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Online Hrvatski Noahid

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Re: Ticket to Heaven Daily Dose
« Reply #75 on: March 08, 2024, 09:35:36 AM »
Sustained use in an indoor environment, and even outdoors, despite gleeful emphasis from public health officials, seems to be of questionable benefit given that they stop spray at best. Indeed, studies that have been performed after the fact indicate no benefits accrued from masking, which means that the extreme measures implemented at schools and hospitals disproportionately harmed children and youth who are not at risk for serious or lethal cases of COVID. The speech impediments, psychological torture, and developmental delays that have cascaded from this obsession are another form of child sacrifice that the West adopted, based entirely on ideas derived from thin simplifications and illiteracy.

The most controversial aspect of the pandemic response, without question, has been the vaccines developed by pharmaceutical companies during Operation Warp Speed. These were flatly and loudly refused by about twenty percent of the North American public, and since the introduction of booster rounds, the general population seems to have lost interest as well. While the mainstream has not questioned the safety or efficacy of the warp speed vaccines, serious allegations of crimes against humanity have been levelled by some Western factions, with politicians making reference to the Nuremberg Code, commissioning investigations into the ethicality of the vaccine, and openly condemning Western leaders like Justin Trudeau for heavy-handed responses to vaccine-related protests.

Furthermore, before and during the deployment of the vaccine, doctors and scientists from around the world called its efficacy and safety into question, including one of the original contributors of mRNA technology, one of the world’s most-published cardiologists, and doctors, nurses, embalmers, and other front-line workers concerned with the things they saw following the introduction of the vaccine into the arms of the public.

The parallel realities occupied by people who follow the mainstream guidance and those who are listening to alternative sources has created some of the starkest political divisions in the West. It has also highlighted the hidden role that industrial science, as opposed to traditional science, plays in Western life, as the weight of the institutionalized and government-funded “experts” was set against folkloric and peer-reviewed networks represented by the signatories of the Great Barrington Declaration, the members of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance and the Canadian Covid Care Alliance, and notable dissenters like Dr. Peter McCullogh, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and even the Nobel Laureate Satoshi Ōmura.

Much like Robert Spitzer altered the course of the West’s metaphysics by elegantly defining mental disorder in a way that conveniently excluded homosexuals, and much like sexism and racism were redefined by Marxists to include notions of systemic power, and much like woman was recently redefined to include transgender women who self-identify as such, the word “vaccine” was redefined by the USA’s Center for Disease Control to mean “protection” instead of “immunity” in September 2021 – shortly before the most aggressive mandates began. (Ticket to Heaven by Zachary R.J. Strong, PDF version, p 86-87)
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


Online Hrvatski Noahid

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Re: Ticket to Heaven Daily Dose
« Reply #76 on: March 23, 2024, 02:56:22 PM »
This kind of language game is just one example of thousands of subtle redefinitions, incomplete perspectives, and half-truths that have been sold to the public under the guise of science to justify the injections. Zero sustained debates have taken place between dissenting thinkers and mainstream experts, with one prominent vaccine advocate refusing to speak to Robert F. Kennedy Jr. about the topic on Joe Rogan’s podcast, even with social media influencers putting up over a million dollars for a charity of his choice.

Unfortunately, the journalists responsible for parsing out these truths to the public were either corrupted by Marxist ideas and unwilling to question their own leaders, or scientifically illiterate and had to rely on systemic experts, or both. The public that relies on them, in turn, received anemic analyses of the conversations surrounding the vaccines and remain unaware of many of the genuine controversies that exist about their implementation. Many of the front-line doctors and nurses, particularly in single-payer systems like Canada where there is no option to enter private practice, were browbeat into compliance without the necessary discussions about ethics and consent that are standard in medical practice.

Although it cannot definitively be said that the vaccine was a population control measure, as some of the hardened conspiracy theorists have suggested, it is not clear that the mRNA project has been a net benefit to the West, nor is it clear that ethical procedures were followed during this very expensive and expansive experiment.

Whistleblowers from the clinical trials of the vaccines, which were accelerated from a decade-long process to three months, have revealed ethical and reporting issues with the approval process. Maddie de Garay, a child who was crippled by her side effects seems to have been listed as having “gastrointestinal distress” by Pfizer, a classic pharmaceutical misdirection. Despite repeated assertions that vaccine side effects are rare and minor, a German insurance company’s data suggests that there are significant reporting issues, and national data from Denmark further suggests that the vaccines may even be a net harm. While professionals sound alarms about their findings and are ignored by journalists in favor of the more “authoritative” Western experts, it is becoming starkly obvious to even the most committed modernists that these new “vaccines” do not confer long-lasting immunity, only limited-time protection, something even admitted by vaccine mogul Bill Gates in a 2023 interview. Most have since declined further boosters.

The levels of systemic aggression that were required to pull off these tremendous measures remain invisible to many Westerners, whose experiences of the pandemic were largely focused on economic, psychological, and even physical survival. However, this author, concerned with the fact that Ontario’s data suggested that the chance of myocarditis in teenaged boys was nearly double the chance of death from COVID-19, found himself answering the door to mental health teams and armed police officers in response to questions to public health authorities on the matter. (Ticket to Heaven by Zachary R.J. Strong, PDF version, p 87-88)
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


Online Hrvatski Noahid

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Re: Ticket to Heaven Daily Dose
« Reply #77 on: April 12, 2024, 03:41:04 AM »
After a hunger strike yielded a meeting with an elusive hospital bioethicist, the author discovered his concerns were “powerful” but that the situation involved tremendous bureaucratic pressures. This, in combination with the dozens of pages of documented failure to provide further information upon request, may well constitute a violation of Ontario’s informed consent legislation as well as established medical ethics in the province. However, the fact that there is only one way to practice medicine in Canada, and that way is through government-backed and government-funded institutions, leaves many professionals caught between their desire to help and the harmful realities of the high modernist policies they comply with.

The high modernist ideas and values that drove the West’s COVID-19 response are outlined in a publicly-available book by World Economic Forum founder Klaus Schwab, who enjoys close relationships with many of the most aggressive pandemic bureaucrats – Jacinda Ahern of New Zealand, Justin Trudeau of Canada, and Emmanuel Macron of France. In his book, ominously called The Great Reset, Schwab essentially proposes taking advantage of the COVID-19 pandemic to instantiate a form of techno-communism on a global scale.

Schwab’s ideology, broadly speaking, is predicated on three core pillars. The first is a recognition that industrial society has had many negative impacts on the natural world as well as the socio-economic situations of many countries. The second is a high modernist assumption that a better-managed and more efficient society can overcome its own structural flaws and achieve sustainability. The third, final, and most Machiavellian pillar is a belief that a global emergency like a pandemic represents the perfect opportunity to make large-scale societal changes in service of this vision.

Although this new global system, which is already being assembled before the eyes of a crisis-weary populace, will never be called communism, it will have all the salient features of the modern Chinese iteration. Specifically, this will include strict ideological conformity, extensive government interference in economic affairs, the concentration of wealth and power into a selective elite, and significantly reduced personal freedoms facilitated by surveillance technology. Elements of this can be seen in the differential treatment for legislators and elites, who enjoy private jet flights to environmental conferences where they eat the finest foods and discuss the necessities of introducing crickets and soy into the diet of the masses. The many pictures of politicians enjoying mask-free social lives while their assistants remain muzzled are similar testaments to the kind of caste system that has assembled itself as a result of systemic policies and Marxist ideas. (Ticket to Heaven by Zachary R.J. Strong, PDF version, p 89)
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


Online Hrvatski Noahid

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Re: Ticket to Heaven Daily Dose
« Reply #78 on: April 20, 2024, 08:14:28 PM »
The next step for the World Economic Forum, and for many Western countries, is the curtailment of personal freedoms in the name of environmental sustainability. Now that large sections of Europeans and North Americans have been conditioned into radical compliance on account of one emergency, the thinking seems to be that the new emergency measures, which already include restrictions on farming in Canada and the Netherlands, will be accepted without sufficient protest. Alongside the reduction of agricultural activity – especially meat production – insect matter is now being introduced to children in schools, as supplements in grocery items, and in other food-like settings. Unfortunately, a deeper investigation of the issue of eating bugs reveals that it comes with many health issues and that having a few backyard chickens would be superior.

Most unfortunately, the “far-right” claim that Marxist elites dream of a society with an underclass who lives in pods, eats bugs, and is watched over by sophisticated technological systems is largely coming true. Schwab’s entire endeavor threatens to be a total usurpation of Western metaphysics, with false narratives about environmental sustainability, nutrition, human nature, and public health being wielded as holy scripture against an undereducated and overmanaged population. Without the inquiry skills, the courage, and the mentorship to research these matters for themselves and realize that the truth is more nuanced than longstanding narratives, most people have no chance – and the elites likely know it.

As can be seen, upon a rigorous examination, modern society proves to be every bit as religious as Europe under the Catholic Church. The modern Western mind, colonized beyond belief, has been raised in an educational and home environment marked by emotional neglect, a lack of true critical thinking, and a crushing lack of autonomy. Fed a steady stream of pablum from mainstream news and other official sources, much of it demonstrably false, biased, or epistemically questionable, large swathes of society live in a dream reinforced by priest-like experts and an incomprehensible mountain of academic and pseudo-academic literature backing their claims.

Nietzsche’s predictions, unfortunately, have come true, as have Maslow’s concerns about the lack of values in human-focused fields like psychology. The Christian ideal, flawed as it was, gave way to the pleasure-pain principle writ large across society, with statues and odes to suffering now ubiquitous across leftist-dominated campuses, the pursuit of happiness exploited to justify unscientific notions about gender and sexuality, obesity and drug epidemics across several Western demographics, and general civil unrest marked by unprecedented levels of violence in many North American cities.

Although a Westerner familiar with media ecology and conspiracy theories may point to the unrelenting messages about consumption, credential acquisition, and traditional success as a corruption of what people want, the truth is that the rot in Western values lies much deeper. As might be said by dissident psychiatrist Alone, the correction that must be made is in how the wanting is done, which is a function of human self-conception and public understanding of what makes humans healthy and happy. Rooting the problem in metaphysics will serve to illuminate the true challenges facing Nietzsche’s hypothetical overman, as well as the nihilistic and decadent society “he” is meant to represent. (Ticket to Heaven by Zachary R.J. Strong, PDF version, p 89-90)
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


Online Hrvatski Noahid

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Re: Ticket to Heaven Daily Dose
« Reply #79 on: April 22, 2024, 04:54:43 PM »
Aside from Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, one of the most famous critics of the Soviet system was Ayn Rand, who emigrated to America in the early twentieth century and became one of the most influential philosophers of her generation. One of the focuses of her work, which she saw as a continuation of the Romantic tradition, emphasized humankind’s free will and our ability to choose values, to work towards them, and to gain satisfaction from achieving those goals. The position that she took in her opus, which seemed bombastic or exaggerated to many until recently, was that anybody who even remotely espoused leftist and collectivist ideals was a villainous looter who refused to take part in the rational process of valuation and productive labor.

The heart of the issue, to Rand, was a metaphysical and ethical one. The looters in her stories wanted to deny reality and expected others to pick up the tab – much like the collectivist neo-Marxists are expecting society to do now. By denying reality, Rand said that they were attempting to steal from other people and exploit their good faith. The righteous person, in Rand’s philosophical framework, can be described as a trader, an inventor, a laborer, an artist, and an intellectual to whatever degree they are able – vocations that are often idealized or featured in her work.

Additionally, Rand’s diagnosis of Marxists remains that they were afraid of being individuals, which caused them to conform radically to outlandish and irresponsible ideas. Indeed, in the overstructured and colonized environment many Western children inhabit, lacking sufficient developmental supports in childhood and the kinds of life coaching only available to wealthy elites, it can be difficult to explore one’s own values, develop a consistent philosophy by which to live life, and develop a plan to work towards those goals and values.

Underlying Rand’s ideas is a belief in a definite and knowable reality, a product of the Enlightenment and scientific project she championed in her work. This stood in stark contrast to the postmodernist position, which holds that reality is socially constructed and nobody can ever know anything objectively. In such a subjective and quicksilver-like world, one’s ability to get their needs met is not based on productive labor, which would implicitly require interactions with reality and a consistent philosophy to support them, but rather one’s ability to manipulate others into meeting their needs.

This is the fundamental mindset behind Marxism, which rejects the outright competition of the free market and replaces it with social competition based on conformity to increasingly complexified values. This is also the key driver behind the continual expansion of the queer demographic to include disturbingly specific sub-identities such as the ampukodo, someone who believes they are a child amputee. Failure to adhere to social conventions when addressing such demographics results in expulsion from the group, akin to the Soviet gulag treatment or the public confessions favored by the Chinese communists. (Ticket to Heaven by Zachary R.J. Strong, PDF version, p 91)
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


Online Hrvatski Noahid

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Re: Ticket to Heaven Daily Dose
« Reply #80 on: May 09, 2024, 10:20:47 AM »
Thus, as Rand laid out in Atlas Shrugged in great detail, the honest producers of society are manipulated by shame and Nietzschean slave morality values into complying with people whose only way of providing for themselves is through this manipulation. Her proposed solution, a strike, would force everyone to face reality without the benefit of their privileged delusions. Elements of this can already be seen in Western society, as evidenced by noticeable drops in North American military recruitment, a lack of people willing to work minimum-wage jobs, and the growing popularity of alternative working arrangements, entrepreneurial activity, and homesteading lifestyles.

Although the Hunger Games story has reached hundreds of millions globally, many of whom certainly enjoyed it, the buzz over a female action protagonist seems to have eclipsed the fact that the Capitol, a decadent utopia that exists on the backs of the other districts, and which engages in televised child sacrifice on a regular basis to satisfy their cultural idols, is much more representative of the modern Westerner than it would be of the right-wing fascists many nations fret over.

Indeed, the utopian visions characteristic of the West before the World Wars has been subverted by neo-Marxist intellectuals, maniac psychologists, and power-hungry elites who have corrupted human nature, stunted intellectual development, encouraged the development of decadent value structures, abandoned history, and have proven themselves willing to even mutilate children and force-medicate adults.

Even as the West takes its final steps to emulate China’s dedication to electronic surveillance and population control, a measure of solace can be found in the fact that these ideologies, isms, idols, and other false narratives are inherently unsustainable. For example, a small cadre of scientists and activists have kept track of all relevant publications on homosexuality and kept them compiled on hidden corners of the internet – a single look at this mountain of evidence, or even a chance viewing of a video on YouTube, is enough to collapse the fifty years of false homosexual narratives in minutes.

Even the vaccine narratives that have been relentlessly pushed by all levels of government as well as their willing idiots in the media are proving to be unsustainable, as the majority of people in North America are declining further boosters. This happened within years.

Aside from his attacks on traditional European values, Nietzsche lamented the rational structures of Western society and longed for a return to Dionysian, or intuitive, ways of living. Although this must be weighted against the obvious need to be connected to reality and the value of rational inquiry, the loss of the West’s intuitive capacities is of significant interest. All too often, people are encouraged to “be rational” and to mistrust their intuition, which, as history demonstrates, is often the very capacity they need to be able to escape the high modernist dream. Indeed, the artists and visionaries of Western society have long been the ones to criticize it most thoroughly. (Ticket to Heaven by Zachary R.J. Strong, PDF version, p 91-92)
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


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Re: Ticket to Heaven Daily Dose
« Reply #81 on: May 24, 2024, 09:32:18 AM »
George Carlin’s social commentary is an example, as is The Matrix, dystopian novels like Brave New World and 1984, and even more contemporary pieces such as Ben Stiller’s surprisingly thoughtful The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.

If society were to listen to George Carlin, rather than laugh at him, the end result would likely be a strike or an uprising of some kind. Yet, although his messages and comedy are wildly popular in North America, or at least were at one time, nothing has changed. Why is this the case?

The problem, again, is with metaphysics, which determine values, which in turn determine behavior. If the behavior has not changed, it is because the values have not changed – and if the values have not changed, it means that the person’s understanding of reality has not been sufficiently altered. Given that a great deal of time and energy has been spent by established interests to corrupt the West’s understanding of human nature, it seems most helpful to begin there.

As Abraham Maslow lamented in his 1968 memorandum, too much time has been spent focusing on the negative aspects of the human experience – the Christian original sin, the psychoanalytic trauma – rather than on the positive aspects and the potentialities. Thus, in order to begin to address the damage that has been done by the Western project, it becomes necessary to reconstruct a new psychology from first principles in the hard sciences, expand that understanding to group and social dynamics, and finally investigate some of the fundamental claims made by evolutionary scientists to determine what is true about the species and the universe.

By developing a more correct understanding of human nature and its implications in this way, the West can begin to heal its metaphysical corruption, develop a value system that is not decadent and is finally in line with reality, and begin to develop the behaviors and systems needed to establish a sustainable utopia. As has been suggested throughout popular culture, perhaps most famously Disney’s The Lion King, once we remember who we are, we will be able to step into our full potential and become everything that we could be. Indeed, everything that the sun touches is ours. (Ticket to Heaven by Zachary R.J. Strong, PDF version, p 92-93)
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


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Re: Ticket to Heaven Daily Dose
« Reply #82 on: May 30, 2024, 09:09:58 AM »
“We are called to become more and more human; we must discover the freedom to go beyond limits imposed on us by our world and seek fulfillment.

In the beginning we are what we are given. By midlife, when we have finally learned to stand on our own two feet, we learn that to complete our lives, we are called to give to others so that when we leave this world, we can be what we have given.

Death, from this perspective, can be made our final gift. We believe it daily, but is it not possible, that by living our lives, we create something fit to add to the store from which we came?

… our whole duty may to clarify and increase what we are, to make our consciousness a finer quality. The effort of one’s entire life would be needed to return laden to our source.”

(Ticket to Heaven by Zachary R.J. Strong, PDF version, p 96)
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


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Re: Ticket to Heaven Daily Dose
« Reply #83 on: June 07, 2024, 09:45:19 AM »
In much the same way that a headstrong teenager might learn tough lessons in a schoolyard brawl, so too will Western civilization’s utopian attempts continue to be frustrated by reality if it does not first develop a robust understanding of human nature. Indeed, hidden beneath the metaphysics of Western societies lies an incomplete and shallow understanding of human psychology, which not only led to the many catastrophic failures of communism in the twentieth century, but have proven to be a demon seed planted just underneath the Declaration of Independence’s pursuit of happiness.

Thankfully, as the result of tremendous advances in physics, neuroscience, evolutionary biology, and some fields of psychology, it is possible to ground the complexities of human mental activity in the hard sciences, extrapolate those insights to social activity, and therefore develop a comprehensive and robust framework of boundaries to guide the rebirth of Western civilization. Indeed, by understanding human nature through the laws of physics and information flow, it becomes possible to develop insights about how to sustainably optimize an individual human’s life.

From a scientific perspective, beginning with the laws of physics is considered the strongest approach for theoretical work, as these laws are widely accepted to constrain all other branches of science such as chemistry, geology, and biology. This means such an approach is ideal for handling fields like psychology and sociology, which blend subjective and objective methods in a warped social context and become far removed from reality as a result.

“[We must] become who we are - human beings who are new, unique ... who give themselves laws, who create themselves! To that end we must become the best students and discoverers of everything lawful and necessary in the world: we must become physicists in order become creators in this sense ... So, long live physics!”

Although a physics-based approach is the strongest, it is also the most unforgiving – for example, a review of the universe’s laws may reveal that some much-loved aspects of Western civilization, such as various freedoms considered sacrosanct by post-Renaissance liberalism, may not be tenable for individuals or sustainable in groups. Indeed, the notion that there might be existential constraints on human power and freedom, despite our incredible technological advances, could be a bitter pill to swallow for many but a necessary medicine if the West is to survive.

It is common in Western thought to proceed directly from metaphysics, or what is, to ethics, or what ought to be done. However, an underappreciated-but-necessary waypoint along this path is the domain of aesthetics, which concerns not just the appreciation of artistic activity, but the subjective choice of values that underlies whether something is good or bad; beautiful or not beautiful. (Ticket to Heaven by Zachary R.J. Strong, PDF version, p 97)
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


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Re: Ticket to Heaven Daily Dose
« Reply #84 on: June 07, 2024, 12:58:06 PM »
 :usa+israel:                                                                                                                          :fist:

  Kol hakavod on these interesting, well
  thought out posts reflecting a conside-
  arable level of gravitas and “intelligentsia!”


Online Hrvatski Noahid

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Re: Ticket to Heaven Daily Dose
« Reply #85 on: June 10, 2024, 05:27:51 AM »
:usa+israel:                                                                                                                          :fist:

  Kol hakavod on these interesting, well
  thought out posts reflecting a conside-
  arable level of gravitas and “intelligentsia!”

The book is available here:
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.


Online Hrvatski Noahid

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Re: Ticket to Heaven Daily Dose
« Reply #86 on: June 26, 2024, 11:34:10 PM »
While aesthetic considerations are rarely relevant when discussing the mating habits of jungle frogs or mathematical theory, they do become important in matters of human life.

Although this is something that many modern people fail to fully appreciate, there has long been such a concept of a beautiful life or a life well lived, which lie somewhat outside of the domain of ethics and concerns the subjective aesthetic appreciations of what makes life enjoyable, worthwhile, joyful, and productive. Because opinions on such matters are intensely personal, they can only be understood as aesthetic judgements and not ethical ones.

It could be said that proceeding directly from metaphysics to ethics, as many Western philosophers and arts students might be predisposed to do, is one of the root causes of Vervaeke’s so-called meaning crisis. A high modernist overfocus on what ought to be done neglected the very important discussions of what ought to be valued, with the idols of growth and progress becoming the default Western values following the Industrial Revolution and the fall of Christian metaphysics.

This means that in addition to discovering behavioral constraints that may be yielded by this process, it is also possible that the realities of human nature may imply or necessitate the existence of certain aesthetic values – things that humans ought to value for purposes of survival and flourishing. While such concerns have historically been the domain of philosophy, an evidence-based approach that grounds abstract moral ideas in the realities of human life should identify several important items that contribute to our understanding of these matters.

Getting to the beauty of human life is precisely the kind of work that Abraham Maslow, the founder of third-force psychology, was primarily concerned with. Indeed, it was the kind of research work that he implored his colleagues to support and the topics that he studied most towards the end of his career, most famously leading to the concept of self actualization. The problems with incorporating moral ideas into psychology and the sciences, however, are many, not least of which is the fact that the scientific process is not designed to answer questions about values. This can be seen by the gain-of-function research in Wuhan which seems to have sparked a global health emergency or the systematic destruction of children by the modern medical system.

Indeed, whereas questions of values are rarely relevant in the affairs of chemists or geologists, the intersection of the scientific method, human needs, and human rights has been an extremely problematic area for both researchers and practitioners in psychology. Given the incredible diversity of behaviors, customs, beliefs, thinking patterns, and personalities in homo sapiens, the obvious fact that many different kinds of cultures and societies have achieved success, and tireless activism from certain minorities seeking to legitimize their conditions, the trend has been towards a pluralistic stance of non-judgementalism. (Ticket to Heaven by Zachary R.J. Strong, PDF version, p 97-98)
Gentiles are obligated to fulfill the Seven Noahide Commandments because they are the eternal command of God, transmitted through Moses our teacher in the Torah. The main and best book on details of Noahide observance is "The Divine Code" by Rabbi Moshe Weiner.
