Author Topic: Today's Jewish leaders would never have created Israel in 1948 (new video)  (Read 2868 times)

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Online Chaim Ben Pesach

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Please promote this important video everywhere possible.

1. On Rumble:

2. On Odysee:

Offline Nachus

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 :usa+israel:                                                                                                                       :fist:

  Kol hakavod. This was truly “in all regards” a
  fantastic and powerful segment and to date
  one of the best ever!

Offline eb22

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  • No Appeasement.or Concessions.Fakestine is a Hoax.
:usa+israel:                                                                                                                       :fist:

  Kol hakavod. This was truly “in all regards” a
  fantastic and powerful segment and to date
  one of the best ever!

Very well said, Nachus!

The other day, I began reading a book called, 'Homeland: From Clandestine Immigration to Israeli" by the late Dr. Mordecai Hacohen.  The book heavily relates to Chaim's video at the beginning of this thread,

The very first page that there's book content beyond the Title page and publishing info, is Page V. It's the first of two pages of an Introduction by Benjamin Netanyahu.

On page V, this is part of what Benjamin Netanyahu wrote. It would be shocking if one didn't know the history of Bibi:

From Clandestine Immigration to Israeli Independence Mordecai Hacohen ... It is a story of the tragedies that befell us when we relied on others for our defense and the triumphs we realized when we were bold enough to determine our own ...

I'm probably going to make this into an Ask JTF Question, in the form of providing the information, in order for Chaim to address it on the program.

There's much more regarding the video that I plan on expanding on, as it ties into what I see on Twitter and elsewhere with naive Jews and non-Jews, regarding the Abraham Accords  and the insanity of 'peace talks' with the Saudis.  The danger extends far beyond Israel. 

"Israel's leaders seem to be more afraid of Obama than they are of G-d. Now we're getting to the real root of the problem. Secular politics won't save Israel. Denying the divine nature of the Jewish State has brought Israel neither stability nor peace. When that changes Israel will finally be blessed with both in abundance"-----------NormanF   ( Posted on Israel Matzav's Blog )
