The depiction from Matthew is very unreliable. To me it an obvious revisionist narrative trying to make the Romans look good and the Jews bad.
I am not going to vote that I find it offending. If Christians today believe that Jews are cursed based on this passage that would be offensive.
Lectionaries are collections of Scriptural passages from Christian Bibles that are
read during regular weekly Catholic and Protestant church services, and which are
repeated on some cyclical schedule. As such, these lectionaries are widely used by
many millions of Church-going Christians, and they are somewhat similar to Jewish
prayer books, such as a Siddur.
Matthew 27:1-26 appears in the Roman Catholic
Lectionary for Mass, Lutheran adaptations of the
Lectionary for Mass and
The Revised Common Lectionary.
Far from being an unknown verse, Matthew 27:25 is universally believed in the Christian world.