Somebody please answer this question for me, about which I've been losing sleep for weeks:
Ha'Shem created both tobacco plants (which are beautiful), as well as the opium poppy flowers (which are also beautiful).
Scientists have proven that the human brain contains within it both nicotein receptor cells, as well as opioid receptor cells!
Why would G-d have created the plants, and also created human brains
which were designed to respond to the active ingredients in these plants, if He did not intend for mankind to make use of both plants for the active ingredients which they contain?
To me it would only make sense if G-d had invented tobacco and the opium poppy, but had not installed as standard human operating equipment brain cells which produce pleasure when exposed to those plants!
Since mankind is created "right out of the box" capable of enjoying tobacco and opium, isn't that indicative that we were meant to partake of these plants (at least in some capacity)?