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Jew-hater Tucker Carlson supports Muslim terrorist war to destroy Israel (video)

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The Muslim Harassment against Christians in Israel - a Reply to Tucker Carlson
"Last week, Tucker Carlson aired an interview with Pastor Munther Isaac from Bethlehem, who made false claims about the living conditions of Christians under Israeli control. As a resident of Israel familiar with the reality on the ground, I recognized immediately that these allegations are baseless and part of Palestinian anti-Israel propaganda. In fact, the truth is quite the opposite.

To set the record straight, I spoke with Shadi Halul, an Israeli Christian leader who closely monitors what he describes as the Islamic ethnic cleansing of Christians in Israel, the Palestinian-controlled territories of Judea and Samaria, and the Gaza Strip".

לפני שבוע טאקר קרלסון פרסם ראיון רווי שקרים על מצבם של הנוצרים ברשות הפלסטינית ובישראל. כדי לנפץ את השקרים הללו עקיבא ביגמן ראיין את שאדי חלול, נוצרי-ארמי ישראלי אמיץ, ואחד הקולות הבודדים שמעזים לומר את האמת על הטיהור האתני שמוסלמים מבצעים בנוצרים במזרח התיכון ובישראל. הראיון הוא באנגלית. מוזמנים להפיץ!

 :usa+israel:                                                                                                                          :fist:

  It would not really be apropos to
  refer to this individual as Shmucker
  as he is obviously not stupid as much
  as his judgement is poor and it would
  therefore be more accurate to say
  that he is a wicked anti-Semite that
  is truly on the ‘wrong’ side of
  things which is, in this case, the
  side of evil. Superb commentary!


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