
Who Thinks I'm a lying, taqiyyah practicing muslim?

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Author Topic: Who Thinks I'm a lying, taqiyyah practicing muslim?  (Read 35399 times)

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Offline Dexter

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Re: Who Thinks I'm a lying, taqiyyah practicing muslim?
« Reply #200 on: October 12, 2007, 01:32:42 PM »
Islam is only a religion.

I cant believe i have to say this here.....ISLAM IS NOT A RELIGION
Why not ?
Christianety wasn't a religion at it's first days, it was a cult, but it gaind just more believers than it became to a religion that seperates itself from other religions. Islam is a religion, end of story .
Not a foreign land we took and not with foreign possession but a land that belong to our ancestors that was occupied without a trial. And when we had the opportunity, we took our land back.
-Shimon Maccabee's answer to Antiochus VII Sidetes.

"When fighting monsters, be wary not to become one... When you gaze into the abyss, it also gazes into you."
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Re: Who Thinks I'm a lying, taqiyyah practicing muslim?
« Reply #201 on: October 12, 2007, 01:33:35 PM »
I don'nt now where these posts are and Sarah has'nt done anything wrong really,why all this about Sarah
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline Dexter

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Re: Who Thinks I'm a lying, taqiyyah practicing muslim?
« Reply #202 on: October 12, 2007, 01:39:50 PM »
Thank you Infidel

No ex muslim would ever ever defend ANY aspect of islam, there are penalties for leaving, in western countries the "death" penalty isnt practiced too much (or not that we hear of)  but its not something that you leave lightly or halfway.
I understand why Sarah sometimes defends Islam:
1. Islam was her life, religion and meaning-intent of her life, it is very hard to think that your life were completly based on "Evil" in other's people opinions as your's .
2. All her freinds, or at least most of tham are Muslims, they talk to her nicly, play with her and more. Is there any reason that she would think here freinds are evil ? of course not .
3. Her family is Muslim, and as family you must love it, defence it and respect it the way it is. By saying Islam is evil, and automaticlly say that Muslims are evil, you insult Sarah's family .
« Last Edit: October 12, 2007, 01:42:44 PM by Dexter »
Not a foreign land we took and not with foreign possession but a land that belong to our ancestors that was occupied without a trial. And when we had the opportunity, we took our land back.
-Shimon Maccabee's answer to Antiochus VII Sidetes.

"When fighting monsters, be wary not to become one... When you gaze into the abyss, it also gazes into you."
- Friedrich Nietzsche

Offline MarZutra

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Re: Who Thinks I'm a lying, taqiyyah practicing muslim?
« Reply #203 on: October 12, 2007, 03:36:07 PM »
This is the thread that Kelly was speaking about I think:

And here is the thread about Sarah telling that the purpose of ridding Israel of the Arabs is to occupy more land...Thus the Israeli Forces or even Jews are occupiers... ("More" means they must be already "occupying" no?)

This is where it started and it progressed to private messages to me which, predictably speaking, I sent to Yacov because I knew that this would blow up.  Not to mention that the subjects were questionable and tone deplorable...  This is where it started and she chose to take this situation public after she told me that most members of this forum disagree with my views.  I responded in kind that I highly doubt that since I have actually read the Rabbi's works unlike Sarah and this is a Kahanist forum.  End, Period, Full stop...
« Last Edit: October 12, 2007, 03:43:35 PM by MarZutra »
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.


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Re: Who Thinks I'm a lying, taqiyyah practicing muslim?
« Reply #204 on: October 12, 2007, 04:23:52 PM »
IN the first of those two threads, I think Sarah was just playing devils advocate.


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Re: Who Thinks I'm a lying, taqiyyah practicing muslim?
« Reply #205 on: October 12, 2007, 04:35:04 PM »
218 posts, and still going on.

Perhaps I can finish it.

No one, no matter how good you are, how great your convincing skill, no matter what can convince any muslim to leave islam.  Go to any of the numerous ex muslim sites and read what those people had to go through to get out, oddly enough and Im not sure why, but most end up as athiests.  This is something that only she can decide to do, no one can help.
I really do hope she gets out, fully out.  Islam is no place for a female, there is so much more out there.
And regarding the muslims who do not support the terror aspects, and do not think we should all be killed or converted, unfortunately, they will be killed right along with the rest of us, as my my example about Tarek, who dared to speak out.

Anyhow, end of discussion for me.

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Re: Who Thinks I'm a lying, taqiyyah practicing muslim?
« Reply #206 on: October 12, 2007, 05:12:06 PM »
And what does killing people make you? A hero?.....turning the holy land into a bloody battle field?

You yourself suggested better ways to rid Israel of the Arabs, occupy more land, offer money etc

I was trying to be positive here but haven't expressed myself very well. Yes, Israel cannot own land by moving into it but only occupy it until it is made officially theirs. I did not say Israel were occupiers but that is what they will have to do if they are to gain land that they deserve, unless the rest of the world agrees to it and that is very unlikely. Disagree?

There are many meanings to the word occupy. Here are two:
*invade: march aggressively into another's territory by military force for the purposes of conquest and occupation.- This Israel will have to do to combat the Arab Problem, you're telling me I'm a muslim because i said this?

*inhabit: be present in; be inside of , this is meaning of context that can be used for the word occupy.

I did not use the word Occupier, that would mean I currently believe Israel are occupying land that doesn't belong to them, and this is not the case. Israel is an official state. I'm not stupid. Don't twist my words.

No actually more the half of the Quran consists of Jewish stories......referring back to all the messengers such as Abraham and Moses and the prophets. It also contains parables such as that of the sleepers of the cave etc

If you were horrified by all of this, then you didn't understand it.

You will almost certainly disagree with me here however you were wrong KellyMaureen in saying that I said the Quran is: " I stand by my comprehension of the koran, and do not accept anyone telling me its a peaceful book of fables.."

I never said that, not at all. You stated in your post that after reading the entire  Quran, you were absolutely horrified by it all. My point exactly followed your post by saying...you could not have found it all horrifying because a lot of it is about the prophets talked about in the Torah, even if it is Plagairised, I for one cannot find all these things horrified especially if they have been copied from the Torah. There are stories which have been changed and manipulated, yes. I was in speaking in reference to the good things mentioned about the prophets. Many commandments that have been sent to the Jewish people, the muslims have also used and they are mentioned in the Quran. I'm sure you're horrified by those also.
Though when I was writing those posts in that particular thread KellyMaureen, I cannot deny that I did feel the want to say those things as an outburst. So, I did.

Chaimfan Scotch, repeatedly said the Hitler Glorifying phrase "Heil Sieg" or something similar, that is in support for the Nazis. This phrase is Illegal in Germany and many other countries. That is why I called him a Nazi. Am I saying "Allahuakbar"? No.

Marzutra, this was not some childish attempt to blow things out of proportion. I want to discuss this on the public part of the forum. Instead of sending messages to Yacov, telling him that I practice Taqiyyah and he better be weary of me, because he is important on JTF and i might be trying  to make an impression on Chaim. In other words, doing sly things. That is childish.

I don't have anything against you MarZutra, Kelly or anyone else. This was not intended to insult. Disagreements will arise everywhere.....they don't have to cause disunity.

Kelly, the end of the discussion? You haven't even heard a word I've said about this. This isn't a discussion, if you have finished because you've discussed it with your own opinions only.

Offline MarZutra

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Re: Who Thinks I'm a lying, taqiyyah practicing muslim?
« Reply #207 on: October 13, 2007, 08:14:15 PM »
Sarah, enough of this childish nonsense.  I simply questioned your misguided statements.  That is what started this between you and myself without delving into our private messages which I won't bother to comment on.  YOU are a MUSLIM, EX-MUSLIM, NOAHIDE or MUSLOHIDE whatever.....  obviously anything or anyone who has an Islamic past, makes those statements, defends the Qur'an, Muslims and the Arabs (adding on Kelly's situation re: Sarah) one logically must keep a watchful eye. 


"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.


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Re: Who Thinks I'm a lying, taqiyyah practicing muslim?
« Reply #208 on: October 13, 2007, 09:14:58 PM »
Goood lord this still going on?  :o