General Category > Ask JTF
ASK JTF 05/31/22 - Chaim Ben Pesach answers questions from JTFers
Chaim Ben Pesach:
1. Video version on Rumble (the program is 61 minutes this week):
2. Video version on Odysee:
3. For those who would like to download the file for their MP3 players or iPods:
Hrvatski Noahid:
Jewish philosophy beats godless philosophy.
Rabbi Dr. Michael Schulman teaches that incarceration deprives the transgressor of his God-given, life-long task to use his abilities in ways that contribute to society. I think whipping is a great alternative.
Great lecture in the beginning of the video! Please do more like these.
:usa+israel: :fist:
Agreed, well put Hrvatski Noahid and Noachide!
Excellent and enjoyable segment Chaim in all
respects. The philosophical as well as theological
aspects of these commentaries makes them even
better, so IMHO, I don’t think it matters whether the
focus is on either or or both types of subjects at any given
time as all these video presentations you do are excellent.
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