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If all of us give $1 to the hilltop youth, they would have over $6000

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I'm asking everyone on this forum to give preferably $5 to the hilltop youth (or whatever you can afford) There were 6369 people viewing this forum today. Even if everyone gave one dollar the hilltop would receive over 6 thousand dollars. I tried this once before with very sad results.
Now is a pivotal time for Israel with enemies from within and without. This is the most crucial time to support the hilltop youth. I'm sure everyone can give something no matter how small. So the next time you take a bite of that $4 slice of pizza or $3 bagel think of what good in the world that money can do. Please respond by saying "done". Thanks


I don't want to lecture, I have my own sins. But I'm so incredibly disappointed with the people on this forum. 175 people saw this post and not 1 responded ! Instead we have posts about Croatia ( like anyone gives a damn about Croatia) and how we "support" israel. I can only hope that people did give money to the hilltop settlers and just happened to not post on this thread. If all the people who saw this thread gave just $1 then the settlers would have $ 175 for the brave struggling families. So I guess the next time I look at this thread maybe 50 more people will not be willing to give up their $3 cup of coffee or their $3 slice of pizza for their fellow human beings who are suffering for the right to live on their homeland. If you gave without posting, I'm not referring to you. But if you have not given , I'm thoroughly disgusted especially toward the Jews on this forum, that a gentile has to rally support for the hilltop youth and chaim gets no response. I'm wondering who on this forum never gave at any time...madness and selfishness. With more Jews like you we'd be calling Israel "fakestine" by now.  So you can root for Israel all you want in your posts. But if you don't put it to action it's not worth a damn thing. It's up to you. You have free will.

I’m pretty sure there is donations coming in. There might be members who do simply not post about it openly and keep it to themselves.

I hope so but something tells me that the vast majority of people here haven't given a dime.


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