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Gaza lost it's right to exist
Gaza lost its right to exist. Great video.
Binyamin Yisrael:
That's like saying "the Negev lost its right to exist". How can a geographic description lose its right to exist? Gaza is just the name of a part of Israel just like the Negev, Galilee, Golan, Judea, and Samaria are.
The correct way to say it is the fakestinian authority that occupied Gaza lost its right to exist, even though it never had such a right in the first place. The fakestinians controlling parts of Israel is like when German Nazis took over large portions of Europe.
:usa+israel: :fist:
All of that land including in particular, the northern border
of “Gaza” belongs to the Jewish people of Israel and therefore
your points regarding this are well taken and understood.
Perhaps the statement of “Gaza” regarding the right to exist
could potentially be “taken out of context” or misconstrued
as to what it was intended to mean, I do not know so not sure
in this case how it was meant exactly. From the Nile to the Euphrates
to the Sea of Galilee, it is a divine decree that all of Israel will be
sovereign and free!
Dr. Dan:
How can one lose existence if it never existed to begin with
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