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--- Quote from: Husar on November 06, 2007, 11:59:36 PM ---
--- Quote ---Thank you for taking the time to post here.
I apologize for having joked about you
being gestapo, gestapo-ing.
--- End quote ---

OK. No Hard feelings.

--- Quote ---NAZICROATS made me nervous
and extremly concerned
about the future of this
Serbian JTF section.
--- End quote ---

We mustn't become paranoia. Better to keep calm.
It is internet-propaganda, they will keep coming back. I think it can become worse.
The muslims are taking over power in the mass media, that is even worse.
We wil suffer the same wars here in 30-50 years. We can miss neo-nazis that side with muslims over here.
The only way to combat Croat neo-nazis is to infiltrate them and kill their leaders.
I don't think that is going to work, because another Balkan-war will only strengthen the Albanians.

--- Quote ---Are you, yourself, a protestant ?
Wherever spanyards went, they
committed atrocities.
--- End quote ---

Both Churches fought 80-years wars etc.
Nothing of this has to do with religion.
Non of this fighting is Christian.
No fighting between Europeans should take place.
we must live together in peace and fight muzzies out now.
I am Catholic. Since the Inquisition came here all Flemish are Catholics.
Protestants were exterminated.

--- Quote ---And, I will not convince anybody to convert
to the Orthodox Christianity.

We Serbs are poor proselytes.

--- End quote ---

?? How do you mean ??
you worshiped Zeus before?

--- Quote ---What do you think of Filip de Winter ?
Was he pro-Serb ?

--- End quote ---

I fear he was anti-Serb.
I will check this out. I remember a left-wing paper at the time of the Balkan-war showed pictures of Filip de Winter posing on a burned-out Serbian tank in Croatia. Of course I don't know if this is true.
I can't find any info on this right now , and will keep you updated.

Right now Filip Dewinter is the most known anti-muslim politician in Belgium.
I'm sure he is not muslim!

--- End quote ---

Thank you Ambiorix
for taking time to answer to my questions.

When I wrote about proselytism,
it was about us, Serbs,
who don't intend to convert anyone to our religion.
I mean, don't you know what "proselytism" means ?
It is for instance, when catholics spread catholicism,
as they did to your country.......or muSSlims,
they also spread their beliefs, this is proselytism.


Why do you speak about Zeus ?
By the way, in the time of our Czar (Emperor) Dushan,
the Mount Olympus, home of the Greek Gods,
including their king, Zeus, was a Serbian Mount.
And...we Serbs didn't desecrate it.


Concerning the thing you call "paranoïa",
we Serbs lived an horrific twentieth century.
It was something like your spanish inquisition,
but a thousand times harder.
I guess you wouldn't call a Jew, a "paranoïac".
Well then, please, do not call a Serb "paranoïac" also.
Just for you to know, even today, a war is engaged,
not only with ALBANAZI MUSSLIMS, but also with

And NAZICROAT CATHOLICS side along both of them.

You will easily arrive to the conclusion
that Serbia is in a harsh position.
It is a Fight for our very Survival.

Concerning Filip de Winter,
that's what I feared also.

I'd be glad if you had other informations...


--- Quote from: Husar on November 12, 2007, 04:28:54 AM ---Thank you Ambiorix
for taking time to answer to my questions.

When I wrote about proselytism,
it was about us, Serbs,
who don't intend to convert anyone to our religion.
I mean, don't you know what "proselytism" means ?
It is for instance, when catholics spread catholicism,
as they did to your country.......or muSSlims,
they also spread their beliefs, this is proselytism.


Why do you speak about Zeus ?
By the way, in the time of our Czar (Emperor) Dushan,
the Mount Olympus, home of the Greek Gods,
including their king, Zeus, was a Serbian Mount.
And...we Serbs didn't desecrate it.


Concerning the thing you call "paranoïa",
we Serbs lived an horrific twentieth century.
It was something like your spanish inquisition,
but a thousand times harder.
I guess you wouldn't call a Jew, a "paranoïac".
Well then, please, do not call a Serb "paranoïac" also.
Just for you to know, even today, a war is engaged,
not only with ALBANAZI MUSSLIMS, but also with

And NAZICROAT CATHOLICS side along both of them.

You will easily arrive to the conclusion
that Serbia is in a harsh position.
It is a Fight for our very Survival.

Concerning Filip de Winter,
that's what I feared also.

I'd be glad if you had other informations...

--- End quote ---
Just about the photo of Filip Dewinter I was talking about:
The article is written by a anti-fascist group Verzet "resistance", that is anti Vlaams Blok (now Vlaams Belang)

Also the statement "Via zijn Nederlands-Kroatische Werkgemeenschap/Nederlands Vrijwilligers Peloton, ronselt Voorpost-Nederland en het Nederlands Blok tientallen vrijwilligers om aan de zijde van de neo-Ustasa militie het HOS, strijd te leveren tegen de Serven. Douwe Van der Bos deed dat ook al voordien voor de Zuid-Afrikaanse racistische Boerestaatparty, smokkelde wapens en explosieven naar Zuid-Afrika en zamelde ook geld in voor de Afrikaner Weerstand Beweging."
=claims that Voorpost, a branch of Vlaams Belang in Flanders , South-Africa and Holland was fighting war for Ustasha.
"In januari 1992, omstreeks de tijd dat de Europese Unie de onafhankelijkheid van Kroatië erkent, reizen de VB-volksvertegenwoordigers Philippe Dewinter (º1962) en Francis Van den Eynde (º1946), en hun kompaan VB-senator Wim Verreycken (º1943) af naar Kroatië om hun steun te betuigen aan de bevriende Kroatische milities in hun expansiedrift naar een Groot-Kroatië, die door hen echter wordt uitgelegd als "een solidariteitsbezoek aan het voor zijn vrijheid vechtende Kroatië", dit naar eigen zeggen "op uitnodiging van de Kroatische President Tudjman". In het februari nr van 1992 van het Vlaams Blok blad wordt een foto afgedrukt van het gezelschap (zie foto) voor een door de Duitsers aan de Kroaten geleverde T-9 tank van het HOS, die en als volgt toegelicht: "De zorgen van het Kroatische volk zijn ook onze zorgen. Dit volk dat vecht voor zijn onafhankelijkheid verdient onze steun en solidariteit"
In januari 1992, around the time the EU recognises the independence of croatia, VB-MP's Dewinter, Van den Eynde, Verreyeken went to croatia to show support for the militia and their will to expand towards a great-croatia.
They explain this visit has been a "solidarity"-meeting for a freedom-fighting croatia, on invitation of pres. tudjman,
in a Vlaams Blok magazine of feb 92 the photo is printed of a T-9 tank given by the Germans to the HOS, stating : "the sorrows of the croatian people are our sorrows, this people fight for their independence and deserves our solidarity."

Then, my dear Ambiorix,


This thing allied it-self to NAZICROATS
and was invited by anti-semit
negationnist/revisionnist tudjman.......

They fit very well together.


OoHh, yes, now I understand everything....


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