It isnt any accident that the legal age for marriage for females in iran is 9.
Oh come on Kelly, YOU are "intolerant" to Muslim culture. YOU are an Islamaphobe. What is wrong with having a 9 year old anyway? Shouldn't we here drop the age to 9 as well? I'm just pulling your leg...
Sadly because of the pagan gnosticism and socialist principles infecting our body politik, media, educational system and over all social system....our "age of consent" will be there soon. Every day I walk down the street and see kids with kids, scum and all under 16-17.... The collapse of society will bring this 9 year old pregnancies due to the continual glorification of filth like Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, Shavartzism and the drug dealer/pimp/prostute/harlot being "cool" and a role model for the youth instead of teachers, docters, fire/police/army, mothers/fathers etc... What a fcuked up world!