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Yishai Says What NO ONE else will about Israeli Settlers
JTF does so for years, but anyway, what do you guys think of Yishai Fleisher? So far I like his videos and his speeches.
:usa+israel: :fist:
Of course he is making excellent points regarding
the ‘settlers’ and how this is all Jewish land and
it is good that he supports it and more will be
hopefully inspired by and embrace this perspective.
Binyamin Yisrael:
I used to listen to him on Arutz 7. I also met him when he lived in Bet El near Arutz 7. I saw him do his show live and I also was a guest in his hilltop trailer. I think he lives on the Mount of Olives now.
--- Quote from: Binyamin Yisrael on July 11, 2024, 10:36:33 PM ---I used to listen to him on Arutz 7. I also met him when he lived in Bet El near Arutz 7. I saw him do his show live and I also was a guest in his hilltop trailer. I think he lives on the Mount of Olives now.
--- End quote ---
Yes I believe he is an advocate for the settlements there. He seems like a real good and righteous person, I hope you experienced the same when you met him.
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