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No media told the whole story about the riots in Jit, Samaria


Dan Ben Noah:
Basically all of the media, including supposedly conservative sites like Israel National News, did not report the whole story on what happened in Jit.  This story was only reported as so-called "settler violence," "far right activism," "Jewish nationalist terror," etc.  No one mentioned the fact that prior to this incident, a mob of Arabs from Jit attacked Jews with burning tires.   But when Jews responded to Arab violence, the whole media condemned Jews for it.

Here is a video where a rabbi from Machon Shilo tells the whole story:

For reference, here is an article from Israel National News (Arutz 7), which never mentions the Arab violence against Jews, but tells all about what "Arab sources" reported:

 :usa+israel:                                                                                                                        :fist:

  Unfortunately, to this point, Israel pretty
  much, for the “most part,” has never had the
  greatest PR. Only JTF tells it like it is and is
  consistently on the correct side of the issues
  that you will definitely not hear or read any-
  where else!


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