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Offline Barach Velvel ben Lazer Eliazer

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Re: Ann Coulter / "Perfected" Jews
« Reply #75 on: October 13, 2007, 11:03:56 PM »
Re:  "...You [MassuhDGoodName] don't have one good reason for not liking Ann Coulter..."


I have a many good reasons to dislike that two-faced ignorant skank whore.

List them. Everybody is telling you to, yet you don't. I'd be very interested to know what they are. Actually, I'm not all that interested, because they would all be nonsense, anyway. She's done nothing but good for America, and somehow you can't comprehend that.

Offline Ulli

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Re: Ann Coulter / "Perfected" Jews
« Reply #76 on: October 13, 2007, 11:07:32 PM »
DanBenNoah:  "...But it is not as bad as Pat Buchanan, liberals, Muslims, Ron Paul, etc..."

Oh, no?

Doesn't it make perfect sense, that if you view an entire group of people in your very midst, those who live on your block, go to school with you, work with you etc... as imperfected, incomplete, without the knowledge of G-d, unsaved (damned to eternal Hell for rejecting G-d's own Son"...then it's only a hop, skip, and jump from that world view to this one...

"The reason Jews are murdered and terrorized, and have been thrown out of most countries throughout history, is because they deserve whatever they get, because they murdered G-d who came here as a man to save the entire world, and still they refuse to accept the perfect truth of Our Precious Lord!"..."Either you're for G-d, or against Him!"..."It's obvious that Jews all hate G-d and worship Satan...just like it says in the Bible!" "They will never be fully human or complete, and it's all their own fault!"

Yes some points are right. But the USA are one of the most Christian countries and they never tried to make a holocaust. This is in my oppinion a point against you.

But some Christians even believe the same of catholic christs. We have a user with the name reg07 on our website. He thinks only his group is right and all others, including me as a christian and you as a jew will go to hell and worship satan. This is no Joke.

I don't believe that Jews go to hell. I think only god knows who goes to hell. I have to do the right thing during my lifetime and then i will be juged. I don't know if i pass the test, but i hope.
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani


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Re: Ann Coulter / "Perfected" Jews
« Reply #77 on: October 13, 2007, 11:10:55 PM »
DanBenNoah:  "...But it is not as bad as Pat Buchanan, liberals, Muslims, Ron Paul, etc..."

Oh, no?

Doesn't it make perfect sense, that if you view an entire group of people in your very midst, those who live on your block, go to school with you, work with you etc... as imperfected, incomplete, without the knowledge of G-d, unsaved (damned to eternal Hell for rejecting G-d's own Son"...then it's only a hop, skip, and jump from that world view to this one...

"The reason Jews are murdered and terrorized, and have been thrown out of most countries throughout history, is because they deserve whatever they get, because they murdered G-d who came here as a man to save the entire world, and still they refuse to accept the perfect truth of Our Precious Lord!"..."Either you're for G-d, or against Him!"..."It's obvious that Jews all hate G-d and worship Satan...just like it says in the Bible!" "They will never be fully human or complete, and it's all their own fault!"

Massuh is right on the money (as usual).

All that BS about 'perfected' or 'completed' Jews is a hare's breath away from 'anti-christ' or 'evil' Jews!

Anybody who even THINKS Jews should convert to ANY faith other than Orthodox, Torah Judaism is an enemy of Jewery.

Offline Barach Velvel ben Lazer Eliazer

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Re: Ann Coulter / "Perfected" Jews
« Reply #78 on: October 13, 2007, 11:12:34 PM »
DanBenNoah:  "...But it is not as bad as Pat Buchanan, liberals, Muslims, Ron Paul, etc..."

Oh, no?

Doesn't it make perfect sense, that if you view an entire group of people in your very midst, those who live on your block, go to school with you, work with you etc... as imperfected, incomplete, without the knowledge of G-d, unsaved (damned to eternal Hell for rejecting G-d's own Son"...then it's only a hop, skip, and jump from that world view to this one...

"The reason Jews are murdered and terrorized, and have been thrown out of most countries throughout history, is because they deserve whatever they get, because they murdered G-d who came here as a man to save the entire world, and still they refuse to accept the perfect truth of Our Precious Lord!"..."Either you're for G-d, or against Him!"..."It's obvious that Jews all hate G-d and worship Satan...just like it says in the Bible!" "They will never be fully human or complete, and it's all their own fault!"

Yes some points are right. But the USA are one of the most Christian countries and they never tried to make a holocaust. This is in my oppinion a point against you.

But some Christians even believe the same of catholic christs. We have a user with the name reg07 on our website. He thinks only his group is right and all others, including me as a christian and you as a jew will go to hell and worship satan. This is no Joke.

I don't believe that Jews go to hell. I think only G-d knows who goes to hell. I have to do the right thing during my lifetime and then i will be juged. I don't know if i pass the test, but i hope.
Good points? He basically stated he thinks Christianity is evil! He's a self-hating Jew communist! Jews should love the Gentiles, because they will play a big role in the future of the Jewish people.

Like I stated before, anybody who hates Christianity, any part of it, hates this country! This country was founded on Christian principles! He belongs in Russia and China, where he can enjoy the company of his fellow anti-Americans.

Offline Barach Velvel ben Lazer Eliazer

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Re: Ann Coulter / "Perfected" Jews
« Reply #79 on: October 13, 2007, 11:19:31 PM »
DanBenNoah:  "...But it is not as bad as Pat Buchanan, liberals, Muslims, Ron Paul, etc..."

Oh, no?

Doesn't it make perfect sense, that if you view an entire group of people in your very midst, those who live on your block, go to school with you, work with you etc... as imperfected, incomplete, without the knowledge of G-d, unsaved (damned to eternal Hell for rejecting G-d's own Son"...then it's only a hop, skip, and jump from that world view to this one...

"The reason Jews are murdered and terrorized, and have been thrown out of most countries throughout history, is because they deserve whatever they get, because they murdered G-d who came here as a man to save the entire world, and still they refuse to accept the perfect truth of Our Precious Lord!"..."Either you're for G-d, or against Him!"..."It's obvious that Jews all hate G-d and worship Satan...just like it says in the Bible!" "They will never be fully human or complete, and it's all their own fault!"

Massuh is right on the money (as usual).

All that BS about 'perfected' or 'completed' Jews is a hare's breath away from 'anti-christ' or 'evil' Jews!

Anybody who even THINKS Jews should convert to ANY faith other than Orthodox, Torah Judaism is an enemy of Jewery.
But we Jews believe that the Christians are wrong for worshipping Christ and following the Ten Commandments. We believe they should follow the Seven Noahide Laws, but we don't believe they're going to hell for it.

And the Christians don't believe we're going to hell for not observing the Christian Bible. Massuh doesn't know what he's talking about. That is false information and something that a communist would say to create trouble! That is what he's doing!

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Re: Ann Coulter / "Perfected" Jews
« Reply #80 on: October 13, 2007, 11:21:10 PM »
I am not really an Ann Coulter fan. She kisses up to Bush far too much when push comes to shove, and the fact that she seems somewhat open to a Fagestinian state is very troubling. In general, I lean towards her being a corporate shill who says and does shocking things for ratings.

I definitely think she has a big mouth, and I most certainly would not say what she said.

However, my opinion won't change. While disagreeable, inherently I do not see anti-Semitism in what she stated. If the Dalai Lama said that he felt America should be a Buddhist nation like Tibet, I'd say to myself "Oh, that's charming" and forget about it. I would not presume that what he "really" means is that Buddhists should kill all Christians.

Granted--Christians do not have a lengthy history of persecution from (people claiming to be) Buddhists, but at the same time I don't see that every single Gentile American is a blood libel waiting to happen.

At a minimum, we should wait and see what she says next.


Offline Ulli

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Re: Ann Coulter / "Perfected" Jews
« Reply #81 on: October 13, 2007, 11:21:18 PM »
DanBenNoah:  "...But it is not as bad as Pat Buchanan, liberals, Muslims, Ron Paul, etc..."

Oh, no?

Doesn't it make perfect sense, that if you view an entire group of people in your very midst, those who live on your block, go to school with you, work with you etc... as imperfected, incomplete, without the knowledge of G-d, unsaved (damned to eternal Hell for rejecting G-d's own Son"...then it's only a hop, skip, and jump from that world view to this one...

"The reason Jews are murdered and terrorized, and have been thrown out of most countries throughout history, is because they deserve whatever they get, because they murdered G-d who came here as a man to save the entire world, and still they refuse to accept the perfect truth of Our Precious Lord!"..."Either you're for G-d, or against Him!"..."It's obvious that Jews all hate G-d and worship Satan...just like it says in the Bible!" "They will never be fully human or complete, and it's all their own fault!"

Yes some points are right. But the USA are one of the most Christian countries and they never tried to make a holocaust. This is in my oppinion a point against you.

But some Christians even believe the same of catholic christs. We have a user with the name reg07 on our website. He thinks only his group is right and all others, including me as a christian and you as a jew will go to hell and worship satan. This is no Joke.

I don't believe that Jews go to hell. I think only G-d knows who goes to hell. I have to do the right thing during my lifetime and then i will be juged. I don't know if i pass the test, but i hope.
Good points? He basically stated he thinks Christianity is evil! He's a self-hating Jew communist! Jews should love the Gentiles, because they will play a big role in the future of the Jewish people.

Like I stated before, anybody who hates Christianity, any part of it, hates this country! This country was founded on Christian principles! He belongs in Russia and China, where he can enjoy the company of his fellow anti-Americans.

Please read my text again. Now i sound like a muslime, but you have misunderstand it. The USA are a great country. Freedom in economy, Freedom in believe, Freedom in personal issues. I will never yell at the USA. I admire this land.
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline Barach Velvel ben Lazer Eliazer

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Re: Ann Coulter / "Perfected" Jews
« Reply #82 on: October 13, 2007, 11:23:16 PM »
It is true that she stated an authentic Christian belief.  The belief is that all Jews should become Christians.  Unfortunately, just because Christians believe it doesn't make it true or right, just like the fact that Muslims believe Jews are the children of pigs and apes doesn't make it true or right.  The Christian belief that Ann Coulter stated just happens to be one of Christians' incorrect beliefs, and one which is on the offensive side.  But it is not as bad as Pat Buchanan, liberals, Muslims, Ron Paul, etc.
Look what you're comparing the belief to! Come on, be sensible! All good Jews should respect the Christian beliefs! The Christians are our allies and play a GREAT role in the future of the Jewish people. G-d has told us so in the Torah!

What?  Good Jews should not respect the Christian beliefs that insult Judaism.  If you believe Judaism is not complete that is an insult to Judaism.  I will respect the Christian beliefs of peace on Earth and goodwill toward men and loving others.  Many Christians are allies, true, but some are conditional allies.
You are the one who's insulted! Don't speak for all Jews! All good Jews respect every aspect of Christianity! We don't observe the Christian bible, because it is Jewish law.

It is insane for a Jew to be insulted by the Christian belief that Jews should observe the Christian Bible, just as it is insane for a Christian to be insulted by the Jewish belief that Christians should follow the Seven Noahide Laws!


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Re: Ann Coulter / "Perfected" Jews
« Reply #83 on: October 13, 2007, 11:24:53 PM »

And the Christians don't believe we're going to hell for not observing the Christian Bible. Massuh doesn't know what he's talking about. That is false information and something that a communist would say to create trouble! That is what he's doing!

Oh yes they do!

Have a listen to those cursed missionaries next time they're pestering Jews somewhere.

Offline Barach Velvel ben Lazer Eliazer

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Re: Ann Coulter / "Perfected" Jews
« Reply #84 on: October 13, 2007, 11:27:14 PM »
DanBenNoah:  "...But it is not as bad as Pat Buchanan, liberals, Muslims, Ron Paul, etc..."

Oh, no?

Doesn't it make perfect sense, that if you view an entire group of people in your very midst, those who live on your block, go to school with you, work with you etc... as imperfected, incomplete, without the knowledge of G-d, unsaved (damned to eternal Hell for rejecting G-d's own Son"...then it's only a hop, skip, and jump from that world view to this one...

"The reason Jews are murdered and terrorized, and have been thrown out of most countries throughout history, is because they deserve whatever they get, because they murdered G-d who came here as a man to save the entire world, and still they refuse to accept the perfect truth of Our Precious Lord!"..."Either you're for G-d, or against Him!"..."It's obvious that Jews all hate G-d and worship Satan...just like it says in the Bible!" "They will never be fully human or complete, and it's all their own fault!"

Yes some points are right. But the USA are one of the most Christian countries and they never tried to make a holocaust. This is in my oppinion a point against you.

But some Christians even believe the same of catholic christs. We have a user with the name reg07 on our website. He thinks only his group is right and all others, including me as a christian and you as a jew will go to hell and worship satan. This is no Joke.

I don't believe that Jews go to hell. I think only G-d knows who goes to hell. I have to do the right thing during my lifetime and then i will be juged. I don't know if i pass the test, but i hope.
Good points? He basically stated he thinks Christianity is evil! He's a self-hating Jew communist! Jews should love the Gentiles, because they will play a big role in the future of the Jewish people.

Like I stated before, anybody who hates Christianity, any part of it, hates this country! This country was founded on Christian principles! He belongs in Russia and China, where he can enjoy the company of his fellow anti-Americans.

Please read my text again. Now i sound like a muslime, but you have misunderstand it. The USA are a great country. Freedom in economy, Freedom in believe, Freedom in personal issues. I will never yell at the USA. I admire this land.
Agreeing with anything he said is insane. Massauh shouldn't be a part of this movement. He's a disgrace as a Jew and a person. He writes very intelligently, but he's obviously not that intelligent, overall.

And why hasn't he listed his reasons for not liking Ann Coulter? Only liberals hate Ann Coulter for exposing their communist evils!

Offline Barach Velvel ben Lazer Eliazer

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Re: Ann Coulter / "Perfected" Jews
« Reply #85 on: October 13, 2007, 11:30:58 PM »

And the Christians don't believe we're going to hell for not observing the Christian Bible. Massuh doesn't know what he's talking about. That is false information and something that a communist would say to create trouble! That is what he's doing!

Oh yes they do!

Have a listen to those cursed missionaries next time they're pestering Jews somewhere.
I'm talking about real Christians. There are a lot of evil Christians, just as their are evil Jews. The Christian Bible doesn't say anything about this. If a "Christian" isn't following everything the Christian Bible says, he is not a good Christian. And if a Christian says Jews are going to hell for not observing the Christian bible, he's not following his religion correctly.

Offline Barach Velvel ben Lazer Eliazer

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Re: Ann Coulter / "Perfected" Jews
« Reply #86 on: October 13, 2007, 11:33:40 PM »
DanBenNoah:  "...But it is not as bad as Pat Buchanan, liberals, Muslims, Ron Paul, etc..."

Oh, no?

Doesn't it make perfect sense, that if you view an entire group of people in your very midst, those who live on your block, go to school with you, work with you etc... as imperfected, incomplete, without the knowledge of G-d, unsaved (damned to eternal Hell for rejecting G-d's own Son"...then it's only a hop, skip, and jump from that world view to this one...

"The reason Jews are murdered and terrorized, and have been thrown out of most countries throughout history, is because they deserve whatever they get, because they murdered G-d who came here as a man to save the entire world, and still they refuse to accept the perfect truth of Our Precious Lord!"..."Either you're for G-d, or against Him!"..."It's obvious that Jews all hate G-d and worship Satan...just like it says in the Bible!" "They will never be fully human or complete, and it's all their own fault!"

That is true in some cases, but I don't think Ann's brand of Christianity calls for physical violence against Jews or the destruction of Israel, or even their forced conversion.  Pat Buchanan, liberals, Muslims, and Ron Paul all would like to see Israel destroyed and Ann wouldn't.  There are different levels of being against the Jews, some are more serious than others.  But those like Ann Coulter cannot completely be trusted because in the end they don't have Jews' best interest at heart, and even if they wouldn't advocate forced conversion or violence, they might try to convert Jews through missionary tactics.
If you think Ann Coulter is like that, you're either a communist or don't know very much about her.


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Re: Ann Coulter / "Perfected" Jews
« Reply #87 on: October 13, 2007, 11:34:27 PM »

And the Christians don't believe we're going to hell for not observing the Christian Bible. Massuh doesn't know what he's talking about. That is false information and something that a communist would say to create trouble! That is what he's doing!

Oh yes they do!

Have a listen to those cursed missionaries next time they're pestering Jews somewhere.
I'm talking about real Christians. There are a lot of evil Christians, just as their are evil Jews. The Christian Bible doesn't say anything about this. If a "Christian" isn't following everything the Christian Bible says, he is not a good Christian. And if a Christian says Jews are going to hell for not observing the Christian bible, he's not following his religion correctly.


The carpenter himself said nobody comes to G_D except through him! Their 'bible' (cough) is very clear......believe in their 'massiah' (cough) or you're going to hell.

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Re: Ann Coulter / "Perfected" Jews
« Reply #88 on: October 13, 2007, 11:45:03 PM »

And the Christians don't believe we're going to hell for not observing the Christian Bible. Massuh doesn't know what he's talking about. That is false information and something that a communist would say to create trouble! That is what he's doing!

Oh yes they do!

Have a listen to those cursed missionaries next time they're pestering Jews somewhere.
I'm talking about real Christians. There are a lot of evil Christians, just as their are evil Jews. The Christian Bible doesn't say anything about this. If a "Christian" isn't following everything the Christian Bible says, he is not a good Christian. And if a Christian says Jews are going to hell for not observing the Christian bible, he's not following his religion correctly.


The carpenter himself said nobody comes to G_D except through him! Their 'bible' (cough) is very clear......believe in their 'massiah' (cough) or you're going to hell.
Yes this is right, but in the believe of Johannis Calvin G-d chooses the christian, like he chooses Abraham. But how can a christian know, that he is choosen? This is a problem.
I think the right thing is simply to tell Coulter, when she comes to you:

I am a Jew. I think Jesus is a Jew and nothing more. Leave me alone and don't talk of this issue again, because i will never change my oppinion.

When some mormons or G-d's Witnesses come to me, i say this similar from my christian believe to them clearly and then i  close my door.

« Last Edit: October 13, 2007, 11:49:00 PM by Goldfasan »
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Ann Coulter / "Perfected" Jews
« Reply #89 on: October 13, 2007, 11:47:24 PM »
Re:  "...Massuh doesn't know what he's talking about. That is false information and something that a communist would say to create trouble! That is what he's doing!.."


That's it!

Guess I have to be banned now, right?

Offline jdl4ever

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Re: Ann Coulter / "Perfected" Jews
« Reply #90 on: October 13, 2007, 11:47:54 PM »
What Ann Coulter is not a big deal, that's what most Christians think and it's part of their religion.  At least she's being honest.  I got no problem with Christians believing what they want to believe as long as they don't try and convert me or hate Jews and they respect my beliefs just as I respect their's.  We got a lot of righteous Christians on this forum. 
"Enough weeping and wailing; and the following of leaders & rabbis who are pygmies of little faith & less understanding."
"I believe very much in a nation beating their swords into plowshears but when my enemy has a sword I don't want a plowshear"
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Re: Ann Coulter / "Perfected" Jews
« Reply #91 on: October 13, 2007, 11:48:24 PM »

I am a Jew. I think Jesus is a Jew and nothing more. Leave me alone and don't talk of this issue again, because i will never change my oppinion.

When some mormons or G-d's Witnesses come to me, i say this to them clearly and then i  close my door.

I say a damn sight more than that to missionaries. :D

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Ann Coulter / "Perfected" Jews
« Reply #92 on: October 13, 2007, 11:58:09 PM »
Re:  "...Good points? He basically stated he thinks Christianity is evil! He's a self-hating Jew communist!..."

LISTEN UP YOU STUPID [censored]...



Offline Tzvi Ben Roshel1

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Re: Ann Coulter / "Perfected" Jews
« Reply #93 on: October 13, 2007, 11:58:40 PM »
It is true that she stated an authentic Christian belief.  The belief is that all Jews should become Christians.  Unfortunately, just because Christians believe it doesn't make it true or right, just like the fact that Muslims believe Jews are the children of pigs and apes doesn't make it true or right.  The Christian belief that Ann Coulter stated just happens to be one of Christians' incorrect beliefs, and one which is on the offensive side.  But it is not as bad as Pat Buchanan, liberals, Muslims, Ron Paul, etc.
Look what you're comparing the belief to! Come on, be sensible! All good Jews should respect the Christian beliefs! The Christians are our allies and play a GREAT role in the future of the Jewish people. G-d has told us so in the Torah!

The Academy of Elijah taught, whoever studies the laws (of the Torah) every day, (he) is guaranteed to have a share in the World to Come.

‏119:139 צִמְּתַתְנִי קִנְאָתִי כִּישָׁכְחוּ דְבָרֶיךָ צָרָי
My zeal incenses me, for my adversaries have forgotten Your words.
‏119:141 צָעִיר אָנֹכִי וְנִבְזֶה פִּקֻּדֶיךָ, לֹא שָׁכָחְתִּי.
 I am young and despised; I have not forgotten Your precepts.

" A fool does not realize, and an unwise person does not understand this (i.e. the following:) When the wicked bloom like grass, and the evildoers blossom (i.e. when they seem extremly successful), it is to destroy them forever (i.e. they are rewarded for their few good deeds in this World, and they will have no portion in the World to Come!)

Please visit: (The Greatest lectures on Earth).

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Re: Ann Coulter / "Perfected" Jews
« Reply #94 on: October 14, 2007, 12:00:49 AM »
Ann Coulter remarks were anything but anti-Semitic...they were a simple statement on Christian doctrine. For those of you who missed this lesson in Sunday school...Christians believe G-d made them the new "chosen people" after the Jews failed to keep his commandments.

It's also why they call our testament "old" and their testament "new".

Anyone who truly believes in their religion, believe they are the chosen people, so Christians are no different, and neither are Buddhists or Hindus.

I think the main point people are missing is who is behind this scandal....the Soros funded Media Matters, also responsible for firing Don Imus. Should we take the cheap ploys of a self-hating Jew, who help confiscate the property of his fellow Jews who were being sent to the gas chambers to save his pathetic behind...

It doesn't surprise me that the liberal Jews are the ones crying victim over this. Aren't these the same Jews who support the "Oslo Accords" Clinton's, who supported the Orwellian peace process that puts Israel on the chopping block, and who know nothing about Judaism even if it smacked them in the face!

These Jews have hurt the Jewish cause more perniciously than Ann Coulter ever could...
The American Republic will endure, until politicians realize they can bribe the people with their own money. – Alexis de Tocqueville

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Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Ann Coulter / "Perfected" Jews
« Reply #95 on: October 14, 2007, 12:02:54 AM »
Re:  "...But the USA are one of the most Christian countries and they never tried to make a holocaust. This is in my oppinion a point against you..."



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Re: Ann Coulter / "Perfected" Jews
« Reply #96 on: October 14, 2007, 12:08:21 AM »
Re:  "...But the USA are one of the most Christian countries and they never tried to make a holocaust. This is in my oppinion a point against you..."

They stood by and whistled while the holocaust was occurring! Why?....

Precisely because of the christian beliefs that coulter was spouting...."the Jews are cursed, they won't accept yeshu....blah blah blah".

Offline jdl4ever

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Re: Ann Coulter / "Perfected" Jews
« Reply #97 on: October 14, 2007, 12:11:57 AM »
I think that MassuhDGoodName has been insulted unjustly.  He's a very smart guy and I agree with most of what he wrote. 
"Enough weeping and wailing; and the following of leaders & rabbis who are pygmies of little faith & less understanding."
"I believe very much in a nation beating their swords into plowshears but when my enemy has a sword I don't want a plowshear"
-Rabbi Meir Kahane Zs'l HYD

Offline Ulli

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Re: Ann Coulter / "Perfected" Jews
« Reply #98 on: October 14, 2007, 12:12:14 AM »
Re:  "...But the USA are one of the most Christian countries and they never tried to make a holocaust. This is in my oppinion a point against you..."


It is right. I read only a few short scriptures of him, like letter to the world and i heard a long interview with him with Larry King. All what he said was intelligent and his arguments were logical. But i can't say, that i know a lot of his texts or speeches. I don't wan't to offend you. All i wanted to say, was that the USA are a free, good land. In Europe, specially in Germany it was through the most times the hell on earth for the Jews. The USA are a Christian country and they develop in a differnt way to the christian countries in Europe.
"Cities run by progressives don't know how to police. ... Thirty cities went up last night, I went and looked at every one of them. Every one of them has a progressive Democratic mayor." Rudolph Giuliani

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Re: Ann Coulter / "Perfected" Jews
« Reply #99 on: October 14, 2007, 12:16:36 AM »
I like you Newman.  You know what the deal is, when it comes to the Jews.  Coulter can drop dead for all I care.