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ASK JTF #40 - Here is the thread where you can ask questions for our next video
Joe Gutfeld:
Shalom, Chaim! Please discuss the following losers:
NY Governor Kathy Hocol,
NYC Mayor Eric Adams
San Fransico D.A. Who lost an election.
AOC All Out Crazy Cortez
Nancy Pelosi
Are you familiar with Damon Rosen, and if you are what is your opinion of him?
:usa+israel: :fist:
Shalom Chaim,
1) Your understanding of dissent, rebellion/revolt
according to the Jewish Biblical perspective and
do you believe that the ‘elites’ or ‘powers that
be’ are chas v’ shalom “deliberately” engineering
the demise of Israel, America, and the West in
general and what can be done to stop this and
‘reverse the tide?’
2) Please discuss the following;
The Confederate Flag.
Robert E. Lee
Ulysses S. Grant
The Ted Cruz endorsed
Republican politician Josh Mandel
Stephen Miller
Carl Bernstein
Gordon Chang
James Golden aka Bo Snerdley
the commentator that replaced
Rush Limbaugh.
Thanks and G-d bless
Comment on: Cyprus Greece Turkey Azerbaijan Bulgaria
What do you think of former Congresswoman Elizabeth Holtzman?
What do you think of former Congressman Steven Solarz?
Thank you,
Kalman Ben Menachem
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