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negroes explaining why they attack jews

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You can take the schvartzer out of the jungle but you can't take the jungle out of the schvartzer!!!

It sounds like their main issue is that they believe Jewish people are causing gentrification by purchasing buildings in that area which is in turn pushing the poorer black residents rent/housing prices up and at the same time they believe that Jewish people aren't contributing enough to that community to make up the difference.

It also sounds like this narrative has been widely spread around through the community there and seems to create a lot of resentment. I wonder if they really believe this or if they are just using it as an excuse for why they hate Jewish people.  I also wonder if maybe there's a way to help educate them so they can get a different perspective more based in reality.

I kind of get the sense that a lot of them may be discouraged in thinking that they too can't achieve such things. They seem to be under the impression that because of racism or other reasons that they're unable to be the ones to get enough money to buy the buildings themselves or achieve greater goals or make enough money to give back to their community.

In other words they seem to be blaming their own failure as a community on another convenient group because it's too hard for some reason for them to self-reflect and make the right changes to rise up and do better. Jealousy is easier for them.


--- Quote from: Rubystars on May 29, 2024, 08:47:51 AM ---It sounds like their main issue is that they believe Jewish people are causing gentrification by purchasing buildings in that area which is in turn pushing the poorer black residents rent/housing prices up and at the same time they believe that Jewish people aren't contributing enough to that community to make up the difference.

It also sounds like this narrative has been widely spread around through the community there and seems to create a lot of resentment. I wonder if they really believe this or if they are just using it as an excuse for why they hate Jewish people.  I also wonder if maybe there's a way to help educate them so they can get a different perspective more based in reality.

I kind of get the sense that a lot of them may be discouraged in thinking that they too can't achieve such things. They seem to be under the impression that because of racism or other reasons that they're unable to be the ones to get enough money to buy the buildings themselves or achieve greater goals or make enough money to give back to their community.

In other words they seem to be blaming their own failure as a community on another convenient group because it's too hard for some reason for them to self-reflect and make the right changes to rise up and do better. Jealousy is easier for them.

--- End quote ---
It's been this way for the last 50 years & that is why somebody currently living in America needs to resurrect the JDL!!

                                                                                                                                            :usa+israel:                                                                                                                          :fist:

  Never any valid justification or rationale for
  these ignorant ungrateful beasts to even think of
  these type of wicked actions or thoughts and is really
  no wonder why they are cursed in the Bible.
  “Those” that have a ‘mindset’ like that and do these
  things have to be dealt with at the very least,
  in an equally harsh manner!


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