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Candace Owens ys’v latest anti-Semitic rant
She’s completely unhinged now.
She is in complete agreement with extereme leftist and rabid Jew-hater Dhimmy Dore.
Binyamin Yisrael:
--- Quote from: Zelhar on June 30, 2024, 04:54:48 AM ---She is in complete agreement with extereme leftist and rabid Jew-hater Dhimmy Dore.
--- End quote ---
Is that Al Gore?
:usa+israel: :fist:
What is the use of being even “somewhat”
intelligent if it is not used for good things?
She is further proof that evil and ignorance
know no bounds.
Last year I made it clear on DW's social media that the reason that I wouldn't subscribe during their annual Black Friday discount is that they hadn't fired Candace yet. I listen to Ben Shapiro's show every day and while I certainly have some points of disagreement sometimes (he went on for months about how he thought Trump had a lesser chance of winning than his favorite DeSantis and as it turned out he was wrong about that after all so I was right), I find Ben to be a really decent person whose opinions I often agree with. I'd really like to listen to his second hour, but I couldn't in good conscience sign up to DW as long as Candace was one of their hosts because of her platforming Andrew Tate and Ye.
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