Torah and Jewish Idea > Torah and Jewish Idea
Did Rome Invent Christianity? - Rabbi Tovia Singer
Hrvatski Noahid:
:usa+israel: :fist:
Rabbi Singer here points out with his
take of the current topic that it is in
fact, multifaceted with a reference also
to Barabbas He even makes some quite
interesting, as well as well thought out
points regarding this. I can not vouch for
the sincerity or lack thereof of certain ind-
ividuals that are or were supportive of the
Jewish people and the Holy Land of Israel,
they hopefully are. I believe that among other
things, that ‘mainly,’ ‘Jews’ such as Paul (Saul)
in collaboration with the Romans, at that
juncture, who were mainly ‘pagans’ ’a portion
of whom converted to Judaism around this
time “give or take,” advocated this perhaps
one might refer to as ‘revisionistic’ type of
belief system some of whom finally became
followers of Jesus. Well done presentation.
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