Erica, I most agree with your last post. It is nice to see you on here posting, promoting and advocating proper, educated and knowledgable English. I, personally, feel that this embracement of a very primitive "culture", language included, by not only Blacks but Whites, Arabs, Asians and Jew is very disheartening. It has come to the point where it has largely impacted, and encouraged, the mass idolization and role models amongst our youths are not the educated or even non-educated buy highly worthy peoples: Fireman, Teachers, Doctors, Farmers, Mechanics, Ministers, Rabbis etc. but the Pimp, Prostitute, Drug Dealer, Rapists, Murderers and all other sub-human debauched savage their are... I'm sure you'd agree..
Personally, I don't use these words whether they are in bastardized English: Ebonics or flat out English.... It is a direct example of poor manners, ignorance and absolutely no self respect or respect for other imo...
Good post and thanks for the clearification.... I believe my IQ increased by a few points...