Torah and Jewish Idea > Torah and Jewish Idea

Yisro: The Ten Commandments - Then & Now


Hrvatski Noahid:

 :usa+israel:                                                                                                                          :fist:

  Whatever ‘take’ on this superb commentary/segment
  regarding this Parashat one has or might have, agree,
  disagree, or in between, it is irrefutable that this parti-
  cular one was as impactful as it was inspirational as
  Rabbi Schochet  enthusiastically stressing, covering
  much ‘ground’ summing up, among other things, the
  ‘commonality’ between Jewish people and also to
  have depth of perception of our fellow Jews as
  well as emphasis on humility and at least intimated
  by ‘proxy,’ having rachmones for each other. People
  should really watch this one not only for the apprec-
  iation of his excellent and persuasive level of articul-
  lation which transcends any type of “intellectualism”
  and instead emphasizes a heartfelt and Holy spiritual
  set of sentiments and “values.”


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