Thank you Ambiorix
for taking time to answer to my questions.
When I wrote about proselytism,
it was about us, Serbs,
who don't intend to convert anyone to our religion.
I mean, don't you know what "proselytism" means ?
It is for instance, when catholics spread catholicism,
as they did to your country.......or muSSlims,
they also spread their beliefs, this is proselytism.
Why do you speak about Zeus ?
By the way, in the time of our Czar (Emperor) Dushan,
the Mount Olympus, home of the Greek Gods,
including their king, Zeus, was a Serbian Mount.
And...we Serbs didn't desecrate it.
Concerning the thing you call "paranoïa",
we Serbs lived an horrific twentieth century.
It was something like your spanish inquisition,
but a thousand times harder.
I guess you wouldn't call a Jew, a "paranoïac".
Well then, please, do not call a Serb "paranoïac" also.
Just for you to know, even today, a war is engaged,
not only with ALBANAZI MUSSLIMS, but also with
And NAZICROAT CATHOLICS side along both of them.
You will easily arrive to the conclusion
that Serbia is in a harsh position.
It is a Fight for our very Survival.
Concerning Filip de Winter,
that's what I feared also.
I'd be glad if you had other informations...