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Frustration with people

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--- Quote from: Zelhar on June 30, 2024, 05:13:28 AM ---These people are not confused, these are Amalekites. The same people were out in the streets celebrating on October 7th.

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That actually makes sense.

I am so confused when I see someone accusing Israel of genocide wondering where the hell they pulled that one from. I am pretty sure besides the tiniest children who haven't had a chance to get brainwashed yet that there are NO innocent Fakestinians. They are consumed by a demonic hatred. Yet there are a lot of innocent people in Israel.

The 'Pro-Palestine' agenda is simply a cool trend now these days in the West and 90% of the protestors have no clue what they are talking about.

They know to be intoxicated from joy when Jews are slaughtered and enraged when Jews defend themselves. What more do you need them to know to deduce these are evil and cruel people?

--- Quote from: Betar on July 02, 2024, 02:55:05 AM ---The 'Pro-Palestine' agenda is simply a cool trend now these days in the West and 90% of the protestors have no clue what they are talking about.

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--- Quote from: Zelhar on July 02, 2024, 02:12:21 PM ---They know to be intoxicated from joy when Jews are slaughtered and enraged when Jews defend themselves. What more do you need them to know to deduce these are evil and cruel people?

--- End quote ---

Agree. Even though they are dumb and naive they should know what they are doing is pure evil and they will need to pay for their deeds someday

                                                                                                                                            :usa+israel:                                                                                                                          :fist:

 All great points and no doubt Betar that
 they are what you referred to them as!
 What you said was “on the money.” They are
 also satanic and it is highly doubtful that any
 will change their rotten miscreant ways and
 become at all “righteous.” They are surely
 beyond redemption.


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