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Good and Bad: Trump Gaza transfer plan is great but J.D. Vance embraces Nazis


Chaim Ben Pesach:

Please promote this important video everywhere possible.




Dan Ben Noah:
Liked, commented, shared, tweeted.

Germany's Nazi AFD party is unfortunately the future of the MAGA movement, because they are both based on populism and not actually standing for what is right.  Populism lacks moral principle and is therefore not truly conservative.  Although populists can do good things once in awhile unlike the left, it's very possible that you could have some anti-Israel homo leading the movement at some point like we see in Germany today.   For the sake of the Stars & Stripes, let's hope that the Tards & Twats who supported Trump over more conservative candidates in the past will vote properly in the future.

Hrvatski Noahid:
Promoted on Telegram and Reddit.

Gentiles are not commanded to be fruitful and multiply. The problem is when the childlessness is a result of homosexuality, lesbianism and other activities which are forbidden.

I accept non-Muslim immigrants who learned Croatian.

I agree.


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