January 28, 2022, 01:13:01 AM by angryChineseKahanist »

Offline Amrafael

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Shalom Chaim. Who are the people from the JDL era that are still alive and active? Who are your favorite Chazal?

Offline zeraisraelkahanist

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Have you ever contacted family of Rav Kahane (I:E his wife, children and grandchildren) and in specific Meir Ettinger?
The "Palestinians" are another pandemic, Am Yisroel Chai!

Offline Y.B.Y.

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In a previous "Ask JTF" episode, you stated that the Kabbalah contains predictions of future events, but its interpretation is only for the most erudite Torah scholars. I would like to learn these predictions.  Have any of the finest Torah scholars published their interpretations of the Kabbalah?

Offline harel156

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Dear Chaim;
What can you say about justice in the USA?
What can you say about the US Supreme Court? Why can we not see live video of their cases? Why do we see only drawings of these judges? What from and why are they hiding?
Can you compare the US Supreme Court to BAGATZ?
Was BAGATZ a factor in your ALIA efforts?
Last, who is running JOE BIDEN?.

Offline ItalianZionist

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Hi Chaim,
    1)Are you available for a zoom presentation for my orthodox friends regarding the hilltop youth?

     2) Regarding last week, I'll drop it in the future if you prefer but I think it's important. The "synagogue of satan" does not refer to ALL synagogues. I'm sure you have encountered quite a few synagogues of satan(reformed, Sat Mar, ect).  As far as the money changers, I'm sure when the Holy Temple is rebuilt you would be the first one to knock down some tables of people trying to make money in or around the temple. How is that anti Jewish? Some "Catholic" freaks have used it to justify their antisemitism but Jesus never said ALL Jews are condemned nor did his apostles or any saints. The point is that true Christianity has nothing to do with evil popes. Does Sabbatai Zevi represent Judaism?   I could address your other points but I don't want to hog your time Chaim. Maybe we can have a show together one day to address these matters. I amicably challenge anyone on this forum to show me where Jesus is against All Jews.  Looking forward to your reply, thanks.   
« Last Edit: February 01, 2022, 04:17:25 PM by ItalianZionist »

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Dear Chaim,

Did Stalin have a plan to exterminate the Jews?   Would Israel have tried to stop him? 

If he put this plan into action, would the response of Jewish establishment groups have been different from their inaction in the Holocaust after learning a lesson or would they have done the same again?

Offline haimazulay06

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שלום חיים היקר, מה שלומך?

רציתי דבר ראשון לשאול מה דעתך על כשרות צוהר? האם שמעת עליהם? אני הבנתי שמדובר בחטיבת כשרות אלטרנטיבית לרבנות הראשית כדי שהרבנות הראשית לא תשמש כמונופול אחד למתן בכשרות. האם זה טוב או לא טוב ולמה?

שאלה נוספת - בטח שמעת על זה לא מעט פעמים, אבל אני אישית לא מבין למה חרדים באו ליישב דווקא את בית שמש (ועוד דווקא מהפלג הירושלמי הקיצוני). מה הם מצאו דווקא בבית שמש? רק כי זו עיר קרובה לירושלים? תכלס אני הופתעתי שבחרו ליישב דווקא את בית שמש מאשר ללכת לשאר ערי הקודש - טבריה, צפת וחברון (קרית ארבע). הם גם יכלו אפילו להתיישב לדעתי בהתנחלויות ביו"ש כדי לחזק את ההתיישבות היהודית בכל ארץ ישראל.

תודה רבה ושבוע טוב לך ולכל הגולשים  :usa+israel:

Offline Nekama

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Dear Chaim:

Hope all is well. 

(1) Pleased comment on Caryn Johnson a/k/a Whoopie Goldberg - m'm'm, her single digit IQ and what she said about the Holocaust? 

(2) Do you think Biden will appoint Aunt Jemima to the Supreme Court - I hear she makes tasty pancakes - m'm'm

All the best.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2022, 06:35:24 PM by Nekama »