Kahanist Singles > Righteous Gentile Singles
Should interreligious marriage be banned?
Yes in Israel, no in America. Israel should be reserved for Jews who value their Jewish identity. Those who wish to step away from Judaism shouldn't be in Israel, but the scope of Jewish law should be limited to Israel.
Because my answer is circumstance-based, I didn't vote.
--- Quote from: EagleEye on November 25, 2007, 04:18:18 AM ---Yes in Israel, no in America. Israel should be reserved for Jews who value their Jewish identity. Those who wish to step away from Judaism shouldn't be in Israel, but the scope of Jewish law should be limited to Israel.
Because my answer is circumstance-based, I didn't vote.
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Interesting I would have said the opposite. Since by intermarriage in America eventually the Jews will be absorbed and disappear which is actually happening now. It's been said that the Jews in America are being killed by kindness since they can freely intermarry and aren't ghettoized. In Israel, you have a Jewish state so if a Jew becomes a Christian or Hindu or Buddhist, they are still Jewish by blood and the Jewish state protects their identity. The only thing that would endanger Jewish identity in Israel is if the Arabic Muslims became a very large part of the population percentage wise and destroyed the Jewish identity of the state. I assume that is the main purpose of the right of return of refugees. Flood Israel with millions of Arabs and obliterate Israel.
--- Quote ---Since by intermarriage in America eventually the Jews will be absorbed and disappear which is actually happening now.
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My opinion is that if they are living outside of Israel and intermarrying, they aren't committed enough to be Jewish in the first place. I don't think someone can be externally convinced to be a devout Jew, the drive has to be an internal drive. If the drive is not there, then there isn't much that can and arguably should be done to change it.
By living outside of Israel and intermarrying, Jews have basically left the religious community by choice, a choice no-one can change, and while they may have ethnic ties, they are basically separated.
--- Quote from: EagleEye on November 25, 2007, 08:37:19 PM ---
--- Quote ---Since by intermarriage in America eventually the Jews will be absorbed and disappear which is actually happening now.
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My opinion is that if they are living outside of Israel and intermarrying, they aren't committed enough to be Jewish in the first place. I don't think someone can be externally convinced to be a devout Jew, the drive has to be an internal drive. If the drive is not there, then there isn't much that can and arguably should be done to change it.
By living outside of Israel and intermarrying, Jews have basically left the religious community by choice, a choice no-one can change, and while they may have ethnic ties, they are basically separated.
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I believe the whole scenario is only solvable if the law sets down a clear definition of Jew and non-Jew. In my opinion, the best way to avoid religious disputes is for one member of the couple to drop his or her religion and convert to the other. That way there is not as must dishonesty. If the Jews consider it an act of betrayal for a Jewish girl to marry a gentile man, than it is only decent for her to drop her pretended Judaism. Likewise, if a gentile man is in love with a Jewish girl who refuses to leave Judaism, it is only decent for him to walk away and leave her alone.
A lot of people say it is about religion, and not ethnicity. But the thing is that there are atheistic and christian people with Jewish mothers who would still be considered Jews, therefore you can't say religious affiliation is the only factor here. If atheist Jews were counted as gentiles, then it would religion. That being said, I still think Israel (but not the rest of the world) should ban it, otherwise it isn't a Jewish state.
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