Torah and Jewish Idea > Torah and Jewish Idea
Mishpatim - Freeing Yourself
Hrvatski Noahid:
:usa+israel: :fist:
From Moishe from Pinsk having been a shlemiel
that is known as one that for example, who
“spills the coffee” on the shlemazel to which I add,
referring to the unmentioned shmegegge, reacting
to all this adding; in a whining manner responding;
“no need to cry over ‘spilled milk!’ to the rest of the deeply
inspirational content of this commentary that Rav Schochet
brilliantly expresses his take on a few vital topics,
conveying the seriousness of them and emphasizing
the necessity of offering comfort and the ‘spiritual’
redemption needed to “carry on” in spite of adversity
All in all, this “Parsha ‘Pearl’” was a real ‘gem’ and people
should watch and appreciate this great commentary!
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